Why does Bitter Murmur have a range requirement?


Basically the title. Bitter Murmur can only activate a maximum of 5 times per game, and it also has a range limitation of 16 metres from the completed gen. But why?

Would Bitter Murmur be OP if it showed all survivors’ auras, or if the range increased? Would it become meta, or would it stay niche? Would you run it?

This is a perk that I pretty much never see anybody use, ever. I like the idea of the perk but I can’t say I use it myself and I never see anybody discuss it either. So since this is general discussions, let’s discuss. :)


    ACTIV3_GNASHER Member Posts: 75

    I think it would be fine

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    It already is a strong perk, it's just not popular because BBQ gives BP and Rancor is similar, albeit much, much weaker.

    It could be changed to show all aura's when a generator is completed. That wouldn't really be OP. They could even compensate by nerfing the huge aura reveal after the last gen is completed: If the perk does its job, after all, that will be the last thing you care about. However, I am willing to bet that the Devs love it's NOED synergy.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,703

    I like the idea of removing the range requirement, or at least making it bigger so you get to see everyone who was on the gen for the full time. The idea is probably to prevent it from being too OP, since 5 seconds of map-wide aura reading is pretty darned strong.

    I still don't think it would be meta without a range requirement, though. I mean, Rancor is far from meta and that gives survivor locations after all gens plus also exposes the obsession after all gens pop and lets you Mori them. Sure, one-time bubble notifications are a lot worse than seeing auras for 5 seconds, but still, it does tell you where all survivors are.

    That said, I already like Bitter Murmur alright. I somehow ended up with a lot of perks on my Michael that don't synergize well with his small TR, so I run Bitter Murmur on him often. I like it on Huntress too - it can let you go for some really accurate long-range hatchets at times, and anything that helps with tracking is useful on her.