Switching killers in lobby

We really sorta kinda desperately need the ability to switch killers in the lobby. When you get a 4 stack booli squad of Neas with matching green hair and syringe meds and flashlights with a Dwight thats carrying a BNP you know some ######### is going to go down (lord have mercy on my soul I did not ask for that ass kicking, I might be rank 1, I might Bing the Bong on occasion, I'm not a musical genius by any means, I might get 2 or more kills consistently, but few things can prepare a Bing Bong Boi for that ass kickin, and you might need to switch to an equalizer of the booli, something like Basement Bubba, or Franklins Hag with a Mori. Because even Spirit can't handle that jazz. I get that BHVR wants to eventually rank people on separate killers, but if you ask me thats just not going to work.
People with 1k+ hours can play as as most any killer without issue. I like a challenge, but there are times when you know its a team that Wraith just can't cut, you know you will have a bad time if you wanna Binga the Banga-Boonga, you can feel it in the force, you can see it in the endgame screen when you look at the items and offerings.
Theres also times when you'd wish you hadn't taken that piss, so you coulda switched to a different killer lobby dodged that jazz, qued as Hag, or trapped one of those suckers on a totem in a corner to eventually either dc or die during egc. What I'm tryin to say is we need to be able to switch killers so we can adapt to what we are lookin at.
And what am I supposed to do when I get a Meme Dream Squad of T H I C C Davids with the names like "Hex: Devour My ass" "Mori me Myers" T-bag me Ghostface" "Strap-on Jane" when I'm qued up as a different killer? I can't switch killers and provide my services to those souls in need. Its quite depressing.