Suggestion for future of DBD
Colorblind features: There are players that are colorblind they may not be many but they exist and adding those features helps them
A idea someone may have said but idk/ Making prestige more rewarding for both survivor and killer: While prestiging does give you a blooded reskins of the default skin and it gives a slightly increased chance to get good itens so an idea i have is that prestiging affects every survivor or killer. So lets say you have Trapper Prestige 3 and then the new killer licensed or original arrives so if you have him prestige his teachable perks on killers's bloodwebs goes up to a tier so if you have him p3 his perks will appear all level 3 and if you prestige some killer perks that u can unlock for all killers will be maxed out for this killer once u unlock on the bloodweb.
Granting survivor bonus points: So in this part i suggest that some survivors get bonus bloodpoints by their personality on the lore and perks so lets say you play claudette and you like to heal a lot of survivors you get 15% more bloodpoints on altruism category if you like being chased as david you get more points on chase points.
Buff and rework perks and add ons that not a lot of people use
Ultra rare Medikits, flashlights and Toolboxes.
Reworking huntress on her add ons and maybe base power but i dont recommend that.