To those who are angry of the MMR System

I know you have problems but try to give it 2 weeks at most because some people didn't play this MMR system when it first came out & some still hasn't so the game might not know where to place them.

After a week or two then complain because what is considered high skill.


  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    it works to well for me, almost every game i either get demolished or kill all 5 before 3 gens are done. Doesnt seem to be an inbetween and most games are the later

  • TMCalypso
    TMCalypso Member Posts: 336

    The mmr system is still new. It is going to take a while before it can settle and give you an accurate rating. It won't happen right away, especially since killers will have to get a rating with each individual killer. Give it a month or two more....after that....well, there is no excuse left that can justify it, imo.

  • DarkMagik
    DarkMagik Member Posts: 822

    You know about apex,season 5 of that game got delayed by 2 weeks of the pandamic & its rumored that the pandemic delayed a new map for the game.

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    Ppl use this game and forums to take their anger out on due to real life bs. Enjoy!

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    I personally like baby Ruth or PayDay.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    you know they did say that it was very good at predicting the outcome of 90% of the matches. Oh yes, it can predict that this killer will trounce the survivors in record time, or the survivors will bully the newbie killer because they have 1-2K+ hours in game

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 966

    It's more or less a observation. It's the manner in which your text reads as. And now it reads as arrogant. "Have a Brain?" You Did have the need to clarify in an edit. Which seems you needed because you too see your arrogant demeaning words Do read as such. Just for clarification. If you wish for a nice chitchat. Choose your words more wisely. Instead reading off as if you're better than someone else. (Also to clarify, my first comment was a joke. Sincerely, have a Snickers, you're not you, when you're Angry.

    Why So Serious.) 😊

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 966

    OoooOOo, a PayDay. With a cup of melted Neutella for dipping 😯

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957

    I was angry at MMR as I am relatively new to nurse and. At rank 10 I'm more of a rank 18 on Nurse and being set against full teams of rank 1 Survivors while trying to build blink muscle memory is just agony. Then it seemed like something clicked and MMR's fair match making started kicking in. I'm now being matched against brown to green ranks and am actually getting a couple of 4k's on Nurse (which I am totally shocked about)

  • ArtCrusade
    ArtCrusade Member Posts: 30

    Oh yeah my comment is 100% unsolicited. No negativity from your side whatsoever. How boring and small. You literally are taking me out of context and don't argue against anything I am saying. You earned the "bruh"

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 966

    I'm only responding to your replies. Don't take it so hard. I do opologize if you're feeling aggravated though. 😊

  • 0mikeya0
    0mikeya0 Member Posts: 220

    The match making was fine up until today... I've been getting matched with ppl who play like its their first rodeo. So the mmr system is bugging out or something because thats definitely not my skill level. The killers I'm facing are my skill level, but my teammates missed the mark every game today.


  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    On the one hand, the MMR System was not seeded properly at all. On my current mains, Legion and Demo, I have ended up against some Survivors that I should honestly never ever have ended up against. I've seen similar things happen to other killers on their mains. They get ridiculously low ranked, low level, and low hours survivors vs their main killer that they know incredibly well and... it goes about how you'd expect.

    On the other hand, starting last night, I've been throwing the MMR system a setup where placing me at average MMR and going from there is sensible... and... its been working. I'm reasonably competent on Killer but last night I bought Deathslinger and started playing him for the first time. Under the old MM system, I would have ended up against all red rank squads that always get a gen done about the same time you end your first chase no matter how good your first chase is and... I would have gotten wrecked repeatedly. Instead I've been getting weaker survivors... but that's good because my Deathslinger is currently significantly worse than my Legion or Demo, because of course it is. Except for one game where there was a Jake who was so immersed that the game seemed like a 3v1, all my Deathslinger games have felt pretty balanced. I've won some and lost some, but all (except that one) were pretty close.

  • EuphoricBliss35
    EuphoricBliss35 Member Posts: 875

    It’s all RNG peeps. There’s no secret MMR.

  • ArtCrusade
    ArtCrusade Member Posts: 30

    The question is HOW you reply to my posts. My initial post was me venting my frustration with how poorly this game is being managed and you make fun of that by playing it down to me just being angry. That's disrespectful as ######### and you have earned every comment after that. If you were interested in an actual conversation you would not have made your initial "statement" which served little more than to ridicule me. The final straw is you calling me arrogant over my 2nd reply and now pretending like I'm just an aggravated individual and you pretend to not even know why I'm pissed off at you. That's pretty arrogant of you to be honest.

    But hey, you are a perfect reflection of how this community is viewed outwards and inwards. So good job on that I guess

  • ArtCrusade
    ArtCrusade Member Posts: 30

    Actually what I think they really did was set everyone's MMR to 0, no matter how good or bad you are at the game. There's no other explanation for rank 1's to be matched with rank 20's other than that.

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 966
    edited August 2020

    Alright. I'll clarify. My first comment was a slight teasing. Have you never seen those kitkat or snickers candy bar commercials? I admit I was simply being simple. Teasing.

