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Dead Hard is overpowered...



  • ChickenMcthicken_5
    ChickenMcthicken_5 Member Posts: 68
    edited August 2020

    Like many has said. You just make the perk much more strong than it actually is. Dead Hard is incredibly easy to bait out, only killers I can maybe think on top of my head that can MAYBE suffer a lot with DH is Nurse due to her fatigues state and what not. Plus dead hard usually doesn't work most of the times, I have hit countless people the second the DH is over or even right before it actually starts. It's incredibly unreliable at this current state of the game. ONCE you know a person has DH there is almost no excuse to fall for it again. The only way it can be somewhat useful is to use it to reach a pallet or vault, and it can definitely sting a bit if somebody actually uses it correctly but just because a survivor has DH doesn't mean he will get a "FrEe EsCApE bY PrEssInG E". I have fallen for it at times but usually just in first chases, cause I simply try to lead the survivor to either waste their DH on a loop which is possible cause most of the times people will want to use DH to extend a chase on said pallet instead of using the pallet. Dead Hard is only as good as the survivors who uses it is and obviously the area where you use it. It's quite cringe to see many killer mains cry over perks that aren't even that good. I am aware you said you play on both sides, but most survivors know that DH can be truly unreliable.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    If it's used to reach a window/pallet it's 100% reliable ans works as a second chance in loops.

    There are cases were it's just uncounterable and the killer is like: "I guess i got outplayed by a perk."

    The reason people use stacked second chances like DH, DS, BT and UB are those cases were the killer can't do crap, regardless of the survivors skill.

    I changed to SB as surv, because i noticed that it's better, but you need to be actually some what good to get proper use out of it.

  • vogit10102
    vogit10102 Member Posts: 225

    So B&C is good because it has a lot of counterplays, but wait 1 sec. before hit is so oppresive that DH is overpowered. I think there's a lot of people that needs to feel powerful as a killer in a videogame because they're feelk powerless in their real lifes.

  • TreSen
    TreSen Member Posts: 186

    You're right.

    Dead Hard is the strongest killer perk in the game.

  • Sylorknag
    Sylorknag Member Posts: 760
    edited August 2020

    Cause it completely overrides any mistakes the survivor makes.

    The killer wins the mindame, and the survivor just yolo out with dead hard. Just another second chance perk.

  • Khar
    Khar Member Posts: 640

    Made a mistake? Press E to undo! GG EZ BBY KILLER

  • WaveyTrey
    WaveyTrey Member Posts: 645

    No it’s not. You simply have to bait it out, or use Unrelenting to recover quickly. The only OP move survivors actually have is Decisive Strike, and that’s OP only when 3-4 survivors have it. That’s because of all the time you waste being constantly stunned, and having to chase them again. If you let them escape they heal. It’s in every pub match too. That’s why I run Forced Penance sometimes so even when they get away they cannot heal if they’re broken.

  • BabyDweetMain
    BabyDweetMain Member Posts: 434

    It doesn't even work half the time and it's on cooldown. Sorry you have to run 5 more seconds to catch up to the survivor.

  • BabyDweetMain
    BabyDweetMain Member Posts: 434

    I'm always rank 1 and have been playing for 4 years, both killer and survivor. If you're seriously complaining about deadhard, you're just crying for attention at this point.

  • Opex
    Opex Member Posts: 263

    DH gives you 3 second chances per game. The only way to counter it is by respecting it, which is really situational. Most of the time the killer cant respect it because the survivor is gonna use it for distance to reach a pallet or window. There is no way to counter that and it takes no skill for the survivor its just pressing one button. And that 3 times per game, even more often if the kilelr gives up a chase because they are wasting too much time because of DH.

    DH also counters exactly 50% of all killer abilitys with no counterplay to it (exeption Deathslinger).

    What are you gonna do as trapper when a survivor DH through your trap?*

    What are you gonna do if you throw a hatchet at them and they just use DH?

    That goes for 10 killers, 50% of all. The killer just plays better and uses his ability right, and the survivor just gets a second chance with no counterplay to it even tho the killer played better. And the only thing the survivor had to do was press one single button.

    And now please tell me why DH is fine the way it is, instead of just saying some braindead ######### mister survivor main. Please just give me a good argument why DH should stay the way it is and why it is balanced. :)

  • Opex
    Opex Member Posts: 263

    If you would play for 4 years you would know that rank means NOTHING and you wouldn't try to say you are good by just being Rank 1.

