Remove crossplay from solo Q

C_Frank Member Posts: 179



  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,866

    Just turn off crossplay. I did. The queue times really aren't that bad and the more people that do the lower they will get. My wait times were around 2 minutes or so. That's worth it to not to have to play with the PC cheaters or extra lag.

  • NotTheodore
    NotTheodore Member Posts: 32

    Three questions if you will:

    A) How many "PC Cheaters" have you gone up against?

    B) How do you know these cheaters are from the PC side? Keep in mind as of right now you can only tell someone is either not from your platform or from your platform by the globe icon.

    and C) Did you happen to record any of the games that involved these cheaters?

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,476

    genius complain about the thing that there already is a solution to

  • C_Frank
    C_Frank Member Posts: 179

    Turn off cross-play is #########, u dont find match or send u to different region.

    Console player arent bad, but has its disadvantages compared to PC.

    Solo Q as survivors PC with 3 randoms console players is ****.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,866

    Fair questions. No I do not know how many PC cheaters I've come across nor do I have any video confirming it. That's the thing about cheaters. They very rarely come forward and announce they've been cheating. There are a myriad of ways to cheat in DBD or any video game really on PC that are not available to console players. Many of which are not distinguishable to the players being cheated. For example, players on PC can easily change their resolution to stretch the screen giving them a "fish eye" perspective. This allows them to see things at different angles they shouldn't be able to see. There is no way I can tell if another player is doing that while I'm in game. It would just appear from my perspective that they have a supernatural ability to notice things.

    But I do know it happens because I've seen posts on these very forums confirming it. I've also seen posts and youtube videos talking about ways to enhance the graphics on PC in a way to make the killer's red stain far more noticeable. Which gives a clear advantage when running away from the killer. I've also seen posts and video showing how killers on PC can disable fog effects and increase their vision range allowing them to see survivors across the map. I've also seen posts showing how survivors on PC are able to see which killer is being selected in the lobby so they can switch their perks around or pick and choose their killers. While I have no doubt that it is indeed possible to cheat on consoles I also know it is infinitely easier and more common to cheat on PC.

    Cheating aside, none of that even begins to address the basic imbalance of non cheaters on PC vs consoles. This game is absolutely not optimized to console play. FPS drops even on PS4 pro are common. Not to mention the difference in audio. I do have a DBD account on my PC. So I've seen the difference first hand. It is insanely easy to track survivors via audio on PC compared to console. Not to mention the difference in accuracy of a controller vs a keyboard and mouse when playing killers like nurse. Even players on PC that aren't cheating via 3rd party programs, tweaking their graphics card settings, etc are still effectively cheating vs console players by the simple difference in hardware game performance and lack of optimization on console.

  • BabyCameron10
    BabyCameron10 Member Posts: 950

    I honestly love cross-play (except for killer, I play on Xbox). Yes, it is a challenge but the only way you can loose is if your teammates don’t play well. So far I have been getting great teammates from all platforms. Just yesterday, we went against a PC billy. I knew he was from PC because of the turns he made and the sensitivity he had. He was probably the best billy I have gone against in a long time. He chased me for a while and my mates got 3 gens done. He downed me and they did great the entire game, we all escaped (except for the legacy claudette, she DC or Crashed). What I am trying to say, it is possible to do well against any Killer, as long as your teammates do what they are supposed to do.

  • NotTheodore
    NotTheodore Member Posts: 32


    You encountered at least 1 cheater in DBD and instead of talking about that cheater you decide to talk about ways that players can cheat that others can't detect? You're correct, cheaters rarely come forward to announce they're cheating, and yes there are many ways to cheat on PC but just because cheaters are secretive and just because you can cheat doesn't mean players from different platform are automatically cheaters. Nor does using a stretched resolution make someone a cheater, but like you've said there isn't even a way for you to tell if their resolution is different in game. We can't label players as cheaters just because you have a suspicion, else players who can spot things very easily would be banned left and right.

    Forum Hearsay

    Lets talk about the forums. In short, there are a ton of people claiming that they encountered PC cheaters after Crossplay was enabled, but the problem I have with this is that they, like you have no way of knowing where that player is from. Nor do they ever have any video evidence of this. For every person who says they encountered a PC Cheater, you'll find a PC player talking about how rare it is to run into a cheater on their own platform. I don't doubt cheating is happening, but at this scale? So fast? Not likely. Not likely at all.

    Enhanced Graphics

    What I don't get at all is that you're going on about how PC players can cheat again as if that's proof that cheating has been taking place in your games or in any games since crossplay has been enabled. News flash, most gamers regardless of platform are not cheaters. Players on pc don't go to such great lengths to disable fog because it isn't even an issue at max fog offerings. Not to mention if we want to see the killer's red stain better, we play on the lowest settings as that allows us to see the red stain through walls. We don't need to alter config files or enhance graphics, nor do we waste time doing so. Should you classify options being offered by the devs as cheating? No, that's absolutely insane. Could we do what you're suggesting? Yes, would we? Probably not.

    differences in audio

    Despite all of your examples of cheating not displaying any cheating, lets put it aside and talk about the basic imbalance. While I will agree that this game is not optimized for console play, what I think you miss is the simple fact that this game is not optimized in any version. Yes, the PC version is a buggy mess just like the console version, but here's where we disagree again because saying something like the "difference in audio" is just downright a lie. The game sounds exactly the same no matter which version you play, the difference comes from the headset you use to listen to the game, not the game itself. You cannot 'track survivors via audio' any different on PC than console. Unless you have something to say otherwise, I don't know why you're trying to pull lies out of thin air. You do have a point with FPS drops, but that's something I can say happens on PC too so we aren't immune from it, nor did we cause it. You should be complaining to the devs about that considering it isn't Pc players fault you're having issues, just like it isn't your fault we experience any issues.

    Keyboard or controller

    Now we get to the final part and wow so many things wrong with this that I can't even imagine you believe what you're saying. First basically what you're saying is "Even if PC players aren't cheating, they're still cheating." While a keyboard and mouse is more accurate, you're greatly overestimating how much of an advantage that gives the every day player. But alright, even if we aren't using cheats, we're effectively cheating vs console players by the simple difference in hardware? You realize this doesn't make any sense and falls apart instantly when you realize there are three different version of the Xbox One and Playstation 4. Or does hardware differences not count when talking about consoles because of inherent hatred for a platform. Regardless to all of that it doesn't matter if I have a GTX 2060/ Ryzen 3600x or a RX580/Ryzen 2600g, my Meg is only going to move as fast as anyone elses Meg and that goes true for any of the killers too. Hardware is important, but it doesn't give anyone an advantage in this game so I don't understand how you can call everyone a cheater just because we play on a different platform.