Aim Dressing sucks

This mechanic. This mechanic right here. Is the bane of my existence.
This mechanic screws me out of so many hits, its incredible. Not to mention that yet another unfixed survivor exploit allows you to force aim dressing to miss every time.
So, maybe instead of the Alchemist killer, we can focus on fundamentals? Like basic bug fixes and game design?
Is that what they renamed auto aim to? At least give me the option to disable it. It has helped me land maybe 3 hits since I started playing and has hindered literally dozens. The worst is when it auto snaps you to a pallet or something. What kind of "dressing" turns my character 180 degrees? I want zero handicaps, and I especially don't want handicaps that others can exploit.
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Its absolutely awful. Its so bad we dont even know how differently the game would play out if it wasnt there as it literally impacts balance
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I mean... look at this lol.
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When devs defined what "aim dressing" is, they specified that it will never help a killer land a hit they shouldn't have; it can only cause killers to miss hits they should have made. There's no aim assist or auto aim, there's nothing to help killers land a hit. Huntress doesn't even get a crosshair.
They won't let killers disable it because aim dressing is there to make the animation look better. There's no gameplay benefit to it; it's just for visuals.
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PC players be like: "look how bad console killers are lulz" when in reality your camera gets pulled like a dog on a leash.
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it's even better if you consider it took devs months to admit they implemented auto aim in their game; they kept pretending there was no auto aim, just because they called it "aim dressing" and when they explained what aim dressing was, it was basically auto aim.
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I believe that about as much as I believe anything else BHVR says.
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The best part is the Dev insistence that the hit cone doesnt have any effect on hits. I think about that every time I see a compilation of "missed" hits because the first thing in the attack cone was 3 pixels of wall before the entire survivor's hitbox.
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Aim sabotage I usually call it
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Thing is,auto aim at least gives you hits you shouldn't get but aim dressing just steals your hits that should have hit :]