Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Crossplay with consoles only...

bobbybrownlove Member Posts: 13
edited August 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions


I think it's safe to assume that no one playing on an Xbox, PS4, or Switch would have a problem having crossplay enabled between these 3 platforms. The PS4 and Xbox play identically, whereas the switch is a touch behind. No where near the disparity in performance with the PC vs consoles.

There are others like myself, who would love to play within the 3 consoles only.

Basically, I hope for a change in crossplay options in the future. Make it these 2 options.

  1. crossplay with PS4, Xbox, and Switch
  2. crossplay with PS4, Xbox, Switch, and PC

This would allow the people on console only comfortable playing with other console players have option 1, and for those on console that don't mind playing with PC players can choose option 2.

Here's to hoping the fine people at Behaviour Interactive can see some of our concerns!

Thanks for reading ^_^

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    I mean... I get what you're saying but... That would discriminate PC players and the "fix" to queue times would only work for consoles... I think this was a feature added to bring the comunity together, not to split them. I know you're having a bad time, but remember this is DBD, and add to that fact the variable of "learning curve".

    Lots of people are having way too different experiences, I see both sides everywhere "PC players are wrecking console players" vs "Console players are wrecking PC players". For example, I'm on the other side, I've been haviing easier games when going vs PC players (both roles)

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    I'm only using crossplay to play with a friend on PS4. Stays off otherwise. It's not so much the control options that bother me but the major performance issues.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,324

    They should do this, especially with how unbalanced console is to pc when it comes to optimization. Until they do more than "look into" optimization console should have option to play with only other consoles. Pc only want console so their queues are shorter and they can take advantage of consoles lack of optimization.

  • bobbybrownlove
    bobbybrownlove Member Posts: 13

    Thanks for the response.

    Option 2 would still allow people to choose to crossplay with PC if they want to. Im sure there are people on console who do not mind playing with PC. Thats why the second option is there for them.

    There are legitimate concerns within the console community of only wanting to crossplay with other console players.

    ... as it is right now, if you want to play with other console platforms, you are automatically lumped in with the PC userbase as well. Changing the settings to what the OP is suggesting would address those concerns.

  • Pipefish
    Pipefish Member Posts: 331

    No! as a PC player the match times take long as is and the last thing they need is longer time.

  • bobbybrownlove
    bobbybrownlove Member Posts: 13

    I would love to see a different sort of opt-in options than what we see now. As it is now the 2 options are either all in or all out.

    What about seeing these 2 options instead?

    1) Crossplay with PS4, Xbox, Switch

    2) Crossplay with PS4, Xbox, Switch, PC

    If they set it to only select these two options, the pools would still be only 2 (like it is now), but with the added benefit of allowing the console users to only play with other consoles. This would address the concerns of the console community in playing with the PC userbase. I think we can all agree that the 3 consoles play almost identical, especially when you compare it to PC vs console. The results are night and day.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this :)

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    Again, that would discriminate PC players, even with the second option, the queue time would be "fixed" for ALL consoles, but PC would "lack" a part of the player database cause of those two options.

    I would recomend waiting for stats of the crossplay. it's just my opinion, not facts, nor orders.

  • bobbybrownlove
    bobbybrownlove Member Posts: 13

    Hard disagree. As it is now... the 1st pool (opting out) would be a MUCH smaller pool than the combination of 3 console platforms.

    For those within the console community that want to play with the PC users... can choose the second option.

    Hell, switch it up and make the DEFAULT option the second one with crossplay across all. The option where you only play across the 3 console platforms can be the secondary option where players would have to manually select it.

    At the end of the day, we all can only hope the devs will see the concerns we have with crossplay.

    Fingers crossed! :)

  • Demonl3y
    Demonl3y Member Posts: 1,416

    I also feel discriminated if they keep the after and pre game chat pc exclusive.

  • Omputin
    Omputin Member Posts: 142
    edited August 2020

    This would heavily increase queue times and completely exlude pc from crossplay. I hope this doesn't happen.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    I feel like this would make too many variables?

    That's 3 diffrent queues! (Crossplay, no crossplay and pc crossplay) unless we force Console only crossplay. (which i guess would make it alright!)

  • CrowFoxy
    CrowFoxy Member Posts: 1,310

    I don't think this would help.

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    Exactly my point, and end game chat doesn't affect actual gameplay experience, queue time actually affects how much time you wait to enter a match

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,491

    They really do need a console-only crossplay option for console players, but it'll probably never happen.

