A simple guide how to counter noed if doing bones is so hard aka noed activated.

Just escape. Don't go to save anybody. Don't go searching for a totem. Don't pick up that slugged survivor no matter how loudly he asks you to do that in your voice chat.
If you aren't being chased, reach the exit gates, open them and selfishly escape. Don't try searching for the totem (unless you are 100% certain WHERE it is and you AREN'T going to be interrupted). Don't try saving hooked survivor as chances that killer is camping/patrolling are extremely high. Don't go picking up slugged survivor, do nothing of that. Your only goal is to open exit gates and LEAVE. There's NOTHING else you can do to help your teammates that are less lucky than you.
Accept that as an immutable fact. If NOED is in play, your goal number 1, 2, 3, 4 and so on to the end of the list is to ESCAPE.
If you are being chased when NOED activated, estimate your chances. If you think that you possess the resources to get to the exit gates and escape - do that (for example you are near exit gates or distance between you and killer is huge). If you know you aren't getting out - LURE killer AWAY from your team and exit gates. At this point you are a DISPOSABLE resource whose ONLY purpose is to die ALONE and NOT drag your team with yourself. Life is cruel. Make it so your death won't be useless and move on to the next game.
Use that simple algorithm while playing solo queue/not swat swf and noed will not give killer 4 kills. Sometimes it's just better to leave somebody to die and escape, then dying together in a desperate attempt to let everybody get away.
I agree. 3 out is still a win and I hate to see Noed killers rewarded.
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Yeah this is exactly why I don't understand why people want a noed nerf. I get it sucks whenever you're being chased and it pops out of no-where, but any other time you should just leave. NOED either never activates/lasts long enough for anything to happen or it secures 1 kill. This based purely off of experience though.
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Very often it's not noed, but survivors who refuse to escape until everybody's out.
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Yes I agree, but Noed gives them the power.
But you are correct, it is poor decision making by survivors that turn a 1k into a 4k
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I've seen the most common suggestion for a "nerf" is that the hex pops up before someone is hit, showing you its in play. It still has all its base power, it just feels less awful to play against.
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How are people still crying about NOED, either do totems or leave, it's not that hard to learn.
If i'm downed leave me, if i'm feeling generous i'll trade my life for someone elses.
Why do we still have to explain this to people after 4 years.
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All we need is a totem counter, whether it be a shrine in the map itself or just a simple addition to the HUD.
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Wait people want a noed nerf???
You must of heard it from a small group of people or something idk.
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Or to be less intrusive, a sound effect survivors hear when a dull totem is cleansed.
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@NuclearBurrito But with sound bugs and all...
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It's just bad survivor play.
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The sound bugs have always been with environmental sounds like breathing and footsteps.
Global sounds like gens popping have been pretty consistent.