Legion Rework

HasterPhenix Member Posts: 23

I had an idea not long ago for a rework of Legion power.

Feral Frenzy:

Passive: When Legion runs he gains momentum, with each unit of momentum he gains 0,5% movement speed up to a maximum of 5%, when he gets 10 momentum charges he can jump over paddles and windows. If he hits a Survivor, he loses all of his charges and sees the aura of Survivors in his terror radius as a Killer Instint for 2 seconds.

Active: when Legion Hook survivors, it passes Feral frenzy levels which give it permanent passive bonuses, it has 8 maximum stacks.

1 The first stages give him more killer instint seconds and hook speed.

2 The middle stages give him more speed to get charges and more speed (0.5% per charge)

3 The penultimate leveling effect gives him stabbing effects of deep injury and the ability to regain all the momentum by hitting survivors with perfect health.

4 The last stages lose the red stain and the momentum stays forever