Should hooks be a thing?

Oh god, this is gonna get toxic...

What if in Dead by Daylight, we replaced Mori and hooks with a F13 style kills? Where individual killers have say 30+ kill animations that involve the environment and such, but to make sure its not OP, killers and survivors have a QTE type scenario, where they have to complete fast skill checks, spam certain buttons, etc. They will be fast and difficult to not break fluidity, and failing 3 QTE's will cause the kill to either be cancelled or for the kill to instantly commence respectively. Now I'm going to go into a long tangent regarding lore, objectives, cutscenes, and the Entity. If you don't care about that stuff, go down to the bottom and comment your thoughts on my first idea.

First I'm going to talk about the changes to the story, and to start off with the Entity. We know next to nothing about its motivations, origins, powers, limitations, and how it can bring killers and survivors from different franchises together. My idea is that long before the Big Bang, the Entity ruled the nothingness. Then of course the Big Bang happened, with the sheer force of the blast launching the Entity into a deep coma. As the dust and molecules swirled and joined, the Entity served as a magic gravity well, pulling in mass and making what we now know as Earth. Bacteria began to grow on the Entity's skin, spreading through Earth crust and eventually our water, bringing us life. Then back to the present. Thanks to our use of climate change and pollution, we wake up the Entity, causing the Entity to spread its tendrils through the Earth and create the hunting grounds. It manipulates the world in a Cabin in the Woods type scenario, manipulating brainwaves and hormones to manipulate people into entering their hunting grounds, either via dare, trip, car crash, etc to enter the hunting grounds and to meet their killer. How the Entity gets these killers, is via kidnapping them with the Fog, then torturing them, bargaining with them and such. However licensed killers(Since people get angry if licenses get disrespected) were too powerful, and had to be manipulated, or just asked, as they were uncontrollable.

Ok, now time for how this will affect gameplay. I've already discussed how hooks should be removed and what would replace them, but here's a modification- If a survivor is killed, the Killer's aura is revealed to survivors, they became hindered and exhausted and nearby survivors get haste and endurance for 15 seconds. If a survivor is hooked or sacrificed, nearby survivors suffer from blind status effect and killer gets the haste status effect. Another idea that could come from this would be extremely difficult to implement, but would be really cool. Since this version of the Entity doesn't have its own realm, we could have little cutscenes before and after matches, that would change depending on what survivors they are and what map it is, and they will drive/crash/go on a trip to the map, where they will then discover the killer in different ways. For instance they see Myers just staring out the window at them, Ghostface waving at them, etc. Then they bolt in different directions, and the game starts. At the end we'll get different endings depending on all the above and remaining survivors, and if no one survives, then a in depth animation and cutscene of the Entity ripping them apart. They then go into a dream state(The blood web) And wake up the same morning Happy Death Day style.