    Second you cant just bait a hit out, it is really situational and most of the time the survivor is just gonna use it for distance to get to a pallet or window. The killer has no counterplay to it and the survivor just gets a second chance by the press of one single button.

    You cant use "iT dOeSn'T eVeN wOrK" as an argument. Usually if it doesn't work you are just doing it too late and you can counter that it doesn't work by just using DH early, and you will get exhausted on the ground less often. The devs said that they are gonna work on dedication with their servers and fix all the problem like getting hit away from 10 miles, and also fixing DH.

    And you are kind of arguing against yourself at this point, even if they wouldn't fix it soon... doesn't that still mean if it works it would be even stronger? You cant say a perk is fine just because of bugs, these bugs have nothing to do with the potential of DH and still is only a bug.

    Can you just bring one single good argument for once? You have just been talking bullshit this entire discussion, please stop denying that your 3 second chances per game for just pressing one single button should get taken away. :)

  • pwncxkes
    pwncxkes Member Posts: 235
    edited August 2020

    Not all The time people are going to use Dead Hard to a window or pallet. Here are some scenarios.

    1) You Dead Hard into a deadzone with nothing.

    2)Dedicated Servers cucks you

    3) The survivor actually makes it to a pallet/window with Dead Hard.

    4) The survivor Dead Hards to a pallet but still gets hit.

    5) the survivor Dead Hards into a corner/wall.

    There are more situations the survivor can get downed than getting away.

    If dead Harding to a pallet/window is the only effective way to use it then how does that make it a overpowering perk? Dead Hards job is to avoid damage, but sometimes it doesn’t work in your favor at all like. Like you said if survivors use it most of time to go to pallets and windows then why is it a problem? The only thing survivors have is pallets and windows to escape.

    Killers have abilities/addons to make Dead Hard less effective like insti down addons or The Oni or The Hillbilly, instadown hatchets, Tier 3 Myers, Ghostface, addons that make you exhausted,etc. You said Dead Hard can counter most killers. Well, Most killers can make Dead Hard less effective or in some cases useless.

  • BabyDweetMain
    BabyDweetMain Member Posts: 434

    Okay don't be a dick. I don't know you and you don't know me so stop with the ######### attitude.

    Deadhard is not overpowered. If you think it is, you're just bad as killer, PERIOD. You can always bait deadhard just by getting close to them before hitting. If you lunge and they deadhard, at first that's fine, you now know they have it and the perk is doing what it's SUPPOSED TO DO, but if it's constantly cucking you from hitting them, that's on you for not playing to bait it. And so what if they use it to get to a pallet. Since the devs listened to all the cry baby killers such as yourself and took away and broke many loops and added more deadzones to maps, you may need deadhard to get from one loop to another without risking getting hit in the middle of a deadzone.

    And may I remind you that it also gives exhaustion. You can't use it again and again. If you're letting a survivor get it back by walking or standing, again, you're just bad at killer.

    And by your nurse profile picture, I'm guessing you play her? JUST TELEPORT TO THEM AFTER THEY DEADHARD. Nurse players should be the last people complaining about deadhard. Their whole power is an easy counter to it. Stop trying to nerf survivors even more just cause you still suck.

  • Gravewalker200
    Gravewalker200 Member Posts: 451

    I mean I'm only green rank cause I haven't played in 2 months so does that count? lol

  • Opex
    Opex Member Posts: 263

    There is so much bullshit in this I don't even know where to start...

    Yes not ALL the time, but MOST of the time as I said. Can you read what I even type before saying some #########?

    1) That's the mistake of a survivor. DH is really easy to use and takes no skill, and if a survivor still manages to mess up its completely the survivors mistake and has nothing to do with the perk.

    2) The devs said they will fix dedication with their servers and also DH. You cant use an bug as an argument a bug is not part of the potential perk its just a bug and will get fixed. And as soon as it gets fixed survivors also wont die to that.

    3) ??? You are just saying exactly what I say lol???

    4) Usually that never happens, when you DH to a pallet you get a dash forward that gives you a little bit of distance which is enough. After your dash you instantly drop the pallet. The killer cant just swing after your entire dash behind the pallet. This scenario can never happen and even if it could it would be extremely rare.

    5) That's not the perks mistake but the mistake of a survivor. DH is really easy to use and if someone still manages to DH into a wall and dies than this survivor is just a complete baby and 99% of all survivors are able to not DH into a wall. And also this is just a mistake on the player side and has nothing to do with the perk.

