Who actually like Midwich School?

LuluTheLion14 Member Posts: 283
edited August 2020 in Polls

Tbh. I think Midwich school is a killer sided map. Most of the rooms in the school are too small that u can’t even attempt to 360 killers. I haven’t even came across a single person who actually likes the map. Idk if any changes are happening to the map. Fingers crossed they are. This is just my opinion tho. I’d like to see what others think of the map. 👍🏻 I also find it quite hard trying to unhook teammates. As I always go towards the aura then I find out they are in a different room and I can’t find my way in. Also, I think there needs to be more stairs. The reason why I say this is because I haven’t played killer in this map yet. So I haven’t seen what it’s like for the killer. But for me as a rank 1 survivor I find it so difficult to loop in this map and to 360. I haven’t even escaped this map yet. 😭😂. Alright. So the majority don’t like the map. I think that’s saying something. It needs a rework.

Who actually like Midwich School? 86 votes

Yes I do like it.
AdelooInjiBlueberryMegaWaffleInnCognitoNekoGamerXdoitagain_TaigaTheGhostofZgorSillierHorizon5anonymous31337GlamourousLeviathanScary_Punk_GhostPredatedDarkHunter99magicmaster2020OwlzeyElcopolloPega6Vox_Nocturne 36 votes
No I don’t like it
SnakeSound222White_OwlAcromioLevelSwordGHERBEARRULESCheersSpacingLlamasDr_TrautsDimekAven_FallenFog_KingxEaBoosted_Dwightmusstang62UistreelDr_LoomisAhoyWolfSunaIIanuParallaxkin 50 votes
Post edited by LuluTheLion14 on


  • Valiant_Majesty
    Valiant_Majesty Member Posts: 39
    No I don’t like it

    Based on looks, I like it. It has an ominous feeling to it, and the sound effects are spot on.

    But as far as playing on the map? No. God pallets in two corners of the map, then all the others are VERY unsafe. It's a wonderland for stealthy Survivors, but chases don't usually last too long against good Killers. Not to mention only two places on the map to go upstairs unless the Killer kicks the walls to open a third, and he doesn't have to kick it open if he chooses not to.

  • Elcopollo
    Elcopollo Member Posts: 768
    Yes I do like it.

    But only visually. The amount of easter eggs is impressive, map itself looks like a perfect remaster of original Midwich from the first Silent Hill. Very beautiful, atmospheric and truthful to the original. By looks it is the very best map in this game so far.

    Gameplay-wise, though, it is one of the sh*ttiest maps in the game. Especially for the killer. Patrolling and pressuring gens is impossible. Breakable walls and dead-end rooms are annoying. For the amount of time you waste on patrolling gens you can lose 2-3 of them in different spots. And unless you are a Ghostface or Wraith you can pretty much DC if there are Objects of Obsession, because this perk is completely broken on Midwich. The only killer, which is universally good on this map all-the-way is probably the Hag. Also, as a survivor - most of the pallets are not that safe and it's kinda hard to find gens sometimes, which also could be really annoying. Still, I somehow get genrushed on Midwich half of the time.

  • sad_killer_main
    sad_killer_main Member Posts: 785
    No I don’t like it

    I don't think it's a killer sided map. It's kinda big tho.

    Also my performance in this map has not been the best, because the map itself is kinda confusing (at least for me).

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,386
    No I don’t like it

    Gameplay wise, the map is awful.

    As a survivor there's very little opportunity to outplay killers at loops so most of the time you are just holding W for as long as possible. Doesn't help that most of the classroom pallets are unsafe.

    As a killer finding and catching survivors is a pain because it's impossible to cut survivor off in hallways and navigating between the floors can be a pain.

    The map looks nice at least and I do enjoy all the easter eggs hidden in the map.

  • TotemsCleanser
    TotemsCleanser Member Posts: 619
    No I don’t like it

    Aesthetically I love it. Gameplay wise??? I hate it. On both sides. I feel it /is/ more killer sided. Until you face a SWF with an OoO player. Then it's GG good bye killer.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416
    No I don’t like it

    Visuals are great, its my favorite map in that regard. But it plays like absolute ass. The looping is just not right.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    No I don’t like it

    I don't hate it since the gameplay is different than other maps and that is a plus, but there are so many cons in this map, like stairs only in the corners, long corridors full of nothing, no clear indicator of where generators are and so on. It could definetly be improved, a lot.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703
    No I don’t like it

    It's easily my least favourite map.

