RANK 1-4

Have the devs actually ever played in these ranks? By watching the stream they did recently "Play With The Devs #1" it's becoming more and more evident that they are all rank 20, can't hit a good skillchecks, and die within 15 seconds after getting found, this figure includes the speed burst they gain and the killer swipe animation xD. Honestly rank 1-4 is painful and I can literally feel the tumours growing on my back. I'm a rank 2 survivor and a rank 4 killer. I'm not biased, it's just the way it is.


  • BantuKianHolder
    BantuKianHolder Member Posts: 30

    and now, I leave you with this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlRQjzltaMQ

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    I'm a rank 1 survivor and rank 1 killer

  • BantuKianHolder
    BantuKianHolder Member Posts: 30

    @Ihatelife said:
    I'm a rank 1 survivor and rank 1 killer


  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    @BantuKianHolder said:

    @Ihatelife said:
    I'm a rank 1 survivor and rank 1 killer


    Very noice <3 Imma very ''skilled'' player #########

  • Michiko
    Michiko Member Posts: 623
    I just made it to Rank 5 survivor & Rank 8 killer. I've never been above that because of the horror stories I hear from both sides. I usually just try to stay above 5 or at 5 & Killer, well I'm not always in the mood to play. Is it really that bad? If so, I'm straddling to fence between 5 & 6 for both Survivor and Killer. Screw that.
  • BantuKianHolder
    BantuKianHolder Member Posts: 30

    @Michiko said:
    I just made it to Rank 5 survivor & Rank 8 killer. I've never been above that because of the horror stories I hear from both sides. I usually just try to stay above 5 or at 5 & Killer, well I'm not always in the mood to play. Is it really that bad? If so, I'm straddling to fence between 5 & 6 for both Survivor and Killer. Screw that.

    trust me, t's painful.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,055

    DEVs past rank 15... Good one

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited September 2018

    Rank 1 survivor is actually the best IMO. You generally get put with other survivors that understand the game and will make smart decisions or can run from the killer for at least 30 seconds. You also generally get matched against killers that don't play like complete tools but are still a challenge to face. Keyword here is GENERALLY, obviously some rank 1 survs will be awful and some rank 1 killers will be toxic, but for the most part it's better to be red rank survivor than purple or green.

    Rank 1 killer isn't as bad as people make it out to be, it's only bad when you get survivors that just want to do gens and leave, which at these ranks players are very good at doing. They are also a lot better in a chase and know how to optimize, so you get punished a lot harder for even minor mistakes. I played a rank 1 game as Freddy yesterday with a more "fun" build and spent about 30 seconds too long chasing someone and it kinda cost me the game. Of course if I was running my OP build these guys would probably have gotten bodied, but I could have got at least 2 kills if I didn't waste so much time with this guy (I already had 2 guys on death hook by the time gates were powered). Despite that I feel like red rank survivors are GENERALLY (there's that word again) less toxic than other ranks because they get it. They know when they are going to die and instead of being a baby about it they just play for emblems to get a safety at least. Purple and green rank players are the ones that get the most salty about dying, which is why they are the rank they are because they only play to do gens and escape which doesn't net you pips. Those players might eventually get to red ranks but it takes them ages. If you know how to actually play as survivor you can die in 5 minutes and still pip, it's an much faster way of ranking up.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @BantuKianHolder said:
    Have the devs actually ever played in these ranks? By watching the stream they did recently "Play With The Devs #1" it's becoming more and more evident that they are all rank 20, can't hit a good skillchecks, and die within 15 seconds after getting found, this figure includes the speed burst they gain and the killer swipe animation xD. Honestly rank 1-4 is painful and I can literally feel the tumours growing on my back. I'm a rank 2 survivor and a rank 4 killer. I'm not biased, it's just the way it is.

    No they dont.
    And seems like you already know why they dont want to play at this rank, so I dont need to explain nice :wink:

  • Hellrossa
    Hellrossa Member Posts: 105
    edited September 2018
    What about disabling the ranks once for all? It would make the game more interesting imo. I like to cross high ranks people because I can think about what I can improve in my playstyle. But I also like low ranks because... Win.

    However I guess some people like to be high ranks to think they play better than other (which is not untrue). Shuffling all ranks would make a surprise for every games :).