    It is not the only effective way to use DH, it is just one example of what survivors usually use DH for. And that has no counterplay to it like baiting the hit. There are way more scenarious for example where DH is used with no counterplay. For example you unhook a survivor and than instantly use DH to go behind him. The unhooked survivor tanks a hit / bodyblocks because he has DS or the other survivor that unhooked had BT. This is just one out of a few more scenarios where survivors use DH where you just cant counter it. The next sentence from you just made me rage a little bit... I said that survivors DH to pallet or windows where they wont make it to without DH. The problem is not that survivors use pallets or windows, but the problem is that they wont make it to it and the killer should get a hit / down. But instead the survivor can just get a second chance by the press of E, takes no skill and gives a second chance for nothing 3x per game and the killer has no counterplay against it. You would've known that if you would read what I type, instead you just say stupid things like: WhY iS iT a PrObLeM tHeY jUsT uSe PaLlEtS oR wInDoWs.

    You are right for the very first time which really surprises me. DH counters 50% of all killer abilitys with no counterplay. But some killers can also counter DH.

    Oni, Hillbilly, Myers, Ghostface. These killers have the ability to onehit you and not even let you get injured to use DH. The thing is these killers cant always do that (exeption hillbilly).

    Oni has to get his ability first by injuring survivors which gives them DH and than he can onehit for 60 seconds, in these 60 seconds he can counter DH if the survivor he is chasing isn't already injured. I wouldn't say he really counters it.

    Hillbilly is the only killer that can always onehit survivors. And most of the time you will also be able to chainsaw / curve them so they are instantly downed. Nothing I gotta say to this you are right with this one.

    Myers can only onehit survivors for 60 seconds in his last tier which also takes long to get and before that you will have more tier 2 than tier 3 chases and injure people that can than use DH. I wouldn't really say he is really countering it.

    Ghostface doesn't stalk often, most of the time you are just using his stealth mode for mindgames and to sneak up on ppl to get free hits. Its most of the time easy to spot ghostface, even tho it depends on the map. Usually a ghostface stalks like max 2 survivors per game. He also doesn't really counter it most of the time like the others.

    About the Iri Hatchets or exhaustion add-ons. These are also just ADD-ONS. Iri hatchets is one of 20 add-ons that huntress has and it is a PINK add-on. It's not really a point that just this add-on is counter it. Same goes for the exhaustion add-on just a few killers have exhaustion add-ons and these are also just one single add-on out of many. One example for this: Iron Will is the only perk that counters spirit. And there are 80 survivor perks. Does that mean that spirit doesn't need a nerf? No it does not mean that.

    From all your points only one single one was right, and that only one point was also just kind of right with the add-ons and killers because they don't really counter it (exeption hillbilly). And I don't really want to argue with someone who mostly doesn't even read what I say so I'm also gonna stop arguing with you. If you are gonna answer I'm just not gonna answer back I'm just done with arguing with people like you all the time in this discussion.

  • UbaUbaJauana
    UbaUbaJauana Member Posts: 6

    Opex i been playing this game for like 4 months and I can tell you just cry and cry and cry. Literally if you are losing your chases because of Dead hard all the time then you actually do kind of suck. I mean the killers are ridiculously fast, they are injured they got a speed boost boo hoo.

    I honestly feel like you just play bubba and youre just a ooahh ooahh oaahhh ooahhh ooahh oooahhhh kinda guy. Im fairly new to this game, im by far a professional try hard ( i fluctuate between 3 and 8 ranks) honestly i dont even like the gameplay up there i like the chill fun games, but damn if ima complain about a survivor for using a perk that he literally cant use again unless i lose him long enough for it to recharge or i bust his ass down and hook em.

    I honestly think youre just crap imo. you probably run expose killers with that hex that puts expose when the generators are all done and complains you still lose, on most maps its literally easy to keep people off gens if you dont tunnel people, idc if i hit them and they get away, lol they gotta come back sometime .... maybe you should just change up your over all strategy?

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,553

    I don't think DH is necessarily over poweredon it's own, but I've seen some comments that I disagree with and have something else that people haven't brought up.

    My two issues with DH are It's really frustrating when 2 or more players are using it. I'm om console. There are gtoups that run DH, but since cross play I'm running into a lot more of the DH teams. It is what it is, but when I see someone say "you can only use it 3 times", one that's not necessarily true and 2, again from the killers point of view you may get hit with it 6,9, 12 times.

