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Killer Concept: The Detective (aka Tohru Adachi)

OneClownMain Member Posts: 16
edited August 2020 in Creations

New Killer

Name: The Detective (aka Tohru Adachi)

Realm: Midnight Channel

Map: Magatsu Inaba

Weapon: A revolver

Movement Speed: 110% (4.4 m/s)

Terror Radius: 24 meters

Height: Average

Killer Power: Magatsu-Izanagi

The Detective starts of with his power meter at 0 SP. His power meter becomes full when it reaches 60 SP. He passively gains 0.25 SP per second; getting stunned will award you 4 SP and hitting a survivor will award you 10 SP. When the power meter is full, Holding the power button for 2 seconds will have The Detective summon his Persona, Magatsu-Izanagi, to help him hunt the survivors.

While Magatsu-Izanagi is out, The Detective's power meter will start to drain at a rate of 3 SP per second, and on top of that, getting stunned no longer awards you SP and hitting a survivor only awards you 5 SP. However, while Magatsu-Izanagi is out, The Detective's movement speed is increased to 115% and he also gains two new abilities; Atom Smasher and Dekaja.

Killer Ability: Atom Smasher

A powerful bladed strike made with Magatsu-Izanagi by holding the Active Ability button for 1 second. Any survivor hit by this ability will be automatically put into the dying state. However, as a downside, Atom Smasher costs 11 SP to use, hitting a survivor with it doesn't awards you SP and missing will make The Detective take 20% longer to recover from missed attacks then normal.

Killer Ability: Dekaja

A powerful passive ability that nullifies the survivors abilities. Any survivor within The Detective's terror radius while Magatsu-Izanagi is out will have their healing, repairing and sabotaging speeds reduced by 15%.


All a Game (Teachable at level 30): Like most sociopaths, you manipulate and hurt others for your own personal enjoyment. When you hook a survivor, you gain a 3% Haste status effect for 12/15/18 seconds. All a Game has a cooldown time of 90/80/70 seconds.

"Anyway, I had fun. See you later!" - Tohru Adachi

Unsuspected Murderer (Teachable at level 35): Because of your seemingly incompetent nature, no one knows or suspects that you are behind the murders, even though you are. When you down a survivor, you gain the Undetectable status effect for 10/11/12 seconds. Unsuspected Murderer has a cooldown time of 50/45/40 seconds.

"You keep getting in my way. I'll kill you all." - Tohru Adachi

Fake Kindness (Teachable at level 40): Normally you act kind in front of others, but when people annoys you too much, you'll have to show them that you're not kind at all. When a generator is completed, the Aura's of the survivors that repaired it are revealed to you for 2/3/4 seconds and they also suffer from the Exposed status effect for 15/20/25 seconds.

"I left you alone because you're brats, but I guess I was too nice!" - Tohru Adachi

Post edited by OneClownMain on