What's the actual, raw skill counter-play for Michael Myers' Evil Within 3? (Michael Myers OP af)



  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,695

    I haven't seen confirmation bias this strong in a while.

    It was pretty disheartening, tbh.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I'm pretty new, just started learning Michael Myers and I still use PWYF because I don't have that casual grace I've seen other Killers demonstrate with him. I still need the speed boosts. Then again, I also don't have all the Perks unlocked that people tell me are just great with him. I think I'm doing pretty well, and learning. My view is that Myers has a steep learning curve because of his vulnerability to loops and big maps. The margin for error is very small when it comes to finding the Survivors. I am enjoying him, and the game immensely. Thank you and your company for a wonderful escape.

  • Sheridan_LT
    Sheridan_LT Member Posts: 417

    Killer mains are beautiful.

    "you're not meant to be able to counter every killer". Great quotes.

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    If you´re pretty new it´s paramound unlocking some workable, good perks for Myers. Check Otz´videos on youtube for Builds and perks ;-)

    Good choice when starting out with Killer btw. Myers is weak in chase so you are forced to learn good habits to combat looping which will come in handy later down the line.

    Also a little disclaimer: Don´t get too upset from losses, not only is it normal when starting out and not having all the good perks unlocked, but also note that Myers isn´t exaclty one of the stronger Killers, so bear that in mind when assessing your matches.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I appreciate all the good advice I can get. I never get upset about losses. If I'm outplayed, I'm outplayed. I've been watching Otz and Monto a lot, and it always impresses me how prescient they are about where the Survivors are located. One of the reasons I decided to stick with Myers until I feel I'm proficient with him, is because he is hard and because he has a weakness to loops and big maps. It is the school of hard knocks so to speak. There are definitely some Perks I have my eye on, and I hope some come to the Shrine soon.

  • isilmerel
    isilmerel Member Posts: 136

    This will eventually make you a great killer with time and practice.

  • zoozoom6
    zoozoom6 Member Posts: 825
    edited August 2020

    the shape isnt op he needs 3 stacks of pwf and like a full minute of stalking to use his power he is an inferior billy,bubba and oni his only saving grace is pwf synergy and tombstone addons otherwise hes garbage

    if you are getting out played by a myers its because your terrible theres like 10 killers that are better than him hes not the best stealth, snowball or one shot killer he is an all -arounder that isnt particularly good at anything.

    he needs a buff if anything and maybe rework his stalking movement speed and the reflective fragment add ons to something usefeul

  • Sheridan_LT
    Sheridan_LT Member Posts: 417

    As I've said before, whether you want to or not your teammates may, despite their best knowledge provide Myers with Evil Within 3 and that'll be your problem, not only your problem but an essentially unavoidable down. There's literally no killer like that who gets a speed boost to actions OR movement, and insta-downs, for their basic attack weapon without NOED, and even further increase their lunge attack range significantly.

    Survivors get punished for existing on the map, while a Killer gets rewarded for standing still and failing to give chase. It takes so little skill to stalk survivors, I often use the feature to help myself visually indicate survivors hidden or far away, and accidentally build Evil Within 3.

    Nurse rewards a skillful use of her power immensely, while Myers rewards basic use of his power quite well.

  • Arctus
    Arctus Member Posts: 42

    Have you ever played myers with those addons? It literally takes you ages to level up to T3. Unless you're playing with dumb claudette mains it's only detrimental to the killer.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    You know, at this point I feel like I'm clubbing a baby seal. That is how pathetic and helpless you are when it comes to rational discourse. You say the daftest things. You say things that are false on their face, and easily proven false. Do you think that if you say it with zeal that it makes it any more true? Do you think reality is subjective? Let me give you another lesson. Better players than me have tried, but since you and I are both relatively new, perhaps we can somehow synchronize up and understand one another.

    1. You are wrong. There are Killers who start with the ability to Insta-Down. They don't need an add-on, an offering, or a Perk. It is part of their basic package. They have it from the first second of the game and until the end. Chainsaws man, heard about them?
    2. Every single Killer in the game can unlock Play With Your Food and have the same option to get just as fast as Myers.
    3. Myers starts at 105% speed, which is only slightly above a Survivor. He doesn't get any faster unless he successfully plays with his food or manages to stalk someone to get to Tier-2. At this point he goes to 115% speed, making him no faster than a normal Killer.
    4. Myers is a trade off, i.e. he starts slow in exchange for the potential to be a normal speed fast with a smaller terror radius. In the current Meta where speed wins games, his slow build is often a hindrance and it must be overcome.
    5. If this is going to be your hobby, it pays to research it, read, learn, and listen to those who know more than you. I want to be great at this game. I chose Myers because I knew he was hard. I looked at each Killer that the DEV rated as hard and picked the one I most liked thematically from among them. I watch videos on youtube, I read articles and posts. I play and test things out. Everything about every Killer, Survivor, Perk, whatever is on the Wiki; everything is transparent. Avail yourself of these resources.
    6. My advice is to get another hobby. You clearly don't have the temperament for this one. Some dogs are untrainable.
  • kin
    kin Member Posts: 552
    edited August 2020