    "You can just bait it". Sure. Sometimes. Often times though they can just use it to get to the next strong loop. Which can extend the chase much longer. Which leads to my ultimate beef with DH which is...

    Opportunity cost. The game starts. No one is injured. You find your first survivor. Let's even say you're doctor so you find them in 15 seconds. You chase, break a couple of pallets and get your first hit. Hey not a bad start, but now you're about 30 seconds in to the chase and you've got them right before they make it to that pallet. Boom. Dead hard. And you can tell they're in a strong loop or a good chain of loops. Do you leave them and find someone else? Probably the better option, but they have DH and they've used it. If you find them later they're either goinf to be healed or just have DH up again and that initial chase was completely worthless.

    Killers have a lot of quick decisions to make and this is a frequent difficult decision that comes up. Do you really want to give up on a guy and have them get their DH up again? Are you screwed if you stay on him? Good luck.

    Again, OP? Probably not, but I would take old MoM over DH 100/100 times. I may be in the minority there, but at least there was a downside of seeing the aura if they healed after using it and at least you knew it was a 1 time use.

  • UbaUbaJauana
    UbaUbaJauana Member Posts: 6

    and i mean if you really really gonna keep crying just run that perk that lets you see people healing, let them dead hard away, then catch them when they stop running. I really think you are acting out on a

    boo hoo they wont let me play how i wanna play so they need to change it " attitude.

  • Opex
    Opex Member Posts: 263

    First you tell me to stop with the ######### attitude, yes you are right and I shouldn't say things like I did because I don't know you. And I'm sorry about it I wont do it again. But in the same post you just tell me multiple times that I'm a trash killer and I just suck? ??????????????

    You cannot ALWAYS bait DH. It is really situational that you are close to them and can bait out a hit and than get a free down. The very most time they are just gonna use it to get to a pallet or a window where they wont make it to without DH. The killer cant counter that and as a survivor you just got a second chance, not for playing better than the killer, but instead for pressing one single button which takes no skill. Survivors also don't get punished for mistakes. If the killer mindgames them and just play better or the survivor just makes a dumb mistake they can just press E and get a second chance most of the time.

    It gives you exhaustion so you cant use it multiple times in a chase yes. If a survivor can just hold them for so long that they just get their exhaustion back in the middle of the chase the killer must be embarrasing bad. But it is already insanely strong by just gaining 3 second chances for gaming, 3 chases to kill you. And I'm not even counting if the killer has to give up a chase. That will also happen sometimes that you are wasting too much time of the killer by just pressing one single button and than the killer just has to give up the chase. In that case you can use it even more often than 3 times. But

    Just because I have a nurse pp it doesn't have to mean I play her, but I mean in this case you are right I main nurse since 2017. You can only bait DH if the survivor is like 5 meters infront of you. lets say for example he has DH and is 15 meters away. To bait DH I must blink exactly on top of the survivor with only one blink. But by just charging 15 meters up and blink right on the survivor I just play her blinks wrong and give the survivor an easy juke to my blink. They can just double back in that case and you wont even reach them with a second blink. Just if the survivor is not far away you can blink on top of them with only one blink fast enough that they cant double back, and than I can use my second blink to hit them after the DH. The very most times you cant bait a DH as nurse because the survivor will just have a good distance on you since after you injure them they will gain a sprintburst and you will get a fatigue stun and a cooldown. The whole power is not an easy counter to it as it is just really easy to "counter the counter", unless the nurse is like quite close to you. But just because nurse is the strongest killer in the game does that mean that I cant complain about DH because it needs changes? I could also say the same thing for survivors, survivor has always been the stronger role in this game and the game is very survivor sided. So I could also just say survivors cant complain about spirit right? No they still can, same as I can complain about DH. What you just said makes no sense. And since survivors are the stronger role and gens already go way too fast they don't need a second chance perk like DH that just takes no skill and rewards the player for nothing instead of giving the killer his deserved kill, and this is not because I just suck. You don't know how I play so stop saying those things after you told me to stop with that. I would consider myself one of the best nurse players out there and I maybe lose like 5 games per week as nurse. And if I want to tryhard and play 4 perks and add-ons everygame I would legit almost never lose. But I mean yea I just suck and thats why I want to nerf DH you are right ; ). Like literally you have never seen me play before same as I have never seen you play, you might also be a extremely strong player I don't know. The only thing I just said was I don't think you play since 4 years. And I mean that's still not okay and I'm sorry for that again.

