We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Are there any other tired nurse mains than me?

Opex Member Posts: 263
edited August 2020 in General Discussions

I main nurse since the summer 2017. She was one of the first killers I played back than when I started playing the game and until today she is still my main.

I just really miss the old times with nurse. She was such a fun experience back than. Now since her last nerf / rework she is just boring.

She is by far the buggiest mess in the entire game. You encounter multiple bugs every single game (I'm actually not trashtalking I would say while playing nurse you actually encounter at least on bug each game). It just gets really annoying / tiring if you get so many bugs that are just ruining your chases and sometimes even your entire game. I also made a post about her bugs if some of you who don't actively play nurse would like to know some of those bugs. https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/179556/the-nurse-rework-was-10-months-ago-and-you-havent-fixed-any-bugs#latest

Her add-ons are 90% trash or just straight up troll / meme add-ons. So before the nerf / rework she had really many fun add-on combos to play and it never was the same as last game. List of a few add-on combos from before:

Omega Blink

Travel Speed

Fatigue Time

Extra Blinks (3 - 5, not counting all of those)

Today you only have Blink Recharge and Omega Blink left. Blink Recharge is basically the old nurse with no add-ons just in buggy and maybe like half a second of cooldown. Omega Blink is still really strong but only playing that and buggy no add-on nurse just gets boring after some time. Before anyone wants to say this yes there is still a fatigue time add-on combo. But its completely useless because if you should be using it you will have a really really short fatigue time yes. But that doesn't help at all because you still cant blink because of the cooldown. I think they didn't even try out her new add-ons while they were reworking them and never thought about that. And than you get add-ons like pocket watch that have a good idea. You have more time to charge your chain blinks, but the problem is that its only 0.2 seconds longer... and even a lot more of those but I will not count all of them.

Her cooldown was totally not needed. The old nurse was really strong (she is still the strongest killer) but she didn't need changes, she was and still is by far the hardest killer in the game and thats also why she should be the strongest one. But some of her add-ons like Omega Blink and Additional blink add-ons were making her too OP and those add-ons ONLY needed changes. Now she got a not needed cooldown, you just have to understand cooldowns are not fun to play and the reason why you play games are fun. You didn't need that cooldown and it does nothing more than make the nurse unfun to play and cause a lot of bugs.

This might sound like I just want them to buff her so she is even stronger but no. I just want them to fix the bugs of her. They haven't fixed any of her many many many bugs in the past 10 months of her rework. I would love her old add-ons with these OP add-ons that needed changes actually getting changed. And you can do this without making her too OP. Give her old add-ons back and nerf omega blink so it gives you a longer fatigue stun or just leave it the way it is right now. And remove additional blink add-ons since a nurse should always have 2 blinks only and more than that is just too OP. And maybe even remove that cooldown. It is totally not needed. It just causes bugs and doesn't help balancing at all. Her cooldown makes chases take 4 seconds longer and if you run blink recharge which is most of the time the case it is almost not even there. There is no reason for that cooldown to stay.

I'm just really curious if any other nurse mains / people that just play nurse often feel the same and also hear opinions from different people. And if a dev should read this what he thinks about this, I see Almo (dev) in the forums quite often and if you should read this I would love to hear something and the same goes for other devs.


I just checked right now because I was interested about it. They fixed 4 bugs since her rework.

One bug was a mori animation bug which wasnt really needed to be fixed, or just they could've focused on fixing a different more important bug.

They also fixed the bug that you sometimes get stuck inside a hill while blinking through it. Its good that they fixed that bug I also encountered it a couple of times even tho it is still quite rare and now it doesn't even exist anymore which is awesome.

Another bug that allowed you to blink out of the map on Silent Hill. I don't know if this bug was hard to perform or just with a setup on a specific spot. Or if you could encounter this while playing casually and not trying to trigger that bug. I mean its still good that they fixed it and incase it was a bug you couldn't really encounter while intentionally trying to trigger it they could've focused on fixing a different bug instead.

Last bug were that you couldn't blink on Silent Hill in the main building. They didn't name where and what kind of bug this was. But it was a deadzone bug. There are some deadzones on a few maps. Those are basically empty areas where you could theoratically blink through like any other spot. But actually because of that Deadzone you can't blink through that are even tho it is open or just you should be able to blink there. Instead you are just gonna stay at the exact same position as before and not move at all. It is really good that they fix these bugs. From my experience I can tell they tried to fix the deadzones in one of the two hallways where it was impossible to blink through the entire hallway. I actually noticed that because you could blink better through them, but there are still deadzones. You still cant blink through really often. Just at a few angles you can actually blink through the and it looks like they TRIED TO FIX IT, but they failed. I still really appreciate that they try to fix one of these bugs because deadzones are one of the most common bugs you encounter as nurse.

