why is ds and unbreakable allowed?



  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    I just love those free kills babe, that's why I play pig - the most braindead and OP killer in the game. Occasionally their heads just explode without me even being near them, how busted is that?

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620

    Well. I don't really get the 60 secs of invulnerability idea. I mean the timer goes active when you're unhooked as a survivor, if the timer has 60 seconds it's because you tunneled, in most of my plays you barely have 10 or 5 seconds left if the killer finds you. And DS is fine in most situations, of course there are some times where the survivors seems to earn a "free escape" but that's really a tactic, if a survivor jump in a locker, EGC active then it's your fault for open the locker, the EGC timer is two mins so in that moment you can wait for him in the locker, and the other players generally are at the exit gate so Why bothering yourself just to try to hook someone faster if you know that you can't hook the others? You just can wait in the locker, either the survivor will try and run to the exit gate or the EGC will kill him.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    OP is talking about DS/unbreakable, not DS on its own. DS/unbreakable really is 60 seconds of invulnerability. They can get off the hook and immediately start doing a gen in your face. You can't grab them without being stunned, you can't slug them without them just getting back up, you can't properly punish them for it basically.

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    Why is spirit stridor allowed? Why is hillbilly pop allowed? Why is skill check doc allowed? Why are freddys slowdown add-ons allowed? They are in the game. That's why. Killers have ######### just as broken. Don't play if you are going to complain. Git gud.

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    If you make it to egc you lost. Take the l. Your fault. Not theirs.

  • MrBuffalo
    MrBuffalo Member Posts: 312

    I never understand post like these. I dunno how long you've been playing but if you still think DS is a broken perk I'd hate to see how you dealt

    with OG D strike...Current D strike does its job to help survivors against tunneling killers. Do some survivors take advantage of the 60 seconds and act like ass hats? Of course they do but calling the perk "OP" is kinda ridiculous.

  • Valor188917
    Valor188917 Member Posts: 649

    it's only 60 seconds per hookstage. Good thing that DS isn't stacked on each survivor and that gens take 2 minutes each and that a killer doesn't need to hook each survivor 3 times.

  • handfulofrain
    handfulofrain Member Posts: 317

    Pls don't talk about balance if you think thana is a good perk

  • Shenanigan
    Shenanigan Member Posts: 208

    Well I mean if you think about it, it's sort of true you know? Even though I started playing like last year around December it's seems like these problems were given a counter for it.

    If killers were able to slug repeatedly awhile back (I wouldn't know since I've only played this game for a year), then Unbreakable was the counter for that.

    Survivors were getting gens done too quickly therefore old ruin was created for that. (I played DBD before old ruin was nerfed, and it seemed super helpful on the killer's side too.)

    There are problems both killers and survivors face and usually with a new killer/Survivor joining the fray they might have perks that will push us to do certain things and objectives or they'll just have a counter perk created for a specific thing like Soul Guard (though it's been rare for killers to get direct and straight forward perks like Pop and Corrupt Intervention.)

    Inner Strength was created to encourage Survivors to do bones more and Trail of Torment was made to encourage kicking gens more (though the perk isn't too good, but it's still nice to get those surprise grabs at Times.)

  • CotJocky
    CotJocky Member Posts: 221

    It's really simple. Survivors that are decent at the game do the objective which is to do gens and escape. Without map pressure, the gens get repaired really fast. Slugging is a common killer tactic to slow down the game. Tunneling 1 survivor out of the game really quickly to get down to a 3 man team is a common tactic. DS and Unbreakable are to fight against those tactics.

    To me personally, I find slugging boring AF. No one wants to lay on the ground half the game. It's sweaty and it's stressful. I play games for fun and "winning" isn't my be all end all goal. If I wanted to be MLG, I'd go play that type game. This game isn't and will never be that type of game no matter how many people try to stroke their ego that it is. Hate to break it to you, RNG has a lot to do with your "winning" and no amount of "getting gud" will change that.

  • bingbongboi90
    bingbongboi90 Member Posts: 576
    edited August 2020

    Why is everyone discussing ds and unbreakable seperated. The combination of these perks has no counterplay or a way to apply pressure for killers.

    "but you can just ignore the survivor and go for somebody else". That's not the point! It still has no counterplay and you are 100% going to Lose pressure at all the options you are going to choose.


    1. Ignore the survivor with the small pp build, the survivor can now do gens without someone interrupting Them. Then you have to hope you find another survivor to chase or you are going to Lose gens.

    2. Smack him on the ground so he can get up with unbreakable, you wasted time chasing this person when he just can get up fast by unbreakable.

    3. Pick him up: same as 2 but now you pick him up and he stuns you and you have to chase him again or another survivor. So you wasted the chase time and the 5 seconds stun.

