What are your thoughts on zarina as a charecter

In my opinion she is the most well written out of all the survivors, you can feel for her when her father dies and she genuinley seems like she would always do the right thing. Your thoughts?
Completely the opposite for me, she is the most forgettable and boring character out of all of the original cast.
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I like her, backstory is pretty cool. Nothings gonna beat the god that is Ace though.
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How though? Im not trying to start a conflict im just curious
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She's a journalist without any photography/writing stuff as a cosmetic. She is scarf lady, who instead of rubbing your back to help you, instantly stabs herself and you heal in confusion.
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She’s no Meg, so, next
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Her story just seems full of cliches to me. Your typical second hand hero solving problems the non-conventional way. I don't know, There is something about her I just don't like..
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your technicly wrong as in her back pocket she has a notepade and pen
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I disagree havily but to each there own
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Looks like a Karen
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Why, that's the best kind of wrong!
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Trust me shes not
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I think she looks like an off-brand Meg/Nea love child.
Her backstory is meh. I feel like her journalistic career is too similar to Jane (as I have a lot of media overlap in my mind with her radio and tv show career).
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Well the big difference between jane and zarina is that jane is a talkshow person or actor, where as zarina is a filmmaker/journalist
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She's another member of the "cool girls" club featuring meg, kate, nea, feng, and yui.
Interchangeable characters whose stories could be mixed and matched as easily as their overpriced cosmetics.
I'm looking forward to a wider cast of survivor ladies featuring the something other than another edgy modern woman.
I would imagine that there's more to being a strong woman than having a specific haircut and bright clothing.
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"The Jane Romero Show, which was broadcast nationally and covered tabooed topics". To me having that kind of tv or radio show would imply that you'd need to speak on some form of current affairs or at least relate them back to actual events. She'd have to either collect, write, photograph, process, edit or at the very least comment on news or other topical information to the public To me that would make her a journalist?
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"Her story just seems full of cliches to me. Your typical second hand hero solving problems the non-conventional way. I don't know, There is something about her I just don't like.."
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She's alright I personally find Min more interesting in terms of character and backstory.
As for Zarina herself. Her backstory isn't really anything to go crazy about her overall design including cosmetic meh honestly the only interesting thing about her is that she has an outfit that makes her look like a stereotypical Karen
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she's just the average ethnic character they made just because Yui sold a #########-ton, so they tried to replicate the success with another female ethnic survivor. Lorewise idc, because who cares about lore in dbd?
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Cuz everyone knows that the only reason to deviate away from white people is because money lmfao
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¯\_(ツ)_/¯, that's not what I said, but if you can't see a marketing strategy even when it's this clear, I guess you can lmfao as much as you want.
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Meh. Too vanilla. Too basic. She's a generic do-gooder reporter. I've seen it a hundred times.
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I like her design
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Me too
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She was released at a bad time, we had yui, a badass women fighting sexism. But before that we had Nancy, A badass female journalist that fights sexism in the work place and gets the truth out there. Nancy is kinda a mix of Yui and Zarina.
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She also has at least one cosmetic with a camera strapped around her back...
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I know, “edgy modern women” as you put it are super scary 🙄
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Too be honest she dosent really come off as "edgy", shes a modern filmmaker who straives to reval the truth. Also im pretty sure the devs just wanted to make the number of guys and girls in the game equal numberd.
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I want to like Zarina, but her backstory is one of the longest in the game and feels like it. That's not a compliment. And when Survivors are just skins (besides their perks), the backstory is what makes them special.
There's just nothing to Zarina. I love her design (besides her hair), but as a character, she falls so flat, and she feels like she was included solely to have a Middle-Eastern character. Most things she has is done by other characters.
Immigrant? Done by Nea.
Reporter? Done by Nancy (could also be filled in by Jane easily).
Fights injustice? Done by Yui.
Stupid hairstyle? Done by every other female Survivor before her.
There's nothing she brings to the table that's unique other than being Middle-Eastern. And that's a shame, because she had the potential to be so much more.
Again, I really want to like her, but I just can't.
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I have some issues with this
1. Yui and zarinas fights are alot different, yui helps women who have been abused and stalked where as zarina foucases more on gang voilence and criminals
2. The difference between nea and zarina is that zarina was born in the us and nea moved to the us, that dosent make zarina an immgirant
3. Nancy and zarinas form of reporting is different, theres a big difference between a journalist and a documantiren. A jouralist is somone who simple reports the news and a documantiren trys to make a change or send a massege with there film
4. I really dont think her hair is stupid looking idk i just dont see it
Feel free to disagree with me also sorry if theres spelling mistakes
I would also like to add that there is actully alot to her. First she made her own film about two italian immigrants who where exicuted for murder in high school and then she became a indipendent film maker.seconed she lost her father when he was murdered by a gang mamber and she sot him out and made a film to a tribute to her father and other victims of gang violience
Also in terms of her persionality she(according to the devs) embodies the pioneer spirit which means shes creative,resoursful,brave,innovative, and would risk life and injury for others
Again sorry if there was spelling mistskes
Post edited by leatherfav88 on2 -
The most "just another character" character in the game.
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not to big on her not fan.
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She's okay.
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I don't really like her at all. She is kinda ugly as well. Not a fan.
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Not really to be honest
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That's fine if you think she's pretty, but I don't. Just my opinion.
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Ovecourse my dude, sorry if it seemed like i was asserting.
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She's my favorite Survivor... but that's mostly because I absolutely love all of her perks. I'll be honest, I'm not one to be super interested in either lore or cosmetics.
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I liked her in saminations vid.
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Imo she is just boring. I couldn't even care less about her.
It's not that she is bad or something- she is just not interesting. Not even a little bit. Not even her appearance.
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She’s cardboard to me
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They got that strong navel game, though, eh? 😏
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She's just typical Buzzfeed unsolved woman with no real character and tomboy aesthetic nothing new for DBD sadly :/
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No zarina is the kinda chick I don't dig
Ace is Cool doe
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She is very important in the history of the game, as she most closely contributes to the representation of persons of Arab descent.
I am waiting for the company to create a character of Indian descent/Indian character. Indians are so densely present everywhere in the world, yet in this game not a single Indian character!
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I know that this thread is about lore, but I hate Zarina as her default shirt is the exact same colour as coldwind corn. Hardest survivor to hit in corn by far, not even blendettes come close.
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I main her.
For a start she has a great lore, then she has a great voice that isn't too loud or too high (she doesn't sound like a quineapig like Feng for example, no offense to the voice actress ^^), her base cosmetics are pretty cool, her prestige is one of the best, she has a beautiful face but most of all : she has 2 FREE charms (the pen and the radio)
She looks and sounds badass and yet a real empathic person.
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I pick her because she makes me laugh like crazy! I don't know about anyone else, but her hook screams always makes me lol IRL. It's not just the hook scream but whenever I get smacked by the killer, her scream of pain also makes me chuckle. She's one of my favorite female survivors for those reasons and I like her cosmetics!
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She's an insomnia cure. Freddy holds her in high regard.
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Interesting character but I only play Ace and see no reason to switch survivors.
Everyone else only plays Meg or Claudette anyway because pretty girl with pretty cosmetics or because built in camo character.
Characters won't really be interesting to switch to unless they receive something like voice acting or something else that makes them pop. A backstory isn't enough for most people. Either need abilities or unique dialogue.
Still disappointed Ash doesn't talk while in trial.
To clarify though I do like her story and appearance but I don't feel the need to switch to her. For me I like Ace's looks, story and audio so that suits me. Still wish all survivors had VA'ing though.