    Authenticity aside...it's a crapfest.

  •  Antares2332
    Antares2332 Member Posts: 1,088
    No I don’t like it

    I hate this map, as a player on both sides. It is poorly designed, the only good thing about this map is the appearance.

  • ObscurityDragon
    ObscurityDragon Member Posts: 710

    I like it overall

    Just wished that the 2 doors wound be further away tbh...

    Otherwise the map is scary but rather braindead....walk around, drop a Pallet in a room and vault to the next one a bit sad, but thats the charm i like and hate haha

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976
    Yes I do like it.

    I like it, it needs a few more interactables and some of the breakable doors should simply not exist. There is a difference between doors being there to help break loops early on and completely destroying a loop. For example, the rooms with the window and breakable door dont always have a window, yet always a breakable door and breaking that door destroys any loopability when there isnt a window, and when there is a window, all you need is to break the door and lock em up.

    So for survivors, there need to be more interactibles. For killers, there needs to be a way to go to the hallway on the opposite side without walking the long way round. Other than that, going from room to room, there is overal a nice amount of interactibles to loop long enough to be able to finish the final gen in a reasonable amount of time, just not enough interactibles to open up a gate within a reasonable time.

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448
    Yes I do like it.

    As a Windows of Opportunity main, indoors maps are my favorite maps and this one makes no exception !

    + it has all those visuals and sounds effects related to Silent Hill which make it really immersive !

  • musefan
    musefan Member Posts: 345
    Yes I do like it.

    I like it. Sure it's different, but is that a bad thing?

    You just need to use different tactics and put more effort into not getting in a chase.

    I think it's nice to have some maps that force changing your play style. Mixes things up.

  • Awkward_Fiend
    Awkward_Fiend Member Posts: 687
    No I don’t like it

    This map just is Lery's with 2 floors and Hawkins pallets, it's just not fun.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277
    Yes I do like it.

    i love it not hard for me ass killer or survivor.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172
    Yes I do like it.

    Love the visual, the atmosphere, the Easter eggs, the fact that its an indoor map with confusing tiles (at least for now) but i hate the layout for getting from top to bottom. As a killer its infuriating and as a survivor there are so many angles that make the hallways easy sight vantage points.

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 988
    Yes I do like it.

    I love Midwich. It's a beautiful map with a lot of details. It has some decent loops, but none of them are really strong. The map is really easy to navigate unlike other indoor maps such as Hawkins and The Game that look like a labyrinth.

    My only complaint is that this map seems very laggy for me. I don't know why, but it seems that everytime I play there my fps drops. However, I have this issue with Sanctum of Wrath too.

  • Pawcelot
    Pawcelot Member Posts: 985
    edited August 2020
    No I don’t like it

    Seeing an OoO player on the map makes me just disconnect straight away. That map is awful and exploitable.

  • Fog_King
    Fog_King Member Posts: 688
    No I don’t like it

    I don't hate it, but I don't like it either. It's confusing and some rooms are just a death trap, like running in a room, being chased, then discovering the other exit is a door that can be destroyed, but it wasn't and there is no pallet, so the killer can easily hurt or down you.

  • nancymain
    nancymain Member Posts: 7
    No I don’t like it

    The visuals are gorgeous, but playing on it is not inn the least fun, for survivor. I had to increase my brightness to even see. The generators are pretty hard to find, too. Makes it a pain everytime. On the killer side, tho, it's a very fun map. It's also perfect if you're planning a basement party, as you can get to the basement with Iron Grasp from almost anywhere on the map. The hallways are also great for hatchets throws if you play Huntress.

    Overall, it's a very good-looking map that is very killer sided in my opinion.

  • OBX
    OBX Member Posts: 854
    No I don’t like it

    The devs need to examine and study why coal tower is such a great map and implement those elements into new maps. The devs really accomplished a feat with midwich...... everyone hates it

    GHERBEARRULES Member Posts: 265
    No I don’t like it

    Community: WE HATE INDOOR MAPS >:(

    Devs: Haha dbd go indoor indoor.