Trapper against OoO?

So i played a lot of Trapper in the last few days. I noticed that even with advanced tactics like setting up traps while the OoO is in your TR i still stand no chance against OoO. Any advices?
None. Either stand by the gate and let them do gens, or DC. Don't need to deal with that kind of stupidity.
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You have the option to troll, to dc, to afk or to play "man with machete/cleaver". realistically you stand no chance unless the survivors are relatively new to the game.
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Okay, the people above responded way to cynically.
The first option is the best one. Tunnel the living ---- out of the person and continue on. Easier said than done.
The second option is to play EXTREMELY aggressive and solely use your traps to shut down loops rather than placing them strategically to catch other players outside of chases. Pick up your one or two or three traps and follow the OoO user. Trap pallets and windows as they arrive, zone them into unfavorable areas, get your hook.... and then tunnel the living ---- out of them.
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As trapper you cant prepare the game against ooo, reason why the best you can do is go and get one hook as soon as possible, after that trap around that hook to deny every pallet/vault, it doesnt matter if they know, what matters is that you dont let them get an easy unhook so you can keep up the pressure going. As an extra advice dont go full prep Trapper with your perks, try to put in there some chases one, like Save the best for Last.
Im not a "Tunnel" supporter, but i agree with the idea of playing super aggressive with your traps, use them in chases to deny pallets or vaults, dont try to catch people off. You can try to deny the ooo by comitting to them but for the most part ooo players are better than the average survivor, if you commit yourself to kill the ooo player as fast as possible, you might hurt yourself way more at the long run. Consider that finding a weakling that you can use for easy chase-hook and then to get other players as bait is better for pressure than killing one player while everyone else is doing gens. The OoO player will avoid going for saves unless someone else is getting chased, that allows you to think forward and put pressure on 3 players at the same time forcing the OoO player to become a much easier target now that he is going for an unhook, instead of a normal chase.
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If i see object in any game i just immediately DC unless i'm playing Nurse or some stealth killer. It's an OP perk when playing with SWF and terrible when not. So when people use it, it's a pretty good indication of a sweaty SWF. They really should just remove the perk or do something to make it more useful as a solo but nerf the SWF aspect of it.
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Thx guys :D
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Fake setting traps. Tunnel. Be a general dick because ppl using ooo builds are trying to be a dick.
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If you know they're looking at you turn around and fake place a trap to moon them repeatedly.
I wouldn't try to set up traps in an Object of Obsession game. Like others said, just use traps to shut down loops early, unless you have 2 traps and wanna set one down. They still after to take time and disarm it after all.