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General Discussions

Can anything be done about all the toxic tunneling/camping?



  • Member Posts: 2,396

    It's in the title "Can anything be done about all the toxic tunneling/camping?". You're asking for the Devs to do something about those two strategies, so yes, you are asking for changes to make the game more pleasing for you, irregardless of how it would be for Killers.

    Why am I a hypocrite? I never denied that I'd want DS to be changed, nor did I deny that tunneling and camping are not fun. But you can't compare the two. DS is a poorly designed perk where as tunneling and camping are play styles. You can't compare the two.

    Also, it isn't scummy to tunnel or camp. Sure, the Killer may be throwing the game, but hey, that is their choice, the risk three survivors escaping for the price of one. They also risk losing the Kill if the Survivors are smart and well equipped and know how to distract and unhook with borrowed time.

    Stop hiding behind the rank 20s, just admit you're bad. You got camped and thought to come to the forums to cry about it. Poor you. Don't get caught next time. You're supposed to learn from your experiences, not whine about it. Now, get out of here with your BS and learn not to suck.

  • Member Posts: 3,302

    You mean tactical camping and tunneling? They are both strategies.

  • Member Posts: 434

    I'm not the OP. Maybe you can't read but yeah that wasn't me who made this post. I simply commented on it. I never said I wanted the devs to change anything. That is you putting words into my mouth. You're terrible at debates, full on making ######### up to prove a stupid point.

    DS isn't a poorly designed perk. Killers have numerous tools at their disposal to find the other 3 survivors. If they for any reason down that 1 survivor who was just unhooked instead of going after the other 3, that survivor deserves to get a second chance at escaping. Period. Plus it's a one time use perk per survivor. Eat DS and continue with the game. The quicker you do it the better it'll be for you. It's like a bandaid. Also don't tell me killers don't slug and stand over someone waiting until 60 seconds have passed cause that happens VERY often.

    I'm not the bad one here. I'm not the one crying to change anything. I simply acknowledged that tunneling and camping are scummy nooby tactics and they ruin the fun of the game. Sorry you were so hurt by the facts :)

  • Member Posts: 434
    edited August 2020

    The guy I was responding to was literally calling me bad and making stuff up about what I said, twisting my words to fit his narrative. I'm not going to be nice to someone like that. His hypocrisy and entitlement is astounding. He doesn't deserve my generosity.

    Sorry I don't take disrespect and sorry you were offended by my comment to someone else. Also no need to be demeaning with the "champ" talk. I'm not your buddy. You know nothing about me. I've been playing on PC since this game came out and console for a year now. I'm content with playing this game and I'm pretty damn good at it, but thanks for suggesting I go do something else :)

    Also not a killer main, I believe I stated I play both sides.

  • Member Posts: 4,458
    edited August 2020

    "WAAAA... WAAAA... WAAAH! Baby-Dwight soiled himself! Baby not asking for changes just screaming and wailing because that is all I know how to do! WAAAH! Scummy tactics ruining the game for Baby.... other kids stealing his toys! Bad people... bad! Baby good. Baby smart."

  • Member Posts: 434
    edited August 2020

    Good job contributing nothing but your own stupidity and your inability to form a counter argument.

    This must be you admitting I'm right :)

    Also weren't you the cry baby who was just trying to lecture me about manners? Good job showing your true colors that quickly. To a comment that wasn't even at you no less 😂😂😂

  • Member Posts: 4,458
    edited August 2020

    Absolutely. You have long since waived any right for us to treat you as an adult. Everyone has disproved your argument. You have been instructed time and time again. The game itself tells you that you are WRONG. The DEV state that you are wrong. Reality punches you in the face with the fact you are wrong. There is literally nothing any of us can say that makes you look more ridiculous (or sound more foolish) than you do yourself. My foray into a flight of parody there is EXACTLY how we all perceive you. You make us laugh. You aren't even Trolling us. We pity you. By all means, carry on. I snort over my Dr. Pepper every time I read one of your little screeds. I look forward to the day it is I that gets to tunnel, camp, or mori you. Of course, I don't know what your name in the game is. My own name in the game is the same out of it. :)

  • Member Posts: 288

    DS is horribly designed. its an anti tunnel perk that gives you GOD mode for 1 minute despite what your doing. i lost count of how many times i watch scott jund chase and down other people, then run into the person they hooked before, he downs them and boop, he gets DS'd for it. because he was offcourse tunneling....... sigh.

    its too powerful in its current form. so much that people use it in offensive ways aswell.all it needs is a tweak or 2 and disable when they start doing gens or something. you can keep your DS then for later, if he downs you straight away after an unhook. also pairing it with unbreakable is literally broken. i refuse to use both together its so unfair for killers and i dont like going against that either.

  • Member Posts: 434

    Dude the level of cringe...far too much. Far. Too. Much.

    You don't speak for everyone. No one has proven me wrong. Devs haven't said anything. You're also just making stuff up. You still have contributed nothing to the argument and have only joined in to troll. You're not funny. You're not smart. You're childish and just plain sad. Trying to insert yourself in a debate between two people that you were not invited too or needed. Like I said, your inability to form an actual argument to any of my points is just plain pathetic.

    I don't get morid, tunneled because I play a stealthy tank build which works every time. Id run circles around you so get off your high horse. The only way you could get a kill is by camping. Actual trash mate.

  • Member Posts: 2,396

    I apologize for assuming you’re the OP, that was a mistake on my part, but you still proved my point in this point. You want the game to suit you and your ideals.

    Why is the recently unhooked Survivor deserving of a second chance? Why is it Survivors feel entitled to multiple second chances and have no problem with themselves being as efficient as possible but go crazy at the thought of a Killer trying to do the same for their role? Survivors don’t care how they make the Killer feel so why should the Killer be forced to play according to their made up rule book?

    Fact of the matter is, good survivors know that tunneling, camping and slugging are a must in high ranking matches and know how to counter them. Anyone who complains about those strategies and demand that Killers conform to their idea of how they’re supposed to play are just bad Survivors.

    There is nothing scummy about camping or tunneling at all. They’re just not fun for the Survivor. The Killer may enjoy those tactics, especially since they work so well against bad Survivors. Why should they pick different tactics to please you? Do Survivors consider how a Killer feels when you constantly loop them over the same strong loops, pallet stun them, blind them, body block them, sabo a hook in front of them, get on a gen in their face or t-bag at the exit gates? No, they don’t, they only care for their own enjoyment. So you nor anyone else have a right to judge a Killers play style.

    That’s what the rank 20’s are supposed to do. Learn how to counter a Killers tactics and advance further into the game in order to not be matched against the low ranked Killers.

    As far as my debating skills go, you’re not any better. Calling something scummy just because you feel it is, doesn’t make it so.

  • Member Posts: 434

    You know what. I see your point. I don't necessarily agree with it but I see it and understand. I can at least agree that in red ranks, both sides have to pull out some scummy tactics every now and then to win, that I can admit i am guilty of from time to time. So I'll give you that. I think we both made our points and I don't see us coming to a full on agreement but that's alright. We each have our own ideals. Thank you for at least explaining it instead of others in this post who resorted to bullying and name calling. Good luck on your next trial 😊

  • Member Posts: 1,060

    Neither of these are toxic. they are both vaild and recommended strats in red ranks. If you tunnel someone out of the game and get them out as early as possible you will only have to deal with 3 survivors later on and less pressure. Its a reason why BT, DS, kindred, deliverance exist.....

  • Member Posts: 427

    Bring DS unbrakable and a friend with BT and see the same killer that says that camp is an strategy cry

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