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The problem with the demogorgons perks.

SamuraiDragon27 Member Posts: 105
edited August 2020 in General Discussions

Ah, perks. Usually 6 introduced with a new chapter, sometimes more. For survivor, almost as detrimental as skill. Sure you can win a game without perks but even low tier ones still shift the balance. For killers though, this is a different story, because killers have their powers unique to them. Experimenting with different perks on different killers, is one of my favorite aspects of dbd, and being a killer main, I've found value in some perks a lot of people find useless. However, Mr.Demo's perks, are lackluster to say the least.

His best perk is surge, and I feel that perk is pretty balanced as it is. A free kick or two to save time at the sacrifice of not using pop. however, I feel a small buff would be appreciated. In it's current state, surge will proc on any gen within 32 meters, which is basically a full terror radius range. However, if this is the way you want to implement it, why not just make it the terror radius? It's already pretty good, but I think this change would make it much more interesting. It could be more useful in terror radius builds, and I think pairing that version of the perk with Dark Devotion would be a cool way to kick far away gens, or help killers with a low terror radius.

Next we have cruel limits, and mindbreaker. These two perks are cool in theory, but terrible in practice. The most change Cruel limits had was a change from a cooler name. In it's current state, windows from a 24 meter radius of a generator will be blocked for a whopping 30 seconds. now this perk is not useless. I've gotten some pretty funny plays with killers like oni or billy, when people try to loop me on a loop that allows me to insta down with ease. However, in most cases, this perk gets little usage when brought. It is such a small radius, it sometimes blocks only one vault location, and by the time you get there, that one Z wall window won't matter, cause your generator completing culprit, has already fled the scene! Making this perk, as situational as mad grit. This perk, is not in good shape. My idea for a buff the person I planted in the back of the crowd asks? make the range the whole map. It sounds over powered, but it is entirely possible to play around. It could maybe catch a survivor in a chase off guard, but after the first time, after a gen is completed, survivors will most likely attempt to play around it, giving them a chance to wait the cruel limits out. Now I know what you survivor mains are thinking. "But if I'm in a chase and a generator pops I just can't vault now?? opaf." well little Timmy, you have a perk that allows you to complete a gen and see us all the way in Timbuktu, so, I think this buff would be fair and a nice way to get it some more usage.

Finally, arguably his worst perk, and a perk I NEVER see used. Mindbreaker. Oh sweet Mindbreaker, like hillbilly, the child no one ever wanted, and locked in the back of their perk selection, never to be seen again. This perk, is almost useless. with a low usage, and even lower reason to bring it, this perk, is in the most desperate need for a buff. In it's current state, mindbreaker will pause the current exhaustion timer a survivor has, or exhaust a survivor without one, as they work on a generator. WOW Samurai, that sounds op. Well my innocent child, let me finish. this effect only works on generators under 50%, and whats more, it only exhausts non exhausted survivors for a maximum of uh...let's see here....3 FREAKIN SECONDS?! I see no situation where this isn't more helpful for our ragtag group of four. a deadhard user usually has a moment around a loop, or a window vault, he can use to wait out his 3 seconds. a sprint burst user now has a pocket rocket of legs, they can strap on at any time they please by walking after dropping a pallet. a lithe user can vault, and their 3 seconds is practically gone. the most this can do, is pause an exhaustion timer, making it even more situational. I have only two ideas for this buff, and that is to either buff the time spent exhausted by a larger margin(like 10,15,20) Or buff the gen time to the entire gen, and earned exhaustion at least at 8 seconds. I do have another idea, that could give our little hillbilly jr. of a perk a chance to get out of the back of my perk selection and freaking breath. For each second a survivor is working on a gen (if you want a percentage how about 75%) they gain one second of exhaustion, up to a maximum of 30, 35, 40 seconds. this wouldn't be too op, and can be countered with certain perks and items, to lessen this perks effect, but at least make it useful. me personally, I love the idea of the second one, and find it to be a little more worth bringing.

Well that post took longer than I thought. If you guys have any suggestions, whether it be how to make my ideas not garbage or what brand of soap I should consume for even thinking of these ideas, please share them with me, as I love feedback. Thanks for listening to me rant, and see you guys in the next post...or in the comments.


