Disconnections and depipping from pure salt.

I would like anyone that sees this to take a moment to appreciate the amount of Crutch my backpack Myers was totally not dealing with at 4 gens. The Kate got 18k bp for literally nothing and getting a free escape.
Now for the discussion: Neither side should depip or gain a pip if more than 1 person disconnects. Change my mind.
Paintshop name censorship credited by yours truly.
If she got 18k BP with 4 gens still up, she definitely had to have done something. Hell she was probably carrying the team considering 2 people DCd and the one who died had 8k.
As far as someone DCing so someone else can get hatch, that clearly didn't happen in this match because according to your screenshot, there was someone on hook still after the 2 people had DCd. Hatch wasn't even spawned at that point so she just got lucky with the RNG god/goddess
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I'm guessing they DCd because you were playing a hardcore basement game?
Not saying that justifies them DCing, I'm just guessing that's the reason.
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Nah I was playing backpack Myers, the 2 Aces DCed at the same time as I downed the one before he hopped a window while I was carrying the meg. The kate didn't even try saving Meg.
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How can you close the Hatch when 4 Gens are up and 2 Survivors are alive?
But overall, IMO no player in the Trial should depip if one player DCs.
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How did you close the hatch with multiple people left at 4 gens?
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Yeah I just edited that smol bit out, it was irrelevant to my post. Sorry about the confusion.
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The order of events that had played out are a bit scrambled due to a lack of caffeine. Actually I'll just not try and say what happened, the screenshots are enough xD