Console Killers play Dirty!

Why does console killers play dirty they camp us PC players everytime we get hooked just because we can loop well and they suck at looping they will camp us everytime? Also they ignore the console survivors they just hunt down the PC players and if you watch after you die they farm the console survivors and let them escape.
Dumbest post i ever read. Grow up and stop bitching about that other platform players suck and pc players are gods. There are good and bad players everywhere
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Maybe I should return the favor and start hunting console survivors as a killer. Let the games begin.
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Do they? Cant tell, none of them ever caught me so far.
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"We can loop well, us PC players we good" LMAO.
Bud, loops and mindgames are the same.
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id love to see those unbeatable loops while you're playing on high settings, but dont worry more and more console players are realizing the waste of effort bhvr just commited by implementing crossplay without optimizing consoles first, enjoy try harding with your own people
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Naw, never seen that, you probably just suck at losing the killer. If you're getting camped, I'm sorry, that sucks, but that happens on every console. If you feel like you're getting tunelled: get over it. I play on console and you PC survivors just seem to suck. I don't camp and avoid tunelling unless I have bloodhound. Im still whooping in all my cross play matches
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everyone plays dirty, get over it.
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It's true. We console survivors made a super secret deal with console killers to help them get all the pc players killed and then we farm together afterwards.
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I guess I have read 5 Threads for each side playing dirty the last few Days. Console Killers are sweaty, PC Killers are sweaty, Console Survivors are bad, PC Survivors are bad, Console Killers are toxic, PC Survivors are toxic and so on.
Its the person who is playing the Character, not the platform.
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Big brain post
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I’ve noticed that PS4 players are being tunnelled and camped more by PC / XBOX players. Stop acting like PC players are receiving special treatment. As they’re not.
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Do you even read hist posting?
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legacy skins we have, instant fixes we have, better fps and overall best experience we have... It will be endless if i am continue to writing. Console players are worst and Killers hunting the PC players because of jealous
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Oh man another console vs pc to add to the killer vs survivor BS just stop it already and play the game.
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pc players camp too, and they were camping before this as well. Otherwise there wouldn't been floods of post about it.
I haven't seen so much TTV until cross-play.
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You killer or survivor and what's your game name incase your my survivor because I got a few hatchet's for ya
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You know what? PC players have more bugs than console, straight up FACTS boi! That's nothing to flex about lmao
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I know that's true lol and I defo play dirty when I feel like it or even when I feel like trolling my teammates il put us on the game for a troll and I'm a huntress main and when I wanna at dirty I pull out my blackwards and my insta down build which has noed warden 3 1hit hatchet's ebony mori basement hooking with shrine on to force basement saves when I can 1shot players need I go on with how dirty I play
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I exclusively play killer, and have been whooping PC players butts. What's the matter? You a Pc Player and upset that someone suggests that the pc master race isn't all its cracked up to be?
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PS4 boi I just wanted to know if we could end up in a match lol
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I play on PC and PS4. I literally cringed when I read your post, especially the "they camp us PC players everytime we get hooked just because we can loop well" part. Delete this stupid post.
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But i will admit that PC players definately have an advantage when using the huntress
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It's probably because everyone assumes PC players are day one god's so camp them out I don't I like the test and if I wreck a pc team better for me as I showed I can handle them
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Maybe it's because Console Killer is way harder than any of the ######### Survivors have to deal with.
Seriously, playing Survivor might as well be a Pokemon game, since your hands are held all the damn time by all of your second chances and broken perk combinations.
You guys have to hold M1 and run around a tile until you eventually drop a pallet on the Killer's face.
Meanwhile, what does a Killer have to do? Pressure generators, run tiles efficiently, use their power well, don't commit to chases too often, deal with 16 second chances from the Survivors while also hooking everyone 3 times. So basically everything ever.
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This os the only thing I DC immediatly lol
You can do this but if I encounter you.I will report you ingame and to the support website if you do this to me lmao
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Maby but how many use her now days though it's nice to see more variety now they he same gf Oni Billy bubba legions on console plus I love stealth Henning docs it's so much fun
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Do you would rather risk q perma ban instead of taking the loss wow also I tend to try and farm long range hits with the hatchet's
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Well I don't want to give them the Kill.Such matches are a real ######### show.Besides that it would take FAR MORE DC's.
Maybe you do but a lot of Huntress and I mean A LOT would Camp the ######### out of you and if you managed to get off the hook they will Mori Tunnel with those 1 Hit's even if you have DS AND Borrowed.
But yet I think about it... I don't want them to give the DC too... okay then let's take the loss
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Yer lol tbh I once tried to bait some with a long range hill hook and they went nice try and left
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I edited my Post if you want to read it ^^
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Sounds to me like a certain PC player keeps getting shown up by console players.
If each platform was part of a swimming race, PC would consist of clear water, consoles would consist of water with shards of glass proving an annoyance to the player. The end outcome of being able to win or lose is still the same.
How dare console players be better than PC players.
Need I remind everyone about the devastating kill rate of hag on Xbox. You thought PC Nurse was bad, wait until you see Xbox Hag. I am half joking but it would be funny if it was just as problematic.
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But sometimes it's just so worth it to catch a cocky survivor and then kill the entire team with warden because of it
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No dude, don't generalize please, I'm a REALLY good killer who never camps nor tunnels, and believe me, console players loop WAY better at high ranks than PC players, it's harder to play on console, therefore, most survivors are tryhards on console
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If PC players are so good, why are they hard camping / tunnelling console players? The point is, which you clearly failed to see, is that people are being target for being ‘different’. Stop acting like only console players are doing it, when I’m seeing it happening a lot in my matches from PC players.
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Ahhh, taking for granted that console players are all the same and all weak seems to be a staple between PC lines. I can assure you that I have ran into so many campers, tunnelers and people who endlessly chase you like you stole their daughter's virginity, and those players were playing on PC. The difference here is that I don't point my finger and say "oh, console player. Oh, PC player" randomly. I have the decency of checking Steam and Xbox Live, first. Anyway, feel free to start doing what you want. There is so much tunneling, camping and toxicness in this game, that I don't think anyone will actually see the difference. Oh, and about this: "console killers play dirty they camp us PC players everytime we get hooked just because we can loop well and they suck", you can pretend that every PC player is good, or even pretend that you are good, but that's not the case. Every platform has its good players and not, as much as any game has its toxic, cheap and cheesy community and players who actually play based on skill. But not every game has PC players getting an edge because of better performances. Some people should just think before needlessly airing their mouth, I guess. Over and out (in case you are wondering, it means I don't feel the need to reply to any other thing you'll have to say).
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Wow, another PC VS Console thread. Original as always. Just to add, PC players are just as bad for the camping crap as Console is. Nobody, regardless of platform, is an angel in this game so please for the love of god, stop using Cross-Play to attack the other side. It's getting sad now. If you don't like PC/Console, turn off your Cross-Play in the options and go play on your own platform. Not every console player or PC player is out to get everyone.
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People have been bitching about campers since tge game released, its not just console killers 😂
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Exactly how is a console Killer supposed to know who is a console Survivor and who is a PC Survivor? The globe icon only tells a person that they aren't playing on the same platform.
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It's not the platform, it's the player.
Really not happy with all this console vs PC threads that seem to be popping up right now.
We're all playing the same game peeps, lets please try to remember that!