Cross Play Question

Hi. I probably have a dumb question but here goes.
I have been playing on switch and see cross play is working and actually enjoying it because I feel like I am finally getting players that know how to play more often.
My question is about how some platforms are missing survivors and killers. As an example on the Switch we do not have Freddy but I play Cross play so could I still play against Freddy if the killer is on another platform that has him?
Sorry if this is a dumb question but just wondering because yes I know Switch is having a license issue in GETTING Freddy for ourselves but he is already in the game and now with cross play I thought maybe we would still get to play against him.
Yeah you can get matched with/against killers/survs that are not on your platform. You can now also get a match on those maps.
as far as I know only the Nightmare on Elm Street license is the only issue here though, on Switch and windows store. Rumors have it that they might actually come to those platforms soon. No official statement as of now though
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I figured they have to be working on it because with cross play being a thing people are gonna see killers they cant use and want to use them. I actually bought the game wanting to mainly play Freddy but sadly on my platform he does not exist but I found killers I still like and survivors as well.
Thanks by the way for the feedback and was wondering if I keep playing on my switch if I will ever see Freddy. I figured just because he is not playable on my game that his code is still IN my game. =)
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You should see Freddy now, and since he is a pretty strong killer he shouldn’t be really rare.
i hope they managed to work out everything about the license AND they also get that Quentin face rework approved while they where negotiating!
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Me too! I would love to be able to use them both and I already have some of their perks learned but would like to use them both but more Freddy because I want to try his abilities. =)
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I'm sure that chapter coming to switch soon.
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I do not mind waiting but would like to play against him. =)
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you will just keep playing.
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Thank you =) Also thanks for responding to my post.
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your welcome and maybe you'll face me i got him on both steam and ps4 but i mainly play on ps4 now.
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I look forward to getting killed by you lol
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told you people use him a lot get use to it.😂
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I do not mind but it is fun now trying to learn to play against him. I had a ton of fun and it was interesting and the map sucked for me but I had fun either way. I think I like him most because he was my first iconic scary movie killer. =)
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I like him too but my was myers then Freddy