    "Okay don't be a dick. I don't know you and you don't know me so stop with the ######### attitude." xD

  • Callmehandsome
    Callmehandsome Member Posts: 529

    I dont think deadhard is OP on it's own, but it's definitely annoing perk. Problem with this perk is that it really has no reguirements for massive benefit. Sometimes i do great mind game as a killer like in a shack or jungle gym, but the survivor has deadhard and just presses a button to undo that mind game and potentially extending the chase for +30 seconds or even a minute.

    Most killer perks reguire you to actively make them work. BBQ, pop goes to weasel, ruin don't do anything unless you go attack, down and put pressure on survivors. Can you imagine killer perk like deadhard where you pressed a button for short sprint. It would be broken as hell.

  • pwncxkes
    pwncxkes Member Posts: 235
    edited August 2020

    I don’t care if you read this or not I just wanted to say something.

    You keep on saying that you cannot always bait Dead Hard, well in that case Dead Hard doesn’t always work in favor for the survivor. If you are losing games because of Dead Hard than you seriously need to change how you play, because their are many people who can deal with Dead Hard fine. Also if Dead Hard takes no skill then why isn’t everyone using it?

    If they are always making it to pallets and windows with Dead Hard then you have a serious problem with adapting to the situation. Dead Hard is situational where you use it and when you use it. For example if you are chasing a survivor in a strong tile on the map and they use their dead Hard, just leave them simple go find someone else, but if you keep on chasing them when you know you should leave and then tell us Dead Hard is overpowered because of your mistake idk what to say. Just go find someone else because MAYBE they might not have Dead Hard. Just make the right choices and Dead Hard will be less of a problem. Also don’t keep on saying “ They will use to make it to a pallet or window.” No they will not, heck sometimes using Dead Hard will not even work in your favor because of how people use it sometimes. Not all survivors are going to be able to use Dead Hard well all the time because of the difference in skill. I Have never ever seen a game when a killer lost because of Dead Hard, it just sounds dumb even when all 4 survivor are using it.

    Just chase and make quick and good choices. If a survivor Dead hards to a pallet in the corner of the map with nothing else near the player, then just chase them, but if they keep on looping you for years then that’s all on YOU, you just need to get better at engaging in chases. If they Dead Hard to a strong tile chase them a bit to get some pallets dropped then leave, so that later in the game you know where are the broken pallets and the pallets that are still up.

    Dead Hard is not just a SECOND CHANCE PERK.

    It is a POTENTIAL SECOND CHANCE PERK.( if used properly that is )

    While I still stand by my Opinion, I can see where you are coming from.

  • Tizzle
    Tizzle Member Posts: 696

    If a Survivor uses Dead Hard to make it to a pallet or window and avoid taking damage isn't that doing exactly what the perk is designed to do????

    Read the description of the perk.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416
    edited August 2020

    Its really easy to bait and doesn’t work half the time. Its certainly good, but not broken. Edit: just realized I already commented on this lmao.

  • Deadman316
    Deadman316 Member Posts: 578

    Nope. Sprint Burst is more effective, it's pretty much a healthy Dead Hard.

  • Opex
    Opex Member Posts: 263

    The problem is not that it's doing its job, the problem is WHAT its job is. Its job is giving you 3 second chances per game if not even more. It can keep doing its job and it also should do that. It should just do something else.

  • Opex
    Opex Member Posts: 263

    Baiting it is easy yes but it is really situational, most of the time you wont be able to bait it because survivors are just gonna use it for distance to reach a pallet or window and there is no way to counter that. The survivor didn't play better than the killer, the only thing he did was pressing one single button.

    You cant use it as an argument that it doesn't work often. A bug is not part of the perk. It has nothing to do with the potential. And you are also arguing against yourself with that, as soon as it gets fixed and the devs even said themselves that they are gonna fix dedicated servers and with that DH it will just become even stronger.

  • Opex
    Opex Member Posts: 263

    Sprintburst can be better than DH in many games I totally have to agree on that, but SB doesn't need a change like DH.

    It doesn't just give you second chances for no skill by pressing one single button. It gives you distance and can help out in repositioning. For example if there is a gen in a deadzone with no pallets or windows than the only way to get out of there is spine chill OR Sprintburst.

    It CAN be a second chance perk when 99ed, but you first have to get rid of your exhaustion until the last moment. You cant stop sprinting otherwise your 99 will be gone. And if a survivor just doesn't sprint but instead walk it is really obvious you got SB and no one will sprint.

