How to deal with flashlight builds as killer?

I sometimes find myself against dedicated flashlight survivors, but when i do it feels hopeless.
The group stick together, and when i grab someone i don't have enough time to turn around or look up.
Should i just slug? i dislike doing it since a single guy alive can revive everyone if i ######### up, and no hooks means no progress.
Its not common enough to use a perk slot with lightborn, as it will be wasted most matches.
Any tips? I try facing walls but the last match i had in the swamp either there were no walls or the angle was not enough to avoid blind. I felt hopeless.
Run infectious fright it's a great perk for applying pressure and revealing the flashlight user so you can make the pick up safely
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I actually keep Lightborn on 100% of the time right now because I'm lazy. Doesn't matter if there's no one in the lobby with a flashlight, I keep it equipped, and it never occurs to the ones who find a flashlight in a chest that they're against a killer who came with Lightborn just in case. It's fantastic.
Your main options are Lightborn, Franklin's Demise, trying to face walls, slugging, and/or playing as Pyramid Head.
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Have a look around if you know there’s a flashlight in game. Shouldn’t take but a few seconds.
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lightborne(use when you see a lobby full of flashlights), face a wall during pickup animation, fraklin's, scare them off first, let them waste battery at pallets.
yes i know you mentioned lightborne but you said it would be wasted most matches even though you can see what survivors are bringing into a match and plan accordingly and i wanted to make it clear this is what you should be doing not bringing it in every match
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Remember that perks like m&a and shadowborn that increase your fov also increase the angle at which you can get blinded
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Infectious. It'll let you know if anyone is near you.
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Why pyramid head?
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He can cage survivors. If you down a tormented survivor, you don't have to leave them slugged, nor do you have to pick them up to consume a hook state; you can cage survivors to avoid flashlight saves.
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If I get in a lobby with 2 or more flashlights, Lightborn goes on.. no hesitation
not dealing with that
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pick up in front of a wall, use lightborn, infectious fright, etc.