Leatherface STILL isn't fun.

EVERY Leatherface that I have played against except for ONE played like they always do. Apparantly its a common thing for players that when they click on Leatherface their brain shuts off. Seriously I have never seen any other killer be used for camping THIS much. His update also made him more of a pain to deal with for survivors, it isn't fun. Borrowed is now completely useless as his chainsaw rush can catch back up with you, and he's still as proficient at camping as he's always been.

He needs a real rework badly.

And before you say to get better understand that the devs really didn't do anything to change him. Woop di doo, they added charges and made it to where you can have his rush last stupidly long. They only made him more DREADFUL to play again'st.


  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,336

    Bubba isn't the issue here the hooks are. Every killer can hook camp and plenty can ensure you die first hook. Yeah Bubba has this problem too but it isn't exclusive to him. Need to give a reason for him to leave hook. He already had his update though so we can't exactly suggest ability buffs or a new ability to entice him to leave.

  • Hex_Stalk
    Hex_Stalk Member Posts: 488

    "Give them a reason to leave the hook" Bruh I was literally working on a generator RIGHT ABOVE THE BASEMENT. If they are camping, they aren't leaving. It's not like I can wave a cookie in their face and say "Come on buddy, you waaaant it?"

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    I don't think he's nearly as proficient as camping as he used to be. You can't hold the chainsaw constantly.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,336
    edited August 2020

    Seeing the specific survivor die is currently more enticing than anything else in the game. There's the problem.

    If a killer is bored or not having fun they're probably going to take their previous frustrations from a bad game out on other players in a new game. If they keep doing it that is telling enough to say the normal gameplay loop isn't exciting or fun for them or they had a bad experience.

    Like I said they need more motivation to leave hook in these cases. I'll say go even as far as let's say a player (Both sides) is on a loss streak. Give them a chance to get bonus BP for coming out on top and over performing compared to their last games.

    Perhaps add more exciting objectives or more dynamic functions to the map each time.

    The basement in itself is admittedly an issue and in my opinion should be updated to be more interesting. Two entrances to the basement for starters would be ideal so the killer cannot just watch one vantage point. The basement is such an outdated part of the game it needs to be what is essentially an expansion of The Entity's domain and a more menacing lair for the killer but also big and expansive. Not small and cramped where Leatherface or other camping killers thrive.

    But to tl;dr that last paragraph

    • Basement needs to be bigger or have two entrances so it isn't easy to camp
    • Basement however needs a reason to be used by killers because right now if it is really deemed an issue the main reason to basement hook is to camp. There should be other reasons to hook in the basement.

    The not so tl;dr answer on the basement though.

    Is there really an effective way to use the basement where you don't end up doubling back or preventing the survivor from getting unhooked? If you're not doing that you're wasting time navigating through the building the basement is usually at and down the stairs. With the timeloss you experience from basement hooks it's pretty much only worth it if you plan to secure that kill. Killer doesn't have enough time most of the time to just basement hook. Those precious seconds matter and thus I see that as the issue. If anything basement is still there because old sabo and that's about it.

  • Fnatic47
    Fnatic47 Member Posts: 396

    Maybe the problem is not Leatherface, maybe the problem is you who don t know how counter him.

  • Mozzie
    Mozzie Member Posts: 618

    The reason why Leatherface is 'the camping killer' is purely down to his power. SWF teams often group together to help unhook a survivor against a camping killer. This is a deadly strategy to use against a leatherface as his power could cause all 4 survivors to go down with one charge of chainsaw. As leatherface is the only killer with the unique ability of being able to do this it's too much of a benefit for the killer to not camp the hook.

    The only viable strategy to use against a camped survivor is to let them die on the hook. I know it sucks but you can punish the killer by doing gens and having the survivor struggle as long as possible to eat up the time. If the other 3 survivors can knock off 2-3 gens it could cause the killer to leave the hook in desperation. The issue of course is that solo qer's are not on comms and will all perish if they cannot assess the situation fast enough.

    Designing a killer to be able to down multiple survivors with a single use of their power is always going to cause an issue that makes camping hooks a strategy. It's why Pyramid Head was so campy when he first came out and they nerfed the wrong part of his power which still leads him to be played quite campy today.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    If a killer is facecamping and you aren’t doing gens until the last moment the loss in on you, not them. Smart survivors will continue doing gens while a killer is twiddling their thumbs at a hook, then have one person (usually with Borrowed Time) do a hook trade. If you do that then the killer gets maybe one kill for the whole match, virtually no victory points at the end and loses the match badly. Camping only works when survivors are overeager to get the save.

  • EmpireWinner
    EmpireWinner Member Posts: 1,054

    He is fine

  • Zaonhort
    Zaonhort Member Posts: 101

    Yeah the rework helped, and he definitely needed some help. However I do find him still unfun to go against and unfun to play as. There isn't much in the way of plays when playing him unless you get a survivor off guard and they don't have SB. I'm not really sure what they could change to make him more fun. I love playing and going against billy's but we can't have two killers with the same power.

    As far as camping goes, I like the cages of atonement on geometry man. PH can't see the cages and they teleport away if he stands by one for too long. Hooks could work like that, if a killer is nearby too long the survivor is teleported to another hook the killer cannot see but survivors can. The only problem with that is if other survivors are nearby the hook and the killer is chasing nearby. Then they lose the hook pressure, so in those cases if a survivor is already nearby the hooked survivor can't be teleported away. May be an interesting fix to camping. Also if a killer is camping you can also do gens and escape.

  • Snowbawlzzz
    Snowbawlzzz Member Posts: 1,419

    Killer no FUN for ME he need rework because my fun matter more

    Killer can no have fun, me only have all fun

  •  Antares2332
    Antares2332 Member Posts: 1,088
  • YehBoiGoku
    YehBoiGoku Member Posts: 248

    Are you saying camping is fun? Well I guess there is a first for everything.

  • Virusmain
    Virusmain Member Posts: 53

    Ive been playing leather face since the rework, and ive found he is way better at chases now. And i dont use PWYF or Nemesis ( even if it is fun) but i find i can down survivors pretty easily now. I can fake chainsaw sprints and trap survivors easily when theyre at an unsafe loop.

    That being said, i think a lot of new players feel powerless when they use them so the camp. Its really sad, because they blame SWF, but SWF really arent that bad until high ranks like 7 to 1.

    Most people wanna have fun with their friends, and usually the new players get borked by MM one time and face a really good team, and they just say "screw it, SWF are toxic and shpuld be bannable" and just resort to camping and to mori people

  •  Antares2332
    Antares2332 Member Posts: 1,088

    This dude does know.

    Perfectly fine and balanced. He can even be effective at red ranges.