Your most and least liked maps

I´m curious, what´s your most / least liked map and why?

For me, I think I´d pick Coal Tower as my favorite. I consider it pretty balanced and I love the MacMillan map aesthetics.

Least liked would be Ormond. No matter which settings I try scratches are so hard to see they might as well not exist, pair that with always having super strong tile setups and you´re in for a really unfun ride as Killer.


  • sad_killer_main
    sad_killer_main Member Posts: 785

    The smaller the map, the better.

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,718
    edited August 2020

    As survivor Blood Lodge has been my favorite as of recent; I love all the pallets and the map in general. My least favorite as survivor is The Lab/Lerys. As a PS4 player I get ######### framerate on those maps and god help my soul if the killer is the Doctor to make the frames go even lower.

    As killer my favorite is Asarov's as I believe it's the strongest overall killer map. Least favorite is probably Disturbed Ward. Very big and hard to win on with most killers depending on the survivor group.

    Taking only appearance into consideration then the silent hill map is my favorite with shelter woods being my least favorite.

  • branchini1979
    branchini1979 Member Posts: 295

    Maps are more dependent killer wise.

    Jumpscare Myers or impossible skillcheck Doctor then the game or Lerys.

    For survivor, Blood lodge (oh sorry pallet city) and Ormond.

    Most balanced is possibly the swamp (my own experience) a small map so good for killer patrolling gens but enough loops and bits for survivor.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Visually I like Midwich elementary school the most. The devs really did an amazing job on the Silent Hill vibes and easter eggs.

    Gameplay wise I like Azarov maps the most as I think they provide the most fair chances for both sides for the most part (obviously still depending on what killer it is and rng but the base design seems fair on both sides).

    Maps I really don't enjoy:

    Ormond: Too big, really low fps (on console), too many unfair loops and chainable loops, bad auras (although they may be fine since the latest aura change). I still like the theme and all but the map seems kinda one-sided.

    Shelter Woods: Overall a seemingly big boring map that either spawns with too many jungle gyms and easy to loop rock-pallets OR a giant death zone with nothing but T-L walls and no pallets. Extremely impactful rng case and boring design. You can't even use some perks effectively due to its bland design (Balanced Landing). Also it's just way too dark for me. If there's just the tiniest bit of fps drop during a 360 survivors will literally teleport away and never be seen again.

  • Zeus
    Zeus Member Posts: 2,112

    I hate ormond but I love midwich. I know midwich is an annoying map by design but boy does it look good.

  • EmpireWinner
    EmpireWinner Member Posts: 1,054

    Best- blood lodge, love the original maps and open space

    Worst- shelter woods, that map is so basic and garbage

  • slim0b
    slim0b Member Posts: 551

    Least Liked:

    • Mother's Dwelling : it's just gigantic impossible to patrol with someone who doesn't have mobility

    • Ormond : Big & too many pallets.

    • Lery's & The Game : AWFUL FPS

    Most Liked:

    • All of Autohaven's Wreckers, I feel like this map series is the most balanced by far and overall easy to navigate even for new players

    • Father Campbell's Chapel: I've had plenty of fun meming around as ghostface in the circus section of it, looked something like this

  • MrLimonka
    MrLimonka Member Posts: 545

    Visually, Dead Dawg Saloon is definietly my favourite - I really like the atmosphere but sadly the map is kind of unbalanced.

    Gameplay-wise, I like Badham Preschool - pretty balanced and has a nice atmosphere as well

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Visually I love midwich, but playing I love coal tower.

    The ones I dislike to play for both sides is hawkins and midwich, can't decide which one I hate the most.

  • Siberia
    Siberia Member Posts: 353

    Badham Preschool is my favorite. Pretty fair and balanced overall & I just like the setting, compared to so often being in the woods.

    Dead Dawg Saloon is my least favorite. I love the aesthetic but it’s too bright and tiny for my liking. You have like 1 generator out in the desert area and the rest are all pretty close together. Really hard to get anything done on that map.

  • HolyLadyGaga
    HolyLadyGaga Member Posts: 51
    edited August 2020


    Most Liked: Midwitch Elementary, visually appealing, the best indoor map, has some really unsafe pallets that make chases fun.

    Most Disliked: Meatplant, terror radius goes through both floors, small map, every room looks the damn same.


    Most Liked: Coal Tower, good pallet placements, not a huge map, relatively good totem spots.

    Most Disliked: Ormond, huge map, too many safe pallets, can barely see auras.

  • LSerpentine
    LSerpentine Member Posts: 140

    Favorite: either Yamaoka estate or Macmillan estate

    Hate: Lery's or Haddonfield.

    In terms of aesthetics only, definitely Yamaoka Est. I like the vibes.

  • nursewannabe
    nursewannabe Member Posts: 1,075

    As a killer, my favorite map is saloon. Least favorite is Ormond.

    As a survivor I don't really have a favorite map. I just hate all indoors.

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448

    Favorite map = indoors (both sides)

    Hated map = Ormont, Asylumn Corns and Red forest Realm (both sides)

  • Inji
    Inji Member Posts: 1,096

    Love: Red Forest - Mother's Dwelling.

    Like: Yamaoka Estate(both)

    Hate: THE GAME. I swear I get that map like its the only map in rotation. Shelter Woods.

    This list is both for killer and survivor. Midwich is my favorite on how it looks and how the map has so many interesting things to it.

  • Bumbus
    Bumbus Member Posts: 600

    Best map - Midwich

    It is very unique in terms of gameplay, and the thematic content is amazing.

    Worst map - Ormond. It just looks empty for me, the only thing I like is the main building. The idea was good, but the realization is poor.

