Let's be honest about the new matchmaking, and why a better system would be intensely more complex.

The new matchmaking IS a mess. The intend is good, but even after the adjusting period it's still very much all over the place.

The question, however, shouldn't be whether or not to go back to the old system, but how to make the idea behind the new more solid.

And in order to do that, it would need an entire new, much more complex system that'd very much threw everything we have in the game now overboard.

The new system is supposed to measure how well one does as any given killer/survivor. The issue is:

How can it do that if from a certain point on people run the same builds on all their characters?

It can't.

I see a lot of people play Plague the way they play Pig or GhostFace, if neither had their unique abilities.

In order to overhaul the system, it would need certain things:

  1. Removable of illogical teachables.
  2. Extended Skill Measuring

To elaborate:

1: There's a lot of perks that should, by logic, not be teachable. Take Claudette as example: She should easily be able to teach Botany and Self Care to others, but not Empathy.

Or Huntress. She could probably teach other killers her lullaby, but BoP etc should not be teachable, or at least only to Killers where it would fit the backstory (Billy for example)

This would mean not all perks are available to any character, while their original sources would probably also be better at them. Which would likely shake up the gameplay as we know it. (the approach to have characters be able to learn stuff based on their lore alone would do that...)

which leads us to 2:

As said, a lot of people run the same builds regardless of character. To tackle that, we might want to look into a statistics page that shows how well we're doing with the individual characters:

How often we play X, how often we escape with them, how well and often we use their unique abilities, how many teachables we use. Same with killers: How well and often do we use their unique abilities? how many matches do we win like that etc.

It might give people motivation to play things differently, and it would make the skill evaluation a lot easier.

Cause, it should be better to say 'okay, you are doing this and that well with this character and their unique skills' than 'okay, you win x matches with this character but we dunno why'

To implement such system would however be quite a lot of work. So... thoughts?


  • Windfell
    Windfell Member Posts: 45

    All the devs had to do was remove people being able to see Ranks when they updated to the new MMR and nobody would be complaining. Fewer people would be complaining about being with Rank 20 Survivors and instead would just see them as another trash Survivor.

    Problem solved really.

  • Sinister0208
    Sinister0208 Member Posts: 253
    edited August 2020

    Time played needs to be factored in - new players shouldn't be matched with rank 1s on either side.

    Ranks needs to be a sort of progression system with smaller rewards than the rift.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    No, not problem solved. What sinister said and what I was aiming for too:

    The matchmaking's ought to take experience into account, which 'just removing the ranks' won't do. Removing ranks' visibility would honestly be counter productive, as it wouldn't actually change the frustration drawn from the matchups. removing visibility wouldn't improve anything.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    also, aside from the matchmaking aspect, how do the following changes to perks and offerings sound to you people:

    Lore Perks & Additional perks:

    In addition to restricting teachables, the perk pool gets a complete overhaul: Each character now has three 'lore' slots' and two or three additional (updating the number of perks to 6) lore slots are perks that they should know going by their lore or be able to learn given their lore/personality, and additional perks.

    Separate Map and other offerings:

    Two slots now, one for a map offering, one for an additional one.