Why do survivors on Exit Gate seem to care so deeply about one last hooked?

Sheridan_LT Member Posts: 417
edited August 2020 in General Discussions

Before rank reset, I was getting a lot of Red ranks and being me, I don't play this game tbh all month. Only just been replaying it recently, so addicting.

when I as a killer basically get "gen rushed" (AKA, I messed up, and there's only one term that adequately describes being pretty adequately stomped lol) and I manage to grab ONE guy, and get him to the hook. All 3 teammates seem to go OUT of their way, these 8 and up rankers, to AT LEAST get every single survivor escaped. Dude, they try so hard that the DUDE himself manages to escape, but all 3 die to EGC.

I've had SO many red survivor games, and I'm NOT sure if it's SWF, where they not only risk but DIE to EGC just to get ONE guy. One guy!? /Edit: The craziest part is, ALL three guys straight up bum rush the hook he's on no matter what and hope to luck out and not trade hits long enough to land on a hook. But then I hook his rescuer, then THAT guy teams with those 3 and mindlessly again rushes a hooked survivor right infront of me. God, I love landing quick and nasty hits on a unhook attempt: No matter where your 2nd hit lands, you'll get that survivor. /

Lol I just found it funny, was able to farm somehow more bloodpoints off of salty survivors... Disconnecting? And people dying due to EGC, than getting 3-4 kills (I basically never get Memento Moris in bloodweb so). RIP haha

Note 1: If you are wondering, I USED to facecamp when I was a salty Killer player (I have WAY more hours in survivor) who literally, like all the worst Killers, stared straight at a generator and ran headfirst into it. As early as 2018, but I played the game sparingly. And of course, they'd fix all the gens, loop me amazingly well, quadruple teabag and don't let the door hit me on the way out. Deservedly.

This was happening when I'd straight intercept these guys.

Post edited by Sheridan_LT on


  • Sheridan_LT
    Sheridan_LT Member Posts: 417

    But you eventually gotta realize that EGC WILL happen and there's no amount of skill that's gonna get you through it, like literally, survivors trying as hard as they can till EGC is so close they'd barely make it from the start of the gate to the exit IN TIME. I feel like sometimes even if they had go-karts they couldn't make the time man.

  • LSerpentine
    LSerpentine Member Posts: 140

    Its no fair to leave someone behind if they were helpful. There are only 3 things that would prevent me from going for save.

    1. They did not help at all. Locker-corner lovers, etc.

    2. They're on low end 2nd stage. Im talking, not even 25% left in the meter. Maybe 10%. Same with the EGC. If I know I don't have the time, then I'm not going to risk it.

    3. I'm on last hook. This is pretty explainitory, imo.

    If they don't fall into those 3 issues, then better catch me running fast as Sonic to save them.

  • just_teme
    just_teme Member Posts: 195

    Because escaping is very rarely rewarding but making a tight save at the end of the game almost always is.

  • Dsalter
    Dsalter Member Posts: 239

    only time i will refuse to EVER go back is NOED, if i see that proc well, adios

  • Sheridan_LT
    Sheridan_LT Member Posts: 417

    RIP. I hate suicide charging survivors, so hilarious to fight. lol

  • wisdomwielder
    wisdomwielder Member Posts: 348

    It's a fun challenge trying to get everyone out. The game is basically won at that point, so trying to pull off a seal team six style rescue is fun. It also feels really good if we manage to save the damsel/dude in distress 😄

    If I die, I'm okay with it, because the rest of the game went well for the team.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    I think its because at one time or another, every survivor had been that one survivor on his first hook endgame hopeing to be rescued.

    The risk you take to rescue him is not that big(unless he has an active noed), because all 3 survivors are free go to rescue him.

    But if it helps you, i had games where i played with a 3 ppl swf where one was hooked, i helped to rescue him, got downed, and they left me alone on my first hook, because i wasn´t one of them.

    That are the plays that make me reluctant to do such things again.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    Spoken like a true potato. In fact when I see that, I'm more interested in staying in the match. It's a fun challenge to look for the totem. Obviously not always the case especially if the collapse has already begun and it's close to the end. I just hate those potatoes that insta exit as soon as NOED activates.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Emblem point farming. if they are at the gates then i assume that the gens went quickly and nobody got enough for a pip.

  • EnderloganYT
    EnderloganYT Member Posts: 621

    unless theres a blood warden or NOED i'm going for it because haha fun go brrrr

  • Sheridan_LT
    Sheridan_LT Member Posts: 417

    Yeah I feel like it's gotta be confident SWF.

    People "Insta-exit" on no-ed? That's so toxic... I dc on Spirit. :) No seriously, throw Demogorgons, Legions, and barely competent MYERS at me all day but Spirit? F off.

    Thanks for the input.

  • MissKitty95
    MissKitty95 Member Posts: 786

    I personally don’t like to leave my team mates to die, i at least try to save there life

  • balenciaga
    balenciaga Member Posts: 21

    it’s fun trying to get everyone out, if you think you can make it and get them out without them dying then why not

  • Fog_King
    Fog_King Member Posts: 688

    There are a lot of times where a 1 kill match turns into 2 or more because of people trying to save others in the endgame. I mean, if the killer doesn't have noed and it's not only me and another player left and they are not hooked on the other side of the map, ok, I will try to help, but if the killer has NOED and is camping or there is no one else alive but me and the other hooked player being camped, I don't see the point. Just escape and let the killer get the kill.

    Now, the only time I throw logic out the window is when playing with friends and even if they are far away, fc with a noed killer, I will try my best to save them, like they try to save me, which most times results in the killer not only downing my friend again, but me too, so he gets both kills. But at least we tried...

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804

    the only time I just leave if someone is hooked is...

    A. I have a item (I'm going for 100 of every single obtainable item and every single item is important)

    B. I'm on death hook

    C. Doing a challenge or daily

    D. I think the killer has bloodwarden

    E. The Killer has NOED (unless someone breaks it, then I might go for a save)

  • mydogmax19
    mydogmax19 Member Posts: 266

    It makes me happy towards survivors who care for their teammates that much, even though that should be a given. What benevolence!

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Altruism is fun AF. The only time I don't play that way is if the killer has NOED. Otherwise, I will happily martyr myself. Screw the extra 3000 BP. And I know that most survivors do the same.

  • CheyeneKL
    CheyeneKL Member Posts: 723

    It's usually SWF. I play in a 4 man with various friend groups, and we always at least try to get everyone out. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it turns what would have been a 1k into a 4k LMAO, but end game is a huge part of the fun and leaving every single time regardless of who is on the hook would quickly get boring, especially if someone on your team hogs the killer's attention most of the match so you don't get to do much other than healing or objectives LOL