    Usually when you don't 99 it and you work on a gen instead you cant sprint otherwise you will waste your SB, so you will be moving slow through the map. This perk just takes more skill and doesn't give you second chances for just pressing a button. It got downsides like you cant sprint and have to move slow through the map while not being in a chase or exhausted. This is why I think SB can stay the way it is not like DH, even tho SB is most of the time better.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Nah, I almost never see it used to reach a pallet/ vault, and when it is I’m almost always close enough to still get the hit. And its been a bug for how long? It makes the perk worse as is, I’m not gonna argue for future viability because I don’t know whats gonna happen in the future.

  • ChickenMcthicken_5
    ChickenMcthicken_5 Member Posts: 68

    Respecting it is basically the counter, the boost it gives you is so small that if you don't attack and bait it out you reach it in 1 second. How the ######### respecting it situational, unless your on Badham, Lery or The game is literally very hard to all the times find good loops cause there are three other survivors to chase around the map. For the trappers trap, I guess try to put it in areas that are covered by grass, most maps have pallets and even vaults close to them, yes it's annoying that they jump over the trap but you can attempt to make the survivor use it before reaching the trap. The Huntress is barely affected by DH, if he is on a dead zone just throw another one, you have 5 of them. It's funny your saying I have no argument when your arguments themselves are so weak. Saying DH is OP is absurd on so many levels and I don't believe for a second that you actually play survivor or constantly play Against ######### killers . DH is fine the way it is, I explained it to NurseBootie, you can read it and maybe understand what I mean. If you don't, than keep living in your bubble where apparently DH is entirely uncounterable. And honestly if you fall for DH more than 1 time by the same survivor in every game than honestly your a horrible killer and you need to GIT GUD.

  • ChickenMcthicken_5
    ChickenMcthicken_5 Member Posts: 68
    edited August 2020

    Ah #########, I thought you were Opex cause you had the same Nurse pic but yeah, your description on how DH can be strong makes sense. Unlike our homeboy Opex here that apparently only plays in maps with infinite levels of pallets. But it still doesn't make the perk even close from being OP.

  • Opex
    Opex Member Posts: 263

    Respecting it is the counter yes, and if you can bait it out which is not often the case it also works well with countering it.

    If a survivor doesn't know how the map is build up and starts walking large distances to far away loops that you could get a free hit its not on the perk side but on the player side. The way to respect DH is just not swinging when you could swing at them. And when you can swing you will also not be at a loop or something but instead in a deadzone. And if a survivor just walks to one its his own fault.

    "I guess try putting it in grass" Survivors are not gonna walk through grass against a trapper. Even the I guess just shows you don't even know what to do. Why do you try denying that it doesn't counter trapper when you know it does?

    Same for Huntress if a survivor just uses DH into a deadzone its their own fault. It just counters her ability since you can just DH when she throws a hatchet at you. No counter what so ever.

    I have no argument, this is the first post you actually said something not completely braindead and toxic things. And if my arguments are so bad than how do you explain why you have been wrong until now in every point? Which arguments are bad? You cant even argue against trapper getting countered by DH and just say weird things like "I guess" or "try make them use DH before they reach the trap". Just a little fun fact if you want them to use DH you will have to get close to them, and you cant just start walking faster as a killer to reach them just saying mate.

    "Saying DH is OP is absured on so many levels" Only thing you said until now is, "iT's NoT sItUaTiOnAl YoU cAn AlWaYs BaIt" "uhhh I gUeSs MaKe ThEm UsE dH eArLiEr". You basically still have no right argument against it until now. "I don't believe for a second you actually play survivor" How do you want to know that? Instead of bringing a good point you just guess something you cant know. I do play survivor and killer booth actively, a little more killer than survivor. I even stopped using DH myself as a survivor because it just felt like a crutch for me.

    A few months ago I would've said DH was really strong just like now but it can stay the way it is. Since the ruin nerf playing killer is just most of the time really sweaty with a normal killer unless your survivors are complete babys. Gens go really fast and the killer needs all time he has to presure survivors and stop gens. If you usually need 30 - 50 seconds to end a chase instead of 10 seconds. Not because your survivors are playing better than you, but because they all have DH and press E. If it would take at least some skill but no not even that, if something is really strong it should also take more skill than things that are not as strong. For example that's why Nurse is fine but Spirit isn't even tho Nurse is stronger. If they would make changes that would just make DH harder to use it would already be fine, doesn't even have to get big nerfs.

    "Keep living in your bubble where DH is OP" and as always no argument, just a lot of trash talk.

