How OP Amanda(Pig) is

I just love those free kills babe, that's why I play pig - the most braindead and OP killer in the game. Occasionally their heads just explode without me even being near them, how busted is that?
She's busted. She's op. She's broken.
Nerf pig.
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And her dash attack. No counterplay whatsoever - you crouch at the loop, and they're dead.
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She doesn't even have a terror radius if she crouches. If Ghostface crouches he can only lose his terror radius if his power isn't on cooldown. It's crazy.
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Pig is OP??
Because their heads popped??
Survivor Newbies.
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Every killer has cooldown mechanic instead of pig. Even more, her brown addons are best. Insta crouching at loops dammit
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Her dashing reach is just amazing
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Survivors even come to her to show affection, so she doesn't need tracking perks. Pretty busted, imo.
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You can't even break her out of stealth which is BS. You should be able to do that and also you should be able to remove trap like doctor's snap out. Only then she's balanced. Now she's busted OP
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She need entire rework. She maybe seem like just a M1 killer but reality she has no counterplay mechanics
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A good pig is a terror fueled nightmare.
That being said, first pig I encountered I kept on one gen for the entire match cause I would repair the gen and then walk away and she was like "wth?" And mind gamed her long enough for everyone to escape. I got hatch that game.
Last pig I had, however, was a living nightmare. Match lasted maybe 3minutes in total.
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Because she is like survivor. Its impossible to hard to understand
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Yeah she needs cooldown or that mechanic. Trap doesn't have counter play too
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Yeap indeed
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On a serious note, with specific add ons and a bit of RNG she can get free kills with the traps.
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When she's crouched near a gen, it looks like a survivor is repairing it. This is in fact OP!
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This is probably a joke right? it must be
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Lmao, yeah thats very true.
Legion too, not the crouching part, but I thought he was a Surv until I saw the mask.
Then again I mistook Myers for a glitched out Surv on Yamaoka Est, so... my horrible eyesight prevails yet again😂
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Or ya'll could stop doing gens and get the trap off after she put it? It's not rocket science to understand that the trap's timer doesn't start until a gen is popped.
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This is what i call a rank 20 experience.
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On these forums Clown and Pig are op.Lmao
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The fact that as survivor I'm shamed if I don't boop the snot means I'm getting hit easily every game. Plz nerf.
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It has proven that if you go up against the pig and encounter her and don't immediately try to repent then Boop the snoot you are teleported on hook and immediately sacrificed
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"....Mimimi, i cant play against Killer X he is OP pls DEVS you have to nerf him...."
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and this is where the joke begins
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I don't appreciate my main being made fun of....mark my words when they buff my kit, I'm going to show you the meaning of pain!!!
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See ya in 3 years.
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I applaud your ability for divine foresights to see when hell will truly freeze over. XD
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All i hear is oink oink oink
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You dare quote me without having the decency to boop me first
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Instant downs? WACK!
High mobility? WACK!
Anti-looping? WACK!
Me? I'm tight ad f*ck! First time I played killer I'm too cool for any specialised playstyle, but that's because I hadn't figured out there's only one way to play it RIGHT! With a stealth ability on one button and a lethal/stall secondary in the other, crouching next to a generator, stabbing survivors and regressing generators. Or was it repairing generators and booping survivors? I can't quite remember, I was too busy giving the Entity a reason to keep putting me into trials.
Welcome to a Crap Guide to Killer.
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O N E D A Y.
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OP has said in the past that Pig's lunge attack is OP. Not the ambush. The lunge. Joke or not, I wouldn't take it too seriously.
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Thats why every single red ranks game. I see Pig. She makes Spirit and Nurse obsolete
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The sarcasm is deep in this thread.
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Omg these guys wants to nerf pig? Ok guys.. You realize that shes heavily rng, addon dependent most of addons are useless, get crouch most of the time useless, she needs rework with buff, less rng ,, more mechanic for survivors .. Its really outdated and stupid to play a game with her and just use m 1 on game machine... Such wasted potential... Most of the time shes only m1 killer sadly
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Yeah.... those are new/inexperienced survivors hon. Pigs not broken.
I got into a game with a rank 6 from the community on ps4, and THEY didn't know that if a trap is put on during EGC it wont go off. They stood there AT THE GATE and let it pop.
Shes not op at all, people just dont do any research or ever play both roles, so they dont know.
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Not if they pick the right box first. Cant RNG that one.
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Let's be real, It's pig. They're going to nerf it, not buff it. ;n;
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I sometimes mistake her for a blendette when she creeps up until I realize...oh no!!
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True. Me personally like to drag it out a bit. I typically wait for the trap to activate and the time is half way through before removing it. Makes it more fun and exciting for me. Sometimes I die, sometimes I live. It's fun.
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Haa Haa lmao this is bait right? But the alarming thing is I have been seeing these kinda posts more regularly it baffles me!
Are us pig mains just becoming ss tier or something all of a sudden...
I think personally its down to the MMR if this is not bait maybe new people not understanding her power or something.
I was about to tag you @PigMainClaudette but your already commented lol
Erm guess we Nerf pig again? Lol
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This must be the kind of threads the devs read every time they decide to nerf pig. Hyped for the next pig nerf.
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I believe your sarcasm meter needs calibrating.
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Or, your Sarcasm Detection is malfunctioning with False Positive Results 🥴
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Op copied the text from a
pointlessargumentintellectual discussion I was having with @LetsPlayTogetherAnd I assure you, I have never been more serious about anything in my life. Pig OP
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For those who don't get it. The entire post was a joke. Stop taking it serious.
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A quote from AVoiceOfReason 🥴
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Don't be so upset. It's a joke post. I'm not the one who replied in anger initially over a joke post. I took time off from the negativity of the forum. I feel much better and you will not bring me down. Take care.
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There may be a Reason'able chance you have me mistaken with someone else 🤔 with these assumptions.