I've had enough

Enough of the selfishness. Why do people open the gates and just immediately leave. Dont even attempt to help to make sure the rest get to safety. Im tired of running into NOED every game just for people to act like they cant search for the Totem. Like is it that hard to take the few seconds to destroy the Totems before trying to gen rush. Smh. From now on since im playing solo, im only worried about myself. Dont wanna hear it when I leave with a key and leave everyone behind. I've enough. End rant!


  •  Antares2332
    Antares2332 Member Posts: 1,088

    That's the idea of ​​the mode only when you play as a survivor, worrying about yourself to escape.

  • RelentlessShadows009
    RelentlessShadows009 Member Posts: 192

    Because some people will be like that. Even in horror movies there is that one selfish prick who puts himself over the team.

    Me personally, I will stay if someone gets downed or hooked. If everyone is fine I just leave. I dont take joy in taunting the killer but that's me.

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

    Solo queue is aggravating like that. Try finding a group of people to play with or even just a partner.

  • Pandamonium
    Pandamonium Member Posts: 77

    Fair enough, only time I leave my teammates is if the killer forces me out, or if the survivor is dead on hook and can potentially activate blood warden. It's sad when I'm being let down by my teammates in a team-oriented environment, but they are not obliged to save you, which is kinda a lose-lose situation because you both miss out on points, except for if the killer is going to force them out.

    And the NOED part, I usually just cleanse 1-2 totems for the points, not as a counter to NOED, simply because I don't regard it as a big of a deal in comparison to me a year ago, who would've camped the exit gate if I saw Exposed: No One Escapes Death. I think that survivors need to learn that NOED just does not mean instant death and should overcome their fear of it.

    I just don't agree with the key part, don't really like keys when playing survivor. Feels very unfair as both killer and survivor.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    I understand both sides of this. It frustrates me when people just open the gates and immediately leave, not even bothering to see if anyone needs a bodyblock or a heal or whatever.

    But on the other hand, I’ve died sooo many times from trying to be altruistic and help my teammates and then dying because of their clumsiness, or because I helped them and then they left without any attempt to help me. I feel like sometimes, the smartest play is to abandon the last guy because greediness usually just gives the killer more kills.

    If you’re not in a position to coordinate a save (comms and knowledge of each other’s perks), it can go south really fast.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    This is why I started running detectives hunch. You cant always rely on others so I would rather cleanse all the totems myself.

    I find others are more likely to stay and try to save if they see someone get hit and NOED doesn't activate.