    Btw I never fall for DH, if I got the chance to respect it I will always do it. And again you are saying some random things that you don't even know instead of bringing a good argument. "Your a horrible killer GIT GUD" and the same thing again.

    Incase you should respond what I think you will I will not argue with you anymore. You have no points and you are just trash talking the entire game instead of giving some normal points like what you should do in a discussion. No need to argue anymore.

  • ChickenMcthicken_5
    ChickenMcthicken_5 Member Posts: 68
    edited August 2020

    Damn talk about stubborn, In my case the trapper situation happens rarely, mainly cause I don't put it in spots where it's saying I am here please step on me. If you put a trap on top of a clearly visible pallet and they use DH is more of your fault then than survivor abusing an OP PeRk. I just mention what I mostly do cause trust me when I say sometimes in chases people are not paying attention to their surroundings. Huntress doesn't get affected by DH at all by throwing hatchets cause her recovery is very quick.

    "I have no argument, this is the first post you actually said something not completely braindead and toxic things. And if my arguments are so bad than how do you explain why you have been wrong until now in every point?" Well somebody didn't read my response to Bootie, I actually did but clearly you didn't read it and trying to talk to a stubborn person like you is mostly a waste of time so I just poked fun and ran cause I never really take anything serious in this game or the forums because of dumb threads like this.

    I mean, I always find DH easy to bait cause I know exactly what people are gonna do. dependeing on the killer I am I even sometimes eat the pallet on purpose cause that way I wasted a pallet and DH for moment for some future looping. "You basically still have no right argument against it until now". Again yes I did just not towards you cause you were to stubborn to even comprehend what other were already telling you. I simply pictured as an ignorant and I still kinda do.

    The gen thing is an issue yes, but doesn't really combine at all with DH. I personally prefer playing killer cause I hate having idiots as teammates even though I am red rank I still get potatoes as my team.

    "Btw I never fall for DH": Uhu, yeah I don't believe you there, all your previous comments are just you bitching about DH for, situational reasons.

    And yes saying DH is OP is laughably absurd cause there is no way you'll 100% of the time get to use DH in great loops or areas in the first place. There are three other survivors that can also get chased in the game and they may waste the greatest pallets in the maps before your precious overpowered DH can "abuse them". Like I told bootsie, yes DH CAN be good, but only if the survivor is good with it, or if the killer is just clueless or new to the game .

  • SpiritLover1133
    SpiritLover1133 Member Posts: 214

    stop treating the game as 1v1.

    its not 1 or 2 loops if you multiply it by 4 ( which you should have considered).

    its 4 people running dead hard so thats like 8 possible EXTRA loops...

  • pwncxkes
    pwncxkes Member Posts: 235

    Except that, it will not work all the time. So it’s 8 POSSIBLE loops it could be even zero is you played yourself, and Dead Hard could POSSIBLY be used by all 4 survivors and I doubt that atleast one of them will not mess up

  • ChickenMcthicken_5
    ChickenMcthicken_5 Member Posts: 68

    Damn, talk about stubbornness, Huntress doesn't get affected by DH that much cause if you throw a hatchet the recovery is pretty quick. With the trapper situation I just told you what I mostly due, in chases a lot of people don't pay attention to their surrondings and before they know it they stepped on a sneaky trap that is somewhat hidden and not saying please step on me, or you can just trap vaults which are harder to evade if put correctly.

    "I have no argument, this is the first post you actually said something not completely braindead and toxic things. And if my arguments are so bad than how do you explain why you have been wrong until now in every point?" " You basically still have no right argument against it until now" "as always no argument, just a lot of trash talk."Well, I just saw it as a waste of time and also I did actually counter some of your more decent arguments with my response to Bootie in this thread. Someone may have missed it :). I just took the slightly trash talk version of me against you reading most of your replies, you seemed like an ignorant and I still do honestly.

    Btw I never fall for DH": Ok now this is just bullshit, you have been bitching and even replying back to everybody who says is not OP so I don't believe you there.

    And yes even reading all your "arguments" I still think saying DH is OP is laughably absurd. There is simply no way ALL survivors can reach safe pallets or jungle gyms in at every single loop (unless it's Badham I guess XD") , Like I told Bootie earlier, DH is only as good as the survivor who uses it. If a new player uses it he won't use efficiently a lot of the times and the perks is also very situational to the map. Like for god sakes there are other 3 survivors who also get chased they are bound to waste or use good pallets. They won't avaible for later. That is a huge flaw with one of your arguments you make it seem like every single map has like 100 pallets or an infinite amount of pallets to use (again badham is the only one I can view where DH can be really strong.