  • Xzan
    Xzan Member Posts: 907

    Favorite: The Game for the design and Saloon for the aesthetics.

    Honorable mention: the bone shaped Azarov map.

    Least: Corn and Headonfield.

    Goes for both sides except the azarov map.

  • BloodMoneyMerc
    BloodMoneyMerc Member Posts: 477

    The Game is probably my favorite as killer because the map is designed in a way that's generally more fair towards killers (though there are still some strong loops for survivors). As survivor, I would say my favorite is probably Lery's because there are more windows to utilize (less pallet reliability which I like for a change).

    As killer, I hate both Haddonfield & Ormond. Haddonfield has neverending fences & is trash for basically all killers. Ormond just has so many strong tiles that spawn on it & I am not a fan of the map being snowy (too bright for me, hate playing Trapper on that map).

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    Love: Glenvale

    Okay: All the Corn maps (usually for the meme song of our discord server)

    Hate: The game. Is2g the stairs are placed at random too

  • BloodyNights
    BloodyNights Member Posts: 526

    Visuals my favorite is Midwich.

    My least favorite for visuals - The CoRn!

    Survivor Favorite - Ormond, lots of areas to lose the killer, pallet stun, or continue on to the next loop. The huge balanced landing middle section is nice too.

    Survivor Least Favorite - The Game. I hate that I pretty much have to rely on solely pallets to survive a chase. So if I'm the second or possibly the third one to get chased. It's possible I could run to a pallet that's already been used and it's basically death with no real way to outplay the killer. Also easy to see scratch marks, and terror radius going through both floors.

    Killer Favorite Map - I haven't lost a single game on Hawkins as killer. The Game is also really strong it feels like but it does have some strong pallets. Probably Hawkins for me.

    Killer Least Favorite - Corn maps. I'm partially color blind so the majority of survivors just blend in with it. I'll hit them, and by the time the killer get's done wiping their blade. They are gone and I have no idea where they went. It's frustrating, and honestly it makes me want to immediately quit the match as soon as I load into it. If I ignore the frustration of corn. Probably the Red Forest maps, or Ormand. Just too large for me to navigate most of the time.

  • sad_killer_main
    sad_killer_main Member Posts: 785

    omfg the circus zone is the best in the whole game in my opinion. The music is so cool. And that weird fortune-teller moving, so cool.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Best: McMillan, Coldwind, Autohaven, Crotus Prenn

    Worst: Saloon, Lerys, Hawkins, Midwich

  • BeHasU
    BeHasU Member Posts: 830

    I only like the original 3 maps: Coldwind, Mcmillan and Autohaven. Give me the worst variation of coldwind, i still enjoy it more than playing on Ormond, The Game and so on.

    The most hated? Oh my.. I just wanna delete Yamaoka, playing killer on that map is the worst experience i had in 3 years of playing this game, even as a survivor.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666
    edited August 2020

    My favorite maps are the autohaven maps, I know many people don't like them because they are difficult to traverse, but they have plenty line of sight and my boy demo does relatively good on them.

    Least favorite, possibly Lerys, I have grown to hate this map more and more trough time and I kind of miss the old lerys now. Currently its an extremely difficult to travess mess with a framerate that makes my PS4 look like it has a windows 98 processor.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Best: Midwhich

    Worst: Corn maps, followed by Ormond.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    You can put me on any farm map and i'll probably be happy.

    You can put me on any swamp map and i probably won't be.

  • Star99er
    Star99er Member Posts: 1,447
    edited August 2020

    The Game is my favorite map, great for looping and also great for certain killers like Hag, Trapper, and stealthy Killers.

    Least favorite map is Rotten Fields, I can’t see anything with all that Corn! Lol

  • Rittihilatti
    Rittihilatti Member Posts: 124

    Im fine with anything that is not an indoor map.

  • FluffySharkz_
    FluffySharkz_ Member Posts: 48
    edited August 2020

    Dead Dog Saloon and Hawkins Lab, they're just the most balanced imo, since every pallet isn't safe but they both have at least a couple really good loops.

    Plus they look cool.

  • Ghost_Face_Main
    Ghost_Face_Main Member Posts: 618

    No bias at all, I love Midwich and Léry's for their incredible atmosphere. The claustrophobic nature makes chases intense.

    My least favorite goes to Hawkins Laboratory. That map can fall in a flaming pit of garbage.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    I like all the original maps over the newer ones tbh. The more open maps you can see from a distance. Even the corn ones have high points you can spy from.

    I dont really like the indoor maps as they are bad for certain killers while being good for others.

    Midwich while looked amazing the first few times for myself its kind of boring now and is my least favorite. I'd prefer it to have ramps or stairs up and down from the middle section with stairs in every corner and some more drop points from rooms.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762

    As survivor, I love getting Thompson House or Blood Lodge. I hate getting anything indoors (although sometimes Midwich can be fun), as well as Mother's Dwelling, Ormond, Haddonfield, anything Yamaoka, or anything Swamp.

    As killer, I love getting Shelter woods and Azarov's. I hate getting Haddonfield, Ormond, Mother's Dwelling, anything Yamaoka, or anything Swamp.

  • JustaPotato
    JustaPotato Member Posts: 10

    I like father Campbells chapel and the asylum. Least favorite are dead dawg saloon (the main building is so poorly designed with almost every doorway is a breakable wall which you have to either take time out of a chase or take time beforehand to break which is annoying) and midwich (its impossible to find your way through the place, breaking the walls help survivors more than it does killers, and its annoying to 1. Find generators, and 2. Switch floors.