Dead Hard is overpowered...

A second chance perk that literally triggers every forty seconds. Who thought this was a good idea. My suggestion is to have it give you the broken status like no mither. What you all think ?
it a Exhausted perk lasted long then forty seconds if the killer still chasing you.
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It doesn't even work 50% of the time
And it's easy to bait a hit lol
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Good survivors mostly use it to extend loops and erase their mistakes.
It is broken.
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But it doesn't work 50% of the time?
And sprint burst does a way better job at extending loops
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it doesn't work out in the open with nothing but yes it does work 100% of the time for extending loops when used correctly by a competent survivor
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i meant that you can get hit even if you dead harded, because of latency or broken hitboxes
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Not when this appears on your screen 90% of the time and you get downed anyway.
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that usually appears when you use it out in the open or at point blank instead of using it properly to extend the loop
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you can get hit when deadharded if the killer perdicts it properly, dh last 0.4 seconds lunge lasts 0.5 but its still 0.4 seconds of I frames which is bs
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Yeah but with sprint burst you can't run most the match which makes you take longer to get to generators and stuff so its more balanced in my opinion.
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how about you just say all survivor perks are broken. honestly, I just think you need to just get better at playing the game.
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Fair enough, I could say the same to survivors after I beat them with NOED and Ebony Mori xD
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Of all the perks I have problems with, Dead Hard isn't one of them. Dead Hard has counter play for dodging attacks and its only other use is to reach a pallet or vault, which really isn't all that powerful imo.
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It is if used properly on loops. It can make chases last way longer which is the last thing I need as killer when I am already getting gen rushed xD
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I mean, its once per loop and you can still counter it. I just run corrupt.
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Dead hard when used as intended is fine. When used for distance, not fine. Sprint burst takes so much more skill to use properly. Dead hard makes the killer waste so much of his time.
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The fact something works only half the time doesn't somehow make it any less broken and neither does the fact that Sprint Burst when used correctly does a better job that Dead Hard for extending loops.
If mories worked like half the time, I'd still consider it busted. Sprint Burst requires a little more skill than pressing "E" and doesn't erase a mistake just like that either.
That said though, I think there's way more stupid things in the game atm like DS+UB, mories, keys and Iri Head that should be looked at first.
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Yaaaay ... Another "<survivor perk> is OP" thread
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Only if you messed up
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Considering it doesnt work half the time im gonna say no. Good killers dont fall for that Dead Hard nonsense anyway.
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Yea, it is, that's why I run it with DS/UB, the super friends of ######### game balance. 4th perk I switch out a lot. Currently I want BP, so I'm doing WGLF as bad as it is with tome quests.
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I can understand that. It seems like everyone runs the same meta perks, killers and survivors which ruins the variety.
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How in the hell does it trigger every 40 seconds, yet you can't use it again while running and exhausted?
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Its not OP. There is nothing OP in this game. Its strong but nowhere near OP. You should only fall for it once if even. If they use it for distance then good for them, they can only use it once in a chase and this is coming from a killer main. Just bait it. EZ
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What is with all the green rank players on the forums lately?
There was this thread, one calling Clown OP, another calling Myers OP, another calling vaults/pallets OP.
What is happening?
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Im a killer main and dead hard ain't no thang. Bait em, as people have said. It can only be used while people are injured, so that helps. Also, you can be fairly sure they won't stack exhaustion perks, so when you see them use it you can be confident they won't sprint burst or lithe in your next encounter with them. Just keep tunelling if they've used it so they can't recover from exhausted.
I understand its frustrating, especially when it costs you the game but... And i hate it when people say this, but its true: git gud
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Well you do realize there are actual people who play survivors, not bots. We play to survive, not to be your easy kills. Play with skill and deadhard won't be an issue.
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DBD has fallen into The state where people even think dead hard is overpowered, and I even saw a thread earlier saying spine chill is op. LOL
i hate seeing this phrase, but I’ll say it for you , Get good.
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I take it you’ve never watched any good streamers? Dead harded exhausted on the ground. Works 100% of the time my ass.
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Sprint Burst is better because it allows survivors to go into places without resources and get away safely and allow survivors more access to god loops. 1 extra meter while injured doesn't even compare, what even is that, 1 extra loop? Stop letting bias blind you.
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Vaults and pallets op? LMAO
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Except managing SB takes skill.
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Good survivors don’t use it to avoid hits, they use it to make a pallet or vault, and the killer can’t do anything about it except watch them skip ahead.
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Unpopular opinion here, but i agree with op. DH extends chases for free.
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I thought perks were supposed to help the user? Just because you get a little dash to get 1 or 2 loops doesn’t mean it’s OP. And if you see the skip ahead, if you are smart you will remember they have DH and play around it, it’s not hard.
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That's kind of the point of exhaustion perks...nerf BL, Lithe, and SB too?
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Well they don't allow you to dodge killers powers for free, they're quite fine. Most of then also have a requirement like a vault or running.
DH is activateable on the click of a button. It also gives you invincibility frames.
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Exactly, I don’t understand why people complain about Dead Hard, just be patient or if they use to get distance just remember that for next time so you can play around it.
Exhaustion perks are supposed to help the user. Don’t complain
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Do you know that Dead Hard has a requirement? And it is more dangerous than the others. Wanna take a guess? It’s being I N J U R E D.
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DH gives less than 20% the distance of the other perks to make up for its ease of use. Accessibility does not equal power.
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Yeah, a status you will automatically achieve sooner or later. Huge requirement kappa.
AND it gives invincibility frames. AND it's activateable with the press on a button.
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Every other exhaustion perks can be used while healthy or injured, while with Dead Hard you have to be injured. What are trying to say here? Being injured is not a favorable position for the survivor. That’s why Dead Hard is used, to allow being injured more bearable.
If you have to vulnerable to use a perks don’t you think the effect should be somewhat useful? The invincibility frames aren’t even that long either, it doesn’t last 3 seconds like most of the others.
Just because you whiffed a attack on a survivor who had Dead Hard doesn’t mean it should be nerfed. It just means you need to use you head if they use it.
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I don't think DH is op, it is strong but no where near op, try using it most of the time you will be exhausted on the ground.
Just bait it out if you are having issues.
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dead hard works 101% of the time if used as it works now, wich is to make distance to make it to the pallet or window (whatever else) after getting outplayed you instantly outplay the outplayer by pressing E. amazing, isnt it? still i dont think it needs a nerf anyway-
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Dead Hard is easily predictable, counterable, and there are perks/add-ons to help with exhaustion. It is not OP, it is annoying and a crutch perk at best. Learn to bait, and ALWAYS assume dead hard is in play.
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You mean i should slam my head against a wall, if i blink perfect on a survivor as nurse and don't even swing because i know that he'll DH?
Or do you mean the totally counterable DH for distance?