    Can it be used amazingly? Certainly but just because it can be strong at certain maps and situations doesn't make the perfect OP.

    Is it brain dead? Absolutely not, if a new player uses it I doubt your gonna see him use it effectively.

    So yeah. Have fun reading

  • SpiritLover1133
    SpiritLover1133 Member Posts: 214

    I honestly can’t believe someone defends survivors.. survivors have the power role and you out here defending this role means you really suck at the game. .. and you are wrong and loser too.

  • pwncxkes
    pwncxkes Member Posts: 235
    edited August 2020

    I honestly can’t believe someone actually thinks that saying someone sucks and is a loser is proving anything. It’s like every body hates people play/main survivor.

  • BabyDweetMain
    BabyDweetMain Member Posts: 434

    Bruh you sound do bad you probably can't play either role efficiently. Survivors have been nerfed nearly to the ground. If I'm in a game with a red ranked killer with all the OP add-ons and perks, which is every other game, no one survives or just one survives. Only against low rank low experienced low skill killers do little perks like deadhard actually screw over. The original poster is ignorant and stuck in their nooby ways so the fact you're defending them when survivors and killers alike are telling them they are wrong is mind boggling.

  • SpiritLover1133
    SpiritLover1133 Member Posts: 214

    You probably playing in American server. America is the home for potatoe killers and survivors. Americans suck at all video games and not just DBD. If you are an American you absolutely have no right to talk about balancing games. Because you are an ABSOLUTE POTATOE.

    Shoe me how you play survivor and I will show you how I do it and I promise you the difference will be MAJOR.

  • pwncxkes
    pwncxkes Member Posts: 235

    Why tf does region do with anything? People that play in American servers don’t want 300+ ping on other servers. That isn’t a reason to call someone bad, that just reflects how you are. Americans suck at games, wow, just wow. I could just name 50+ esport players in other games that are amazing but that isn’t necessary rn, ill just let you reflect on what you said.

  • SpiritLover1133
    SpiritLover1133 Member Posts: 214

    Im sorry but this is true and I don’t feel like typing alot but there is another game Americans are bad at.


    my friend is top 2 in EU overwatch and can’t get top 1 because top 1 player is farming SR in the American server since most players there are terrible even their so called eSports players.

    Same goes for DbD and ANY OTHER game.

    When I play killer I down survivors in 30s and still lose the game and then I go to forums only to see a Potato American calling DbD is KiLlEr sIdED.

  • pwncxkes
    pwncxkes Member Posts: 235

    Dude there’s no need to tell us your overwatch rank, no one gives a #########. This a DBD forum, and if you are just telling us how good you are it just shows how much of a ego you have. You telling us that Americans are bad at video game sos like saying that all Asian people are from China, it simply isn’t true, at all. I don’t even know why you are acting like a dick.

  • Massquwatt
    Massquwatt Member Posts: 418

    I wouldn't call Dead Hard overpowered but it's insanely annoying at times, especially when multiple use it. If you're the killer you can mindgame somebody really well around loops but if they pop off the Dead Hard then your nice mind game is effectively made redundant because they're at the pallet now and throw it down to extend the chase longer. Both Dead Hard and Sprint Burst are what I call "mistake erasers" when you used effectively. Screwed up your mind game against the killer? No problem just dead hard to a pallet and it's like you never made any mistakes. Survivor caught out in a dead zone like an idiot? Working on an unsafe generator? No problem just sprint burst to the nearest loop and you're all good. Again, they're not overpowered just incredibly annoying to deal with because you have to assume everyone's using it and more often than not, mutliple people are using it.

  • BabyDweetMain
    BabyDweetMain Member Posts: 434

    Region has no connection to someone's skill in a game. If you think that, you are ignorant and a massive idiot. Like really. Massive. It has no correlation or factual evidence behind it. A lot of esports players, such as Overwatch League, are Americans. And they can kick you and your friends ass all day so sit down with your ignorant bias noob.

  • pwncxkes
    pwncxkes Member Posts: 235

    I have seen a lot of really questionable and stupid post, but his past few take the top spot.

  • BabyDweetMain
    BabyDweetMain Member Posts: 434

    Agreed. How ignorant do you have to be to think that way?

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    Yeah it's worse than SB, but you need no skill to use it while SB got a really high ceiling, that's my point.