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Hag vs Sprint Burst (Speed Perks)

I have been playing with the Hag for the Rift and i come across many situations where my powers are useless against survivors due to them being much faster than me because they are using Sprint Burst.

Most of the time, the tactics are like this:

  • I place the traps, they simply ignore them and use sprint burst to go away
  • I litteraly spam the traps for them to use sprint burst again or their simply speed to run away from all of them again
  • I block the gens and make the game really long but still it always comes down to my lack of speed to keep up with them
  • Chasing them relying on Bloodlust is also not effective because thanks to sprint burst, they nullify the chase or i simply run and run and run to no avail, leaving the gens unprotected without any possible solution at hand. Looping everywhere just for a simple tap on them...

So i ask the other killer players for solutions against this?

I ask also the devs if its possible to give small effects to the traps like Exhausted 3 seconds (dont need more than 2 or 3 seconds). Even a small effect would be usefull...?

Right now, i feel that The Hag is simply running and teleporting to run again...




  • Manky
    Manky Member Posts: 192

    I would reccomend running mindbreaker if you encounter this a lot, that does pretty much exactly what u asked for but its on gens, when they get off gens they get exhaustion until they stop running for a few seconds. Great counter to perks like sprint burst, easy way to guard gens against it. As for your traps, use a scarred hand. gives ur traps collision so they get stuck on it. sure, u cant teleport but they probs waste their sprint burst trying to run past your trap and you can get there if you are close enough

  • cyniChris
    cyniChris Member Posts: 207

    Set up traps at pallets & window vaults (but not directly next to them - the traps have a 3m trigger radius and you don't want them triggered from the wrong side), cover crossroads and routes that survivors take often, trap the bottom of vault drops (ie; the Myers house window, the big drops on The Game and Hawkins, etc.), and chase the survivors into the traps. Sprint Burst should not be a problem.

    Do NOT use the "effective range" addons (Bog/Bloodied Water, Bloodied Mud) or anything that disables your ability to teleport. Best addons, generally speaking, are the tripped phantasm duration (Powdered/Half Eggshell, Cracked Turtle Egg), and teleport distance addons (Dead Fly Mud, Dragonfly Wings, Dried Cicada). Take one of the trap setting speed addons (Rope/Cypress/Swamp Orchid Necklet) if you want to save a little time.

    Try to set traps where you think survivors will go, and chase them into them. Combine that with quick teleports and a little mind-gaming and the biggest worry you'll have is getting more than a safety pip after destroying the survivors.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    Getting a Hag to swing at a primed Sprint Burst is one of the most satisfying things in the game.

    I used to call myself a Hag main until dedicated servers came around (then I became much more interested in Huntress), so I'm not really sure what that says about me. I never liked it as killer tho :P.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    Damn manky really out here running counter intelligence lol. Ideally the killer has mindbreaker if you equip sprint burst because that makes it super super easy to 99% your exhaustion for SB since it only lasts 5 seconds.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    Getting a Hag to swing at a primed Sprint Burst is one of the most satisfying things in the game.

    I used to call myself a Hag main until dedicated servers came around (then I became much more interested in Huntress), so I'm not really sure what that says about me. I never liked it as killer tho :P.