Judith's Tombstone should let you Mori survivors in lockers and on the ground.

Every time someone comes close to getting Evil Incarnate, the last survivor hides in a locker. You can't mori them in lockers or on the ground. Why literally the personification of Evil can't grab n' stab a dude who's hiding in a locker is beyond me.

Judith's Tombstone also sucks. The movement speed penalty and hefty stalk requirement compared to Tombstone Piece just isn't worth it.

I propose Judith's Tombstone be buffed by letting you Mori people in lockers and on the ground but with the following nerfs to balance it out:

  1. Myers can no longer lunge when he has Judith's Tombstone equipped. You brought this because you want to Tombstone people. This prevents people from using the extended lunge of EW3 to down a guy in a loop, then Tombstone him on the ground.
  2. The evil required to hit EW3 with Judith's is increased so when combo'd with Tuft, you NEED to drain all 4 survivors completely to hit EW3, not just 3 and a half.
  3. (OPTIONAL) Tombstoning now counts as an offensive action/special attack and consumes a Play With Your Food stack. Even at max stacks, if you tombstone the obsession first you'll be moving at 105% when you reach the final survivor.

I don't think this would be overpowered or gamebreaking because this means if a Judith's + Tuft Myers reaches EW3, EVERYONE fed him completely. Including you. Myers also can't lunge at all and has to get extremely close to kill you, and PYWF is less effective on him.


  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 933


  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    I'd be up for this, everything here sounds fairly good with reasons to back them up.

  • Kees_T
    Kees_T Member Posts: 811

    There's no need to nerf it all, just buff it. On my opinion, they should create a special animation to mori survivors while they're inside the locker, like Myers plunging his knife through the locker, then the survivor will scream in pain and the locker will open and his body will fall on the ground.

    Just loop him normally and focus on using loops with windows. Normally he will take a good time to reach EW3 and since his speed is slow with the tombstone, he probably will avoid chases and will only SUCK people's souls. By the time he reaches the EW3, you should have lot of pallets on the map and almost all gens done.