    In all the three scenario's there is a big loss of momentum or pressure. That's why there should be changes that these 2 perks dont work together. The perks are fine of course when not Being together.

  • Yung_Slug
    Yung_Slug Member Posts: 2,238

    See what they should do is play the SMB Invincibility music while the survivor has both DS and Unbreakable active.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064
    edited August 2020

    While that's true, eating the DS and/or having them use Unbreakable means they've used it, and no longer have it for the remainder of the match.

    I don't tunnel, so DS isn't often an issue for me, but I do slug off of hook if the opportunity presents itself. Even if they pick themselves up with Unbreakable, it's still one less person on gens for the brief time it takes them to do that, potentially more if they don't or a teammate, unaware they do, leaves a gen to try for the pickup.

    I figure that way, whatever happens, I get something out of it.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    If the counter to DS is slugging (when there's even a counter to that, which is currently high up in meta), then the counter to getting camped is "lol don't get caught".

    I don't think you know what "free" means. Consult your nearest dictionary. It wouldn't be a free kill - the killer earned it. It's called the survivor getting a free escape. Despite earning nothing. There is no version of this where you are anything other than entitled - and you're certainly not right.

  • TotemsCleanser
    TotemsCleanser Member Posts: 620
    edited August 2020

    Editing bc honestly idgaf. If that's all you gonna say I won't even waste my time.

  • Laurab84
    Laurab84 Member Posts: 54

    Ok so DS and unbreakable, I cant say much on them as I dont use either, but if a killer can slug all 4 men in a match within the first 3 minutes of the game then yes there should be a counter for that otherwise why would survivors play? Killers could literally do that every match if they wanted to and what survivors just have to lay on the ground waiting to die.... yeah because that seems fair

  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187

    Why are they allowed? Because they're part of the game and anyone can use them, there's no rule that says you can't use them.

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620

    They pick up themselves? Great, they don't have UB anymore. Unless they run Soul Guardian which is a pretty rare perk.

    They stun you with DS? Great, DS doesn't work anymore, you can free tunnel him.

    But he is saving it to the end...That's a strategy, like the killer can tunnel/camp/slug if the situation calls it. In a card game you save the best for last generally.

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833
    edited August 2020

    ideed DS have a lot of high requirements to put it to work in fact it doesnt reward your skill at the game but how bad you are by losing against the killer wich is kind of hilarious tbh, at least Pop requires to actually win chases doing your job not messing up as DS does.

    BBQ has so many counters that im not even bothering, at this point is just a farm points perk, and people use it because of that not to win games, survivors can just hide in a locker and thats it, there are more consistent tracking perks.

    Pop is meta becasue how fast and easy survivors can do their objective and in the end is 25% of a gen is pretty much 20 seconds off, if a survivor is decent a chase should last considerably more than 20 seconds.

    instead DS unbrekable combo just have one requirement, mess up and you will get rewarded. very balanced indeed, at least make killer meta perk requirements more soft (like no requirements at all for example) so we can compensate isnt it? but is what it is.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064
    edited August 2020

    Speaking for myself, I don't have an opinion on Unbreakable, but I do feel that Decisive Strike is less about rewarding the Survivor and more about punishing the Killer when they do stuff like actively tunnel a freshly hooked Survivor to death. The devs may acknowledge that tunneling and camping are valid strategies, but that's not the same thing as condoning it, as demonstrated by Decisive Strike's rework and the decision to prevent Pyramid Head from seeing or camping his Cages of Atonement.

    Again speaking for myself, it's the one thing I personally loathe running into as a Survivor and it's why I run DS alongside Borrowed Time and Babysitter, to protect myself and others from that sort of thing as much as I'm able.

    It's true it can be used aggressively. It's true you could run into it inadvertently despite not actually tunneling just because you downed someone at the wrong time. Despite that, I honestly don't think it outweighs the purpose DS serves in weakening the ability to tunnel Survivors.

  • skarsguts
    skarsguts Member Posts: 179

    Why is camping allowed? Why is tunneling allowed? Why are one shot abilities allowed? Why are aura reading perks allowed? Why are moris allowed? Why is PGTW allowed every hook and not just once per match? Why is slugging to find hatch allowed? Why is forever Freddy allowed? Why is forever Legion allowed?

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    no it the dev fault not my when 3 gen pop before i get my 2nd hook in something wrong with the game,remember survivor have 3 hook stat and we should tunnel or camp at the start of the game so again not my fault.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    It works for me and it's worked quite well so far. Usually ignoring a problem doesn't make it go away, but for these perks, it does.

    I have only been hit by two Decisive Strikes all year, and one of them was deliberate. They worked on a generator in my face, so they died next.

    I also don't slug the last two, and rarely after the first kill, so either the survivors waste time picking each other up, or they waste Unbreakable. One in the dirt/RBT, one on hook is an incredible time-waster.