    I repeat again: if Michael is op, provided that 1 of the players in the team is a moron, then he is not op,all the more so if in this case literally every killer will be op... you were given advice on how to counter him, but you ignore them ... play Michael at high ranks against good survivors, and then tell the result (and yes, if you never understood the balance on morons do not need to count)

  • MrLimonka
    MrLimonka Member Posts: 545

    Well, Myers is a very mediocre killer, even below average, he is in no way OP. You should just not get caught off guard, because most Myers players will only pop tier 3 if you are in a weak spot

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    No, you're not. The killer should always win in a 1v1, it's about how much of his time you can waste. If everyone could counter the killer, the killer would never win and you wouldnt have much of a game.

  • LeaderoftheSaints
    LeaderoftheSaints Member Posts: 162
  • Buckoben
    Buckoben Member Posts: 351
  • Pandamonium
    Pandamonium Member Posts: 77
    edited August 2020

    [EDIT: Assuming that you played Myers are brown ranks. Ignore this part if you haven't :)]Myers is indeed very easy to play at brown ranks. In fact, the first ever game I played as a killer was as Michael and I 4Kd. Why? Not because I was good, but because survivors in yellow and brown ranks just have almost no game knowledge because they are new to the game or limited knowledge because they are new to the role. I didn't even know how to kick a generator. Another example is Demogorgon. Demogorgon is a very weak killer, yet I managed to 4K first game I ever did. Hag? Also. Nurse (Pre rework)? Also. You cannot tell me that you have proven a point by taking one sample game.

    Otzdarva made a killer tier list (If you don't know Otzdarva for some reason, he is probably one of the best killers and is invited this Thursday to talk to the devs about new graphics changes) and he ranked Myers in C-tier, just above trapper (his main), pig, wraith and clown. That's how weak Myers is at higher ranks. His early game is the worst out of any killer, his mid game is completely average and his mid-end game (Tier 3) is strong, but it doesn't get at the level of ending chases like other killers have and he also has no map pressure.

    Green rank isn't that high and getting into purple isn't difficult for survivors. You aren't challenging many people with playing a DH, DS, clicky clicky Claudette when that's a very mainstream build and like 80-90% of people at red ranks use. DS and DH are very powerful if you use them correctly (With that I mean not dead harding into trees or not being able to force a killer to either leave you or take the stun).

    The only time I'd call Myers powerful is when he uses Tombstone pieces, but those things are memes. I remember a Jake who was T-bagging at the exit gate once and since I was going to prestige Myers, I was using some of my stronger add-ons. So I popped my tier 3 and just moried him for not taking the escape right in front of him. It was strong, but it was hilarious. But I don't see it being run enough to be a major problem. I usually face insta tier 3 Myers or infinite tier 3, but the only time I'm scared is when I'm caught out in the open. Then I misplayed and the killer deserves to down and hook me. But if I'm at a loop, I can usually ignore his insta down potential because he only plays marginally differently than M1 115% killers.

    Honestly, I don't even know what the discussion is about anymore. Is this about his tier 3? Or has this become about his general power? Or is this discussion regarding his stronger add-ons? Whatever it is, I'm sure you now have your answer buried in some of these replies and I wish you the best of luck when facing another Myers.

  • Ghost_Face_Main
    Ghost_Face_Main Member Posts: 618

    He's not even that strong.

    If he's in EW3 avoid getting spotted by him and loop him for as long as you can. If he has infinite 3 though, you're screwed unless they're a bad chaser.

  • CalamityJane
    CalamityJane Member Posts: 487

    I don't have a problem with EW3.

    I have a problem with infinite tier 3, which has such a minor downside and can be combined with the faster stalk to be laughably easy to reach tier 3. Since the challenge to hit exposed survivors ive had 3 infinite myers and theyre really not fun or balanced in the slightest.

    I also hate the first hit mori add ons. Theres no part of them thats even slightly balanced except when combined with infinite t3 as it takes the whole game to tier up. Still tombtone piece and fast stalk is just gross and theres nothing to justify someone flat out dying that early. Hope Michael is in the list for add on changes.