Pig is OP and here thats why

The pig. That lady with the pig mask and the snowflake assasins creed wristblade, and most of all, those damned face traps.
I will admit I don't have a lot of experience playing killer, but i look at this one and i can't see any drawbacks that the others pay for their abilities.
Those traps are the big deal. When/if you get unhooked, you need to go track down the key for your trap, or you die. And thats not even guaranteed, yesterday i died to a trap, after finishing searching 3/4 of the jigsaw boxes on the map and not finding the key.
Usually i do find it though, usually the mask doesn't kill, that was just an unlucky day.But the much bigger deal is, the time it takes.
I could understand if the traps only killed you on leaving, but otherwise had no time limit, so you could take your time searching, do objectives and look for the key whenever you find some spare moments
I could understand if the traps had a time limit, but escaping would prevent it, because then you could try to ignore it and focus on objectives, take a gamble
But it kills in BOTH cases, so your one and only choice is to go look for the key immediately. Time you spend looking for a key is time you don't spend repairing generators, this is hugely powerful.
It also makes you predictable, she can patrol the jigsaw boxes and easily catch people trying to get their masks off. They can't even hide bcause of the accursed beeping
This seems far more powerful than the unique abilities given to any other killer. I'd say freddy is second place, but he still can't hold a candle to this. Pig doesn't even need to hook anyone, ever. She can just go around doing knockdown and mask all day
What does she pay for this ability?
I know she's got that wierd stealth attack, but that is clearly optional. I've had plenty of cases where pig just runs up and hits me in plain view.
She's still got the "higher than survivors" movespeed and can win a chase. maybe she's slower than other killers, but it doesn't feel like it's making a difference
Can anyone explain to me how the pig is not the most overpowered killer in the game by far. To such a degree that she eclipses all the other killers, and would presumably be played by everyone all the time if she wasnt locked behind a paid DLC
Entry cost aside, i can't see any drawbacks
It's a joke right?
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even more bait from this guy, take a hint man, no one agrees with you
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Its his second post like this. Ignore it and move on.
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This is why we need to fix the forum search bar...
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? I really hate pig and i always discuss these things. It is not bait
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This forum is awesome. If you say something about any killer, It considered as bait
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- Low quality bait
- Pig is an bad killer, her stealht makes you slower so you can't just sneak around the map like Wraith/Ghostface. Her traps can only kill you if you are a lost survivor, if she is using the "Head-Pop" add-on combo, or if she completely throws the game and just tunnel you. Her dash is pathetically short and can only catch you at small loops (and if a competent survivor get to one of this loops they will just drop the pallet instantly and run to other bigger loop) or at gens and she have no other "chase shortening power" other than this (even trapper can chase people better if he has one trap with him).
- "Can anyone explain to me how the pig is not the most overpowered killer in the game by far. To such a degree that she eclipses all the other killers, and would presumably be played by everyone all the time if she wasnt locked behind a paid DLC" I think see is only better than wraith (without any green or windstorm or bone clapper add-on) or clown.
- "Entry cost aside, i can't see any drawbacks" also you are blind btw👍️
- Also your profile is full of Baits like this one
- Edit: Also https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/181759/how-op-amanda-pig-is#latest
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BECAUSE she is annoying and OP at the same time. She is extremely easy to play. She doesn't require any skills like other killers. My pig posts are not bait and you must be respect them
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killer main forum don't agree with me. I guess i will go the steam and facebook groups
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Huh, I never said it was bait. Projecting much?
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tl;dr - OP thinks that Reverse Bear Traps should be something you should be allowed to ignore.
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Funny dude lul
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Then why does no one use pig when I play survivor. The last time I played against pig was when MMR was introduced.
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Pig is objectively one of the worst killers being stuck at a M1 and a short charge that no longer applies sloppy butcher. Her traps is one of the few things that can build up time for her since wasting the survivor's time to disarm them is all she has for the most part. She has arguably one of the worst pink add-ons that take most if not all her traps and boxes away in order to give her aura reading within 12m of her and its fun to muck around with on indoor maps but any competent survivor won't fall for it more than once - try playing her that way on a normal map and see how gutted she is without her reverse bear traps.
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Their heads just explode without me even being near them, how busted is that?
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Now I know it's a bait thread.
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Freddy is considered one of the strongest killer because you have a huge chase pottetion and aply a lot of pressure by just spamming pools/teleports, it's a similar thing with Doctor but he is harder to learn how to play with him. With Pig you are only a M1 killer that have some RNG based pressure and a weaker version of Ghostface stealph. If this post is not a bait and you REALLY think she is OP, try her without the Tempered Timer and get ready to lose some matches. Also I'm not a killer main, I play both roles equally.
TLDR : Git Gud
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Hey as someone who currently mains Freddy and PH and I'm in the process of learning Nurse please be informed that Pig is in no way OP nor easy to play correctly okay thank you for your time.
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gonna report you for being disrespect and being offensive
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Friendly reminder that OP has said repeatedly that Pig has a longer basic M1 lunge range than the other Killers.
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Pig is the new Freddy confirmed
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yeah she is. Her lunge always reach end of the pallets
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As a Pig main, I will say this.
- Traps are less of a big deal than you think.
- Standard movement with no chase ability.
- Stealth ability is slower than a survivor's movement speed, so patrolling maps is harder than with Spirit, a slower base killer with a mobility power.
- You CAN patrol boxes, but much like camping a hooked survivor, you are inviting people to just do generators quickly.
And of course ANY killer doesn't need to actually hook anyone for kills. That's what the bleedout mechanic is for. The only killer slower than a survivor is Nurse, too and killers NEED to be faster to win a majority of chases.
