MMR is the worst change to this game I've ever seen
I've owned this game for a long time, but before I only used to play casual KYFs. I've played it "seriously" for a shorter amount of time, so I haven't experienced some of the major bad updates that have been made to this game. However, I'm rank 1 on both survivor and killer and I'm fairly confident in my ability and my knowledge of DBD.
And with that, I say that MMR has pretty much ruined this game for me.
Some of my points here will be based off of my own experiences while playing, and some from YouTubers I watch who I think make good points on this subject that I agree with.
I am at least rank 40 on all my killers, and while obviously I play some more than others, I have experience with all of them and I know how to play them to some level. I also think that even if I only played a handful of the killers, I would have enough transferable knowledge that I could apply to any new killer I picked up to be somewhat decent at them. For this individual killer MMR system to work, there would have to be some kind of baseline based on a player's average performance across all killers, so that even if he starts a completely new killer, he's not going against completely new survivors who know NOTHING about this game, but it might only drop you a few ranks to make it slightly easier for you. I thought I saw somewhere that the devs said they HAVE implemented something like this, but I have absolutely failed to see any evidence of it so far. I frequently get games as a rank 1 killer where all of the survivors are rank 15-20. I once checked one of these rank 20's hours before, and he had ZERO. I somehow got matched up against a survivor playing his very first game of DBD, while at rank 1. And I don't know how many more times this has happened, since I don't check everyone's hours, but it did happen to a killer I played against while I was playing survivor, again at rank 1. The fact that this is even a possibility is just inexcusable in my opinion.
And this relates to the devs' explanation that rank only determines how often you play, not how good you are. This is only true to an extent. Ever heard of practice makes perfect? It's very likely that someone who plays this game more often will be better, because they get more practice. This reasoning would only really work when trying to distinguish the skill difference between similarly ranked players, not players at opposite ends of the ranking system.
I still do get matched against full red rank teams as killer, but at this point these occasions are in the minority, even when I'm playing some of my main killers like Huntress, which would suggest that MMR simply isn't working. And it's blatantly obvious before the game even ends and I see the scoreboard that I should not be matched against these players - I can tell that these guys do not know what they are doing, just from our chases. This applies to my survivor experience as well, but to a lesser extent. And it honestly just makes it boring for everyone. New players get absolutely destroyed, experienced players get easy games with no real challenge.
Here are the possibilities that I see:
The system still needs calibrating, in which case this update should never have been shipped until it was actually ready. Matchmaking still should've been based on rank for the time being while MMR was calculated in the background for, say, a month, and then we'd switch over to MMR, to enable the smoothest transition possible. However, the devs have been saying that they did collect some data before MMR was introduced, so maybe they did do this.
If that is indeed the case, then that brings me to the next possibility - this system simply will not work in this game. Trying to implement a rating system to calculate skill will not work in what is often an asymmetrical game, based on things from balancing issues, to simple bad luck, like getting tunnelled or facecamped for no reason.
Either way, my solution is that MMR needs turning off, either temporarily or permanently, based on these two possibilities.
As a disclaimer, I'm not claiming to be an expert at this game, or to even know much about how MMR works. But simply from my experience recently, I DO know this - something isn't right with MMR and it needs to change.
I'm gonna go bully some baby killers now. You did this to me, BHVR! You made me do this!