New Chapter Concept: The Fallen

The Fallen
height: tall
terror radius: 32m (ankle shells on The fallen shake and go along with killer radius, also get louder as he closes in.)
speed: 4.6m
weapon: Macuahuitl
Start trail with 10 arrows. When charging the arrow The Fallen becomes stationary. Press the power button down to aim spectral bow. Press and hold the attack button to charge arrow, let go of attack button to fire arrow. It takes 2.5 seconds to fire the arrow, it takes 4 seconds to fully charge arrow. A fully charged arrow can down a healthy survivor, for a regular hit its at 2.5 seconds. The spectral bow can fire through objects,and reach across the map. While charging the spectral bow The Fallen gains undetectable until weapon is fired and survivor auras are revealed for 2 seconds. Arrows are unreplenishable throughout the trail.
Moctezuma, a name meaning lord, was born under special conditions. So unique was the birth that it was speculated he was destined for greatness and that the gods themselves had blessed him. Indeed Moctuzuma grew to be a very exceptional. Powerful, brave, and bright Moctuzuma easily rose among the ranks of the mightiest warriors of the Aztec empire. In fact, becoming a part of the elite warriors known as the jaguar warriors and eventually lead them to many victories.
Throughout Moctuzuma's life he had a childhood best friend whose name is Eztli. They grew up together and triumphant in many battles. They were known as the indestructible pair. However, the people always acknowledged and praised Moctuzuma more and always showered him with gifts and riches, the finest of all things in fact. Etzli wanted the same recognition as, but never seemed to be noticed like Moctuzuma, this lead Eztli to resent his best friend and fester in thoughts of jealousy; "How can I achieve that too when he takes it all?"..I no longer want to live in the shadow of Moctuzuma. This is when Etzli decided that he would betray his childhood friend. Just need to be patient for the right time is all.
One day a hunt was ordered to retrieve food. Moctuzuma and Etzli decide to be a part of the hunting party, and in the back of Etzli's mind he was deciding that this would be the perfect moment to seize the glory. All that is needed is for the two of them to be alone.. That's when he noticed a jaguar. Etzli convinces his childhood friend that he saw a jaguar and that it would bring them much honor to bring the jaguar back as a prize for their people. Moctuzuma agreed and decided to stray from the hunting party to kill the beast his friend saw. After some tracking they find the beast while it rests and Moctuzuma decides to take point. While his bestfriends' back is to him Etzli decides this is the moment when he will finally seize his glory. Etzli smiles and takes advantage of his best friend's distraction,he waits for Moctuzuma to focus on the jaguar as he readies his bow and takes his mind off Etzli. At this moment Etzli slashes at Moctuzuma's calf with his club sword, crippling his friend making him unable to run away. Shocked and in pain Moctuzuma turns towards his once trusted friend and through pain and gritted teeth asks, "why?" Only to see his friend smiling and laughing as he continues to strike Moctuzuma. Enough noise is made to draw the attention of the unsuspecting jaguar. Etzli then retreats and leaves his bleeding friend for dead and defenseless as the Jaguar then proceeds to rip Moctuzuma open. The last words and crys that Etzli hears of his best friend are not cries of fear, but of curses and death of the once proud and powerful Moctuzuma. Etzli feels dread as he hears this but quickly puts it out of his mind... goodbye my friend it's my turn for honor and glory...
Moctuzuma awakes between life and death whole again and is confused but notices he is surrounded by beings he's never seen before. As he goes to say something he hears a voice in his head " Moctuzuma we have welcomed your soul back to this place where we your Gods reside. For all the blood offerings you honored us with you have earned your place among us. You were a gift we bestowed upon your people for the blood sacrifices they made to us. Yet We have seen the wrong that was being made upon you and decided to send the jaguar as our servant to retrieve your soul. We heard your cries of hate and have decided to put a curse on the body we have blessed to punish the living for disgracing their gift from us, we will fill the vessel with all of mankind's evil intent and it will forever be a reflection of the betrayal you have received. We are no longer with your people". With that, Moctuzuma left with the Gods never to look back upon his people.
The Entity takes notice of this vessel of evil and decides to use it to it's will. To be its personal monster and hunt down the survivors that it torments. Now go my fallen warrior, bring me their fears and souls to feast upon for eternity...
Enhances one's aura reading ability. After breaking a pallet, all survivor locations will be revealed for seconds 6 seconds. cooldown 80/60/40 seconds.
while in a chase this perk activates. See the auras of pallets within 10/15/20 meters. Press the secondary power button on the highlighted pallet to have the entity block it from being used to either be dropped or vaulted for 20 seconds. cooldown 60 seconds.
After receiving a pallet stun, once recovered gain 10 percent haste for 6/8/10 seconds. cooldown is 30 or 40 seconds.
Memento Mori
The fallen grabs the survivor by the hair and proceeds to scalp them a bit while they are on the ground. then thrust his bony hands into their back and pull out their heart and crushes it over himself and drinks a little bit of the blood, then tosses the heart away.
aight, let's do this
Power: I'm on the fence. on one hand, insta downs that simply need some aim and time sounds OP (not to even mention the auras) but on the other hand, you only have ten a trial. I'd need to see it in practice first
Nowhere to Hide: the single most OP killer perk I've ever seen. free auras of ALL survivors for breaking a pallet. needs a full rework.
Nowhere to Run/Despair: shuts down loops very easily, would work better as a second ability for a power (not this one though)
Revenge: would make certain pallets practically unusable. Needs a lower amount of haste.
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Yeah I hear you on the power maybe make it so the power has a cooldown of like 20 seconds or so if you insta down. Auras are just meant to give a slight information before firing. The point is to provide pressure to chased survivor and such but also can be used to snipe if you can guess correctly or aim correctly. Trying to keep in count that survivors are on the move. I forgot to put in that before he uses his power he makes a big whopping Indian cry.
His perks focused on chase and pallets. And please remember they have large cooldowns so you can use them right away.
So perk one is information for when in chase but also to see if you want to continue chase or go for another survivor maybe see if two people are on gens or perhaps make it so you can only see auras within a certain amount of radius maxing out at 64 meters or something haha.
2nd perk, Is a chance perk and is meant to trip up survivors maybe make it so it only blocks an unused pallet?
3rd perk maybe a maximum of 6 percent speed boost then with a shorter timer maximum being 6 seconds?
How would that sound?
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Or how about 2nd perk only blocks used pallet.
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i tell you like it is. perks are too strong and a power which can be uses only a few times wont happen (even if its super strong). i also like the idea with object cutting projectiles but thats not how it should be.
BUT i like the concept of an ancient mayan (thats why i love the plagues appearance so much) and also your artwork. try digital art. pen and paper dont seem to unleash your full potential
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that new killer perk sounds kinda like mine huh, HEX: BLOOD FAVOR. However I think its even more OP, It becoming a hex made it fair I believe.