I find your analysis lacking.
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I wanna see THIS version of a saw movie...
Jigsaw-Do you want to play a game?
survivor- No....not really...
Jigsaw- Oh...well, im just gonna put this puzzle down over here if you change our mind. You can do it...OR NOT, its really up to you. Spoiler alert, it forms a kitten when its finished...just incase that might entice you some. Anyways, have a nice day.
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The Pig has the same lunge as every Killer except Michael Myers. That is 100% a fact.
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ofc you will protect your main
- Traps are extremely powerfull because it prevent you doing gens
- her dash reach and speed are equal to sprint burst (I can't escape even with that)
- Patrolling is actually easy thing to do. It just guess
- If pig decides to patrol boxes and using her crouch. Its GAME OVER for survivor.
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got to be when he say (But it kills in BOTH cases, so your one and only choice is to go look for the key immediately. Time you spend looking for a key is time you don't spend repairing generators, this is hugely powerful.)
him not doing gen is the point of the RBT.
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her dash reach and speed are equal to sprint burst (I can't escape even with that)
100% false.
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- The point is to prevent you from doing gens :/
- Her dash is faster than sprint burst but it's 1 second less which means you can dodge it with sprint burst
- Patrolling is easy. Downing survivors isn't.
- Every killer can run insidious and camp near hook and it's game over for the survivor. Why bother patrolling the boxes? Besides patrolling boxes doesn't guarantee a death.
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Pig is underrated, although not by that much (i.e. she isn't secretly good)
But she's probably the most 'incorrectly' played killer aside from hag.
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When did I disrespected you? You clearly have a unpopular opinion.
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"Can anyone explain to me how the pig is not the most overpowered killer in the game by far. To such a degree that she eclipses all the other killers, and would presumably be played by everyone all the time if she wasnt locked behind a paid DLC"
Nurse can port through walls. Billy, Bubba, Oni, Myers, GF can insta down. Billy, Oni, Freddy have high map pressure.Clown, Freddy, Doc, Pyramid Head have anti-loop tools. Pig has nothing of that, no insta down, no map pressure, no anit-loop potential (she can mindgame with the charge yes, but half of the time you mindgame yourself). All she got is a little stall with her traps, which 90% of the time are gone with the first or seconds try (at least whenever i play her as killer) and rarely kill anybody. Tell me again why this killer is op?
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The Pig is OP, like I said before, her stealth is insane and her rush attack which she can corner with aswell is messed up. Especially when you play on the hospital/theater where there are no open spaces, when you see The Pig it's already too late. And please don't give me the "but it's not instant kill like Myers"
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She has the weakest stealth option in the game because she is the only one who stealths more slowly than a regular Survivor. Also, her "rush attack" isn't used to corner Survivors. The only place where it can sometimes be used is on certain loops if the Survivor doesn't choose to drop the pallet preemptively.
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The stealth of Pig is pityful compared to Ghostface, esp. on an indoor map. He can trigger it instantly, no need to crouch like Amanda, he does not lose speed in stealth, can see more since he does not have to crouch, he can insta-down. Yes Amanda can charge, but the roar robs you of any surprise, I managed to dodge the charge multiple times bc of this. GF insta down is completely silent, until it is to late. And then still you might not know where he comes from. GF can grab you from a gen without much of a sound. Amanda has to stand up, which unsheathed her blade, with a very distinctive sound.
Just drop your "Pig is OP" nonsense vendetta. You already made five threads complainging about the same thing, and still no one agrees with you. You are plain wrong. Pig overall is weak. Yes there are good players with her, but that can be said about ANY killer.
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This joke was funny the first time. The ship sailed a long time ago.
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You don't what bait is. People who bait, don't go into detail.
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Why would I protect my main when I call out literally everything I think needs it? Legion is my second most played killer and I don't defend them at all.
- You are in no way PREVENTED from doing generators, highly incentived against, but not prevented.
- Sprint Burst is a little slower, but you have a LOT of time, and therefore distance, if you use your ears and sprint immediately when you hear the obvious roar.
- Patrolling is easy, because it is a KILLER'S bread and butter alongside chases. This is nothing unique to Pig and if you want to claim that boxes are additional and therefore exempt, then you are leaving out Pyramid Head and his cages.
- Yeah, it's game over, but again you are INVITING THE OTHER SURVIVORS TO DO ALL THE GENERATORS.
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This guys posts are always hilarious. Keep making em buddy, the forum needs a light-hearted chuckle every once in awhile.
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It is guaranteed to exist. You're not guaranteed to pick correctly.
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The pig is not op, and here's why: random bear traps and a useless dash, countered by the fact that you run to where she cannot use it effectively (shack, teshki (building with two windows, I just don't know what you call it ) she is an ordinary m1 killer in pursuit of a player who has more than two convolutions in his brain.Oh yes traps can kill ... once every half a year yes they waste time and annoy ... like any other killer, but traps kill when you run through the gate (which also happens once every half a year) you understand, my Survik, the killer is a bastard who wants to kill you, tell me why the hell he shouldn't annoy you? when he has to do it, he is your antagonist the one whose task - be an obstacle for you(sorry if something is not clear I do not know English very well)
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Ok fine, she is absolutely broken. Plis nErf
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dude honestly i think you are just a new player who has no idea what he is talking about. Lets wait until you run into the first good nurse or spirit and then start the "pig is op" conversation again...
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It’s annoying that she tunnels you off of hook while you have a helmet on, but I don’t think she’s OP.