    Clarification 2. I didnt call you arrogant. I said your text is assumingly reading as such. I will admit, telling someone to "have a brain" is assuming on your reply insulting. Which again READS as arrogant. I read it as assuming you believe to be better than another. But still. I apologized already if my attempt at teasing miffed you.

    But still. It's a Game. Dont take things so seriously. But again. I opologize to be part of your frustration. 😊

  • CaptainCastle
    CaptainCastle Member Posts: 536

    "Sorry me literally taunting you while you're being constructive upset you, you should try not to take anything seriously or trolls like me will ######### on it to get you mad for our own enjoyment"

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 966

    Assumingly Trollish

    Accusations may vary under assumptions

  • Skelemania
    Skelemania Member Posts: 227

    It's killing the game. Top streamers are playing other games. 30-day average is down over 3,000 players on Steam according to Steamcharts.. You can't just say "well, give it a month" because people just won't keep up w/ the crap for that long.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    MMR not good and give another week or 2 not going to make it better.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    Mandy_Talk already stated on Friday that the MMR system is not working as intended. Then stated: no further info to share. 🤷

  • drakonukaris
    drakonukaris Member Posts: 132

    And you keep missing the point... Apex didn't release a botched half-working map did they?, so if the pandemic is causing problems at behavior they could have literally just done that, delayed it...

  • The_Sharp_Ninja
    The_Sharp_Ninja Member Posts: 39

    He is teasing you for it because you keep making a giant deal about it. Maybe if you would relax instead of blowing up on someone for making a joke, you wouldn't be sitting here arguing about it. The guy already apologized, but you kept snapping back.

    Also, venting through a post on a thread isn't exactly respectful either. The discussion is about the MMR system and instead of just complaining about it, actually put a helpful and organized response next time. For clarification: Complaining about the game isn't useful to anyone. A post stating what the problem they had with the game was, and how they think it should be changed for the betterment of the community (not just themselves). If you need more help seeing what is a good post and what is a bad one, look at any post made by a killer who is complaining about swf and survivors complaining about killer. These are both examples of "bad posts".

    At least the MMR system eventually puts you up against equally skilled players instead of the old system throwing you at ranks 1-4 when you are a rank 15. Just my 2 cents.

  • Pior_Morte
    Pior_Morte Member Posts: 526

    Just wait 6 months and it will adjust itself.

  • ArtCrusade
    ArtCrusade Member Posts: 30
    edited August 2020

    And what are you doing? Reviving an argument that has already been resolved, with no further posting on the matter being made, evidently derailing the thread further than it already was. The OP stated that people shouldn't be angry, because the system would magically fix itself within 2 weeks. Contrary to that, the devs have already acknowledged that the system is not working as intended, hence my first response. All I basically said was that I am disappointed with the continous mismanagement by the dev team. I clarified that I am not angry about the system, because the thread title assumes everyone complaining is just angry. The result was me being mocked over stating the facts and now you fall right in line with that.

    Please, if you have nothing of value to add, don't try and antagonize me for no apparent reason.

  • Shenanigan
    Shenanigan Member Posts: 208

    But didn't people have a problem with it before and they wanted it to be fixed. This was the fix we wanted. Granted it's bad and overall wonky as hell, but hey it's the "fix" we've always asked for

  • Zerog
    Zerog Member Posts: 27

    Bhvr said they been gathering player data so mmr wouldnt start at 0, they been working on this for months they had the means, there are 0 excuses, this shouldn't had come out as bad as it did and people have all the right to be mad at that

  • NyasaGalaxy
    NyasaGalaxy Member Posts: 1

    As someone who’s recently picked up the game, and just started playing, I would’ve really loved to love the game. Me and my friends group in either 3-4, all same level, all same time played (roughly 3 hours) and we still get teamed up against purple and red killers.

    We all quit tonight because we went up against a rank 1. It’s difficult because there’s not really a way for us to improve since we don’t know what we’re doing to begin with, and don’t get the opportunity to learn, by being placed against people of the same level. Unfortunately, even from hour 1 of all of us opening the game, we got put against high levels. I really thought we all found a new game to play as friends during quarantine but Valorant do b having more fair matchmaking.

  • ArtCrusade
    ArtCrusade Member Posts: 30

    The matchmaking prior to the now-present MMR system wasn't good either, but it wasn't nearly as terrible as this one. You don't have to invent the wheel again if you do something like this. There are many studies on MMR systems and many many examples of systems that function well. DbD is not a new game. There was no big reset to simulate everyone starts anew (like resetting everyone to rank 20 for example). Everyone would have understood if they had done that. There were no placement matches either by the likes of Overwatch, League of Legends or whatever other competitive game there is.

    As things are, the devs have no idea what they are doing

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    sorry that its not fun being paired with players that have only 1 hour in the game

    completely stomping the survivors every match for the past week is boring as #########, same with getting stomped because my teammates are playing their first ever game in dbd

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    But that happend before as well. There were plenty of rank 18 killers paired against red rank swf. thats why people wanted a new matchmaking.

  • CrazyMarc
    CrazyMarc Member Posts: 11
    edited August 2020

    I either get rank 1 or rank 20 killers now. There is literally no inbetween. I have been playing for over a year.