Behavior has once again taken two steps back



  • greekfire774
    greekfire774 Member Posts: 170

    4k comments and you still haven't realized that PS4 is the least cared about part of their community? I mean damn, if you're not playing on PC your opinion is pretty much worthless to the developers. They don't make this game around multiple platforms. They have created a PC indie game and then tried to reoptomize the controls for consoles and it's an absolute mess. I play on Xbox and we're barely cared about more than PS4 so don't hold your breath for a console fix unless it's affecting PC players more.

  • NightmareReborn
    NightmareReborn Member Posts: 810

    Sorry for the odd formatting; I’m on mobile.

    For the longest time, I was a billy player, who’d always do decently well with brown addons. I loved playing him, since the chainsaw felt like a simple tool, given to the player, and it was up to the player to determine how to best utilize it.

    After the overheat mechanics made it into the live build, I figured, “He’s still totally fine and playable; almost no harm done”. Today, the new patch was announced that nerfed him again.

    I just prestiged Hillbilly after refusing to for months, and I intend to never play him again. The amount of billy players has dropped significantly from what I’ve seen, and now it’ll probably drop even further. BHVR is trying to beat down billy, while the real issues in this game run rampant.

    I always try and give BHVR the benefit of the doubt when most of the community is against them, but this is just such an odd, absurd, and unnecessary change that it makes me sick. Especially since most of the community liked Billy how he was.

    I don’t think BHVR realizes how lucky they are to have a community that constructively provides feedback on the game’s state; any other game and the fans would have left years ago.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    It seems they changed Billy simply because he and leather were 2 of the 3 remaining killers without some sort of resource management to worry about..leather needed a buff so it works out for him but billy it