  • chase131119
    chase131119 Member Posts: 839

    DS is needed in the game, if it wasn't then killers would have a field day tunneling and ruining everyone's game. Remove BT and DS? Say goodbye to the survivor playerbase.

    Could probably use a nerf though

  • pwncxkes
    pwncxkes Member Posts: 235

    You missed his point but ok, and Thana isn’t bad but it’s the killers power and addons and other perks you use to synergize with Thana, that makes Thana a very good perk , like for example Thana on The plague and The Forever Freddy Build which uses Thana. It’s the perks you use that makes Thana good. Just like survivor, Is DS good by itself? Yes, but using UB and Soul Guard make it even stronger. It’s all about the other perks you combine, that’s why BHVR gave us 4 perks slots not 1.

  • voiceofguns27
    voiceofguns27 Member Posts: 80
    edited August 2020

    "nerf ds so its a anti tunnel perk not a immunity perk." You know how many times I've gotten tunneled and picked up right after being unhooked? You know why I bring unbreakable? Because I get tunneled and slugged to counter my DS. DS is already an anti-tunnel perk. PLUS, it's from 40-60 seconds of not being tunneled! Where is this immunity you speak of? It's not like it lasts the entire game after getting hooked.

  • bingbongboi90
    bingbongboi90 Member Posts: 576

    60 seconds DS is enough time to fix a gen around 2/3. So it gives immunity for 60 seconds that some people are going use to gen rush.

    If you have time to do Gens you are not getting tunneled.

  • voiceofguns27
    voiceofguns27 Member Posts: 80

    They have to run to said gen after they get unhooked. It's not like it's a total 60 seconds on a gen. You sound like you need to tunnel to get your 4k wins. Immunity means to never pick them up. To counter a tunneler like yourself is good use. Pick your poison. Slug (better option for tunneling) or go after another healthy survivor that you are already chasing.

  • bingbongboi90
    bingbongboi90 Member Posts: 576

    That doesn't matter if you dont heal yourself its your fault for making yourself an ez target and then you deserve to be focused when the killer finds you.

    Are you this entitled that the killer must ignore you because you dont heal and go for a gen immidiately like a gen rusher?

  • BillyMain77
    BillyMain77 Member Posts: 415
  • voiceofguns27
    voiceofguns27 Member Posts: 80
    edited August 2020

    Are you that entitled to feel you deserve to get a kill after knocking someone down after they just got unhooked? You are literally making yourself to being a whiny tunneling killer. I do play killer and I play around DS more than unbreakable. Most common perks I see are DS/BT/DH/adrenaline. The old DS was an immunity because killers had to drop survivors before they could get the skill check off. There was no time limit on when you could use it after the first hook. Now, it's up to 60 seconds. Better yet, play pyramid head. He counters those perks with his cage. Get off your soap box.

  • bingbongboi90
    bingbongboi90 Member Posts: 576

    Are you this entitled to not read my arguments and go for a stupid "you are Just a tunneler that means i am right" argument.

    I bet you are the survivor that abuse the perk🤷‍♂️

    Just like i said the killer isnt tunneling when the survivor has time doing their objective.

  • BillyMain77
    BillyMain77 Member Posts: 415

    Ds/UB isnt thay strong of a combo. There are plenty of red rank killers who auctually know how to play the game and consistently get 4ks against these perks.

    Its a strong combo but its only strong if your play style is that of a camping tunnelling potato.

    The only nerf DS needs is that it deactivates once you past the exit gate so people can stop being unhooked during EGC with a door 99d then they get saved and get out for free.

    Other than that this perk combo is easy to play around as killer except for the few times it happens during EGC.

    Im a rank 1 killer and rank 1 survivor with 1200 hrs and i use these perks almost every game as survivor and almost am never effected by the DS / UB combo

  • voiceofguns27
    voiceofguns27 Member Posts: 80

    You know when I get to use DS? When a killer is camping and tunneling me. You know when I don't get to use it? When I'm slugged right after being unhooked or they trade with the survivor who just unhooked me. That's not abusing the perk. Again, you are acting entitled that you should be allowed to camp and tunnel after an unhook. I'd rather take my hands off the keyboard and not play against a killer like you without DS or unbreakable. Besides, a good killer would know how to apply pressure. I've played against good ones who don't need to tunnel. Again, get off your soap box.

  • Deadman316
    Deadman316 Member Posts: 578

    You and the 19 followers you have don't know any better. It's ok though, keep thinking your false statement :)

  • Freddy96
    Freddy96 Member Posts: 767

    For the same reason killers can stack more than 1 anti gen perks or addons. Anyone can play with whatever he wants and ofc some perks combo do synergize better than others