  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,951

    Argh! Do you even Section?

  • SamuraiDragon27
    SamuraiDragon27 Member Posts: 105

    fixed that. I was so caught up in typing I forgot what an enter key was

  • terumisan
    terumisan Member Posts: 1,293

    The first buff surge needs is to remove the cooldown i have no idea why its there to begin with

    I agree with your cruel limits buff

    I like your mindbreaker changes

  • SamuraiDragon27
    SamuraiDragon27 Member Posts: 105

    thank you for agreeing with me. however, I can see the reason surge needs a cooldown. then again, I can see why it'd be ok without one. It all comes down to situation I suppose, but at least that ones in a good spot as it is rn

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,177

    The problem with Demo stuff is his two perks (Mind Breaker and Cruel Limits) are both so situational that they essentially border on useless. Cruel Limits requires a generator being done and gives you 30 seconds of a much easier chase but that means it can only be used up to five times (assuming you're even in the position to make use of it) so at the very best case scenario, you get an easy hit on one person one time when your very objective is being failed (stopping the gen from being fixed).

    Mindbreaker feels like a perk for a stealth killer but they slapped it on Demo instead. often as a Demo are you going to be able to get close enough to hit someone coming right off the perk that the exhaustion will still be in play by the time you get there (the max is what, five seconds? The survivor usually has longer than that to hear you coming with your TR. Even using the Upside Down World gives the survivor warnings of your incoming arrival).

    Surge is the same thing, it feels like a M1 killer perk that was slapped onto The Demo instead. While yeah, I suppose he is kind of a M1 killer (Shred still only does one damage state), Shred is the only thing Demo has going for him and Shred makes Surge useless...

    Basically it feels like his perks were designed with different killers in mind but they slapped them on Demo just to get them in the game and left him high and dry for his own perks.

    EDIT: Also, apologies if you touch on all of this in your post. I read it pre-paragraphs so I ended up skimming a lot of it and now I have to go to work...

  • SamuraiDragon27
    SamuraiDragon27 Member Posts: 105

    I do touch up on the situational usage of them a bit. as for why they slapped mindbreaker on demo, I feel they kinda took the whole "undetectable status effect when emerging through a portal", a little too much to heart. if ya hear the demo roar, most likely you'll get off the gen y'know?

  • Pior_Morte
    Pior_Morte Member Posts: 526
    edited August 2020

    Surge - Remove the basic attack requirement, cooldown reduced by half, I think it should keep the 32 meters or else it would be worst on Michael (the killer that most benefits from Surge)

    Cruel Limits - Agree

    Mindbreaker - Kinda agree, Idk it should give the Oblivious status effect and affect throughout the whole gen.

  • Clockso
    Clockso Member Posts: 853
    edited August 2020

    Um isn’t the surge change a nerf? Unless I run distressing absolutely nothing in making it terror radius based is a buff, 110% killers will suffer, and you can’t run monitor anymore.

  • PanicSquid
    PanicSquid Member Posts: 655

    Surge is best left as a set range, Stealth Killers can benefit heavily from surge.

    Imagine this situation: you are playing Ghostface with Discordance and Surge. You get a notification that 2 players are working on a gen. You sneak up, mark one of them, then rush in to down them. Surge goes off making the Gen regress, you are now free to pursue the 2nd survivor for free map pressure.

    What if Surge could damage an already regressing Gen?

    What if it makes a Gen regress more if a survivor is on the gen when its surged?

    Maybe injure a survivor working on a gen if that gen is surged (this is probably OP) ? or maybe a debuff on that survivor instead

  • ObscurityDragon
    ObscurityDragon Member Posts: 710

    Monitor makes your TR bigger in a it would actually make a good synergy with surge. And it would add some nice ideas or plays, i love the idea.

  • oh_0k
    oh_0k Member Posts: 712

    Agree with cruel and mind breaker but not the surge change

    110% killers and stealth killers won't get good use out of it and it would be op with certain builds like big tr doctor on the game or hawkins

    It would be better to just remove the cooldown from it