    One of the things that really irks me about this, is I have come on this forum before talking about issues on console and some PC players have told me that basically problems on console don't matter, there aren't enough console players for our problems to matter, DbD is meant for PC, etc. etc. (Nurse is more difficult on console? Suck it up, she still needs a nerf. Scratchmarks don't appear properly? I don't believe you. Optimization should be prioritized? Your hardware can't handle it, just deal.) Basically, discriminating against console players. Now that console players are being used to try to improve PC queue times, I've seen in other threads PC players saying they shouldn't be discriminated against, it wouldn't be fair to have a console-only option.

    Maybe if console players weren't treated like they don't matter so often they wouldn't be quite so annoyed by the state of things right now. Instead, it feels like, as always, PC gets priority.

    Console players were already unhappy about the lack of optimization. It should've come before crossplay. It didn't. Instead, crossplay is adding fuel to the fire that is console players' annoyance at feeling shafted.

  • bobbybrownlove
    bobbybrownlove Member Posts: 13

    Please read the OP again, I stated there should be only 2 options, hence only 2 pools... the same as it is now.

    Reasoning... there isnt a single console player that would oppose playing with the other 3 console platforms, while there ARE console players who do not want to play with PC.

    Keeping the available pools to 2, again like it is now, would help address the concerns within the console community regarding crossplay.

    Hopefully that helps clear up any confusions :)

  • bobbybrownlove
    bobbybrownlove Member Posts: 13

    I mean get WHY the console community's concerns would be lower than the PC... Id be willing to take a bet that the PC market brings in much more money on dlc and cosmetics compared to the console players.

    Either way, well get your voice heard and make your concerns heard. At this point its all you can do.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,491

    The money thing is debatable. The console market is not small. I see a ton of players, not the same screen names over and over again, and I see licensed characters and auric-only outfits galore.

    I can't find any numbers for Xbox stats, but I found these when looking for PS4 and Steam player counts:

    It doesn't say anything about amount of money spent per player or anything, but the PS4 community definitely ain't small. I don't think the console community's concerns should be lower than PC's.

  • Demonl3y
    Demonl3y Member Posts: 1,416

    It may doesnt affect the actual gameplay, but its still kinda unfair for me.

    But i also have to say, sure it would be bad for PC players if there were a option to play only with other Consoles, but thats on the players themselfes.

    If we would get that option i still would opt in for PC too but i would still want the option to play witg Console only.

    You can of course say it doesnt really matter and i also dont realls care because of the controls but i care because of the chance of hacks, the performance AND the options. I dont want to be forced to play with Idiots who use res screen and claim it doesnt give them any advantage just because i want to play with XBox or Switch who are on the same advantages / disadvantages as me.

  • BeyondDisbelief
    BeyondDisbelief Member Posts: 69

    While I agree with you in theory, Crossplay hurts the PC community for the following reasons:

    1) No one chats in pre-game nor post-game anymore. While it's true red ranks tend to be toxic edgelords, outside of that most pre/post chat has been pretty civil. Its nice to pre-plan or show appreciation/credit in post.

    2) Console and PC is really a wholly different crowd. Console players tend to be a lot less altruistic and enjoy t-bagging. Whereas PC I would say over half the time if the game was clearly botched (for example, 2 DC's/early give up) the killer would usually play nice with the remaining players instead of griefing them.

    3) Console survivors are very.. bad.

    Just today I played a level 15 ghost face against 4 crossplay survivors for my 2nd game and all I'm trying to do is get my 5 hit against exposed Archives. I kept releasing them for them to cue them that I'm just doing archives, but they keep sprinting away try harding and pallet dropping all match. After they finished 3 gens I got fed up trying to drop them to do my archives and go after them for real. I still got my 5 exposed hits in a single match and ended up with 4k Merciless Killer before they completed the 4th gen. 2 of their guys died after only 1 hook because they are way too timid on rescues. This means the PC survivor has to always carry them.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,324

    It definitely feels like they don't care about the console player base. After I finish this rift I'm not buying the next one. Also not going to continue buying DLC/cosmetics because it doesn't feel like my money is going towards improving console, feels like it's going towards making a better experience for pc only.

  • 6yXJI0
    6yXJI0 Member Posts: 589

    Are you guys really struggling against pc players that much?

  • Skelyue
    Skelyue Member Posts: 5

    In my experience. Console survivors are just so terrible. Like its sad to say but when i decides to play killer for once. Every rank 15-20 I got was console. Sorry that pc players outplay you but, they are just better. Controller vs mnk isnt even real as I use a controller on pc.

    Forcing 2 types of crossplay will make queue times and matchmaking annoying. You'll have no crossplay lobbies, console only lobbies, and free crossplay lobbies. Its not needed.