Post edited by Opex on


  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    I agree the cooldown needs work. Right now it's either you run the cooldown addons or the range addons. The rest are trash, and even if they weren't a bugged mess they still wouldn't be anywhere near the CD addons. As long as she has a cooldown (and it can be cut down by 50%) it will always be the goto addons and nothing else is useable.

    Now the addons suck, the killer sucks without them, everything is off. I desperately hope they're working on her in the background.

  • OrangeJack
    OrangeJack Member Posts: 464
    edited August 2020

    I've only mained post-nerf nurse.

    I think she's still a strong killer but her bugs make her annoying to play tbh.

    There are still deadzones and random objects that you can't blink through in some maps especially the newest one.

    I think cooldowns are a lazy mechanic for balancing. The devs need to be more creative than just locking the killer out of their power for x amount of time. and unlike other killers nurse is completely dependent on her blinks for everything.

    This is already on top of a stationary, obscured vision fatigue.

  • Opex
    Opex Member Posts: 263

    Yes she is still the strongest killer in the game, some people say spirit is stronger but they never actually faced a strong nurse who mastered her. And those people are instantly starting to complain the first time they face one of those nerfs. The problem is they don't understand why spirit needs a nerf and nurse doesn't, its just that spirit doesn't take skill but nurse does. And they also don't complain to the devs they directly complain to me after they play against me lol.

    But now to the nurse problems the bugs are the main thing they need to nerf by far, bugs are completely okay and its the most logical thing that they are in games. But its not okay if those bugs DONT GET FIXED. I just edited my post because I just looked like 5 mins ago how many bugs they fixed since her rework. They fixed a total of 4 bugs the past 10 months since her rework, one bug was a really rare bug where you get stuck in the hill, its good that they fix it but as I said you can just blink out of it again and it is really rare so they should be focusing on different bugs. The other one was a mori animation bug with jane.... And another one was on silent hill, they tried to fix the deadzones in that one hallway but they failed because the deadzone is still stopping you from blinking through it, they just made it a little bit easier to blink through it from some specific angles and thats it. The other bug was a bug that allowed you on silent hill to blink out of map and it is really good they fixed that.

    Ye I kind of agree with that cooldowns are just lazy. I mean the nurse still had a cooldown, it was the fatigue stun and I think they forgot about it. The cooldown is longer for lunching (1s longer) and for any blink it gets longer (0.5s for every blink, the first blink is 2s stun, 2 blinks 2.5, 2 blinks and lunching 3.5 and so on). They just add a cooldown that doesn't help balancing at all and just causes bugs making her unfun to play. If it was needed yes but the only thing they had to change was her OP add-ons (additional blinks, Omega Blink) and that was it.

  • Opex
    Opex Member Posts: 263

    Yes Cooldown needs to be removed, bugs needs to be fixed and her add-ons need a rework again. What I suggest is give her old add-ons back, just change the OP add-ons. Omega Blink should give you a longer fatigue stun so the survivors gains more distance and you cant just instantly close it back up. Or just change the old omega blink with the current one, the current one is strong yes but it is fine. And remove additional blink add-ons nurse should always only have 2 blinks, I have no ideas at the moment about them what they could do instead. But you can come up with something creative and fun to play which is also balanced.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050

    I can agree.

    I wouldn't say I have a killer that is my go to in particular. But I played mostly Nurse and Billy for the longest time, and then Death Slinger. The rest of the cast I find to be kind of boring. Huntress is pretty fun time to time though.

    But I have not played Nurse since the nerf really. A couple matches to test her out after the fact, but that was really it. Lack luster addons.

    Why play Nurse when Spirit exists. Even though I wouldn't ever play Spirit.

  • Opex
    Opex Member Posts: 263

    @MandyTalk I am not sure if there are any rules about pinging, I couldn't find any if there are I'm sorry. I would love to hear something about this, can you say something about? Like if there is anything planed about changes for the nurse, or if there is something planed but you cant tell us or anything. I would be really happy about an response. I heard you usually answer people.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,004

    @Opex I answer when I can answer. I cannot discuss anything that could possibly or possibly not, be upcoming I'm afraid.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,300
    edited August 2020

    I'm fine with basekit Nurse but wouldn't complain if her blink had a few quality of life changes.

    Main problem I have with her is maps with a lot of dead zones or multiple floors. The new school is so frustrating to play on because I've had instances where I've blinked below the map and that's specifically has cost me the game. I can get back up but by the time I do they're gone and I've lost momentum on such a massive map. Main thing with Nurse is blinking between multiple floors is frustrating especially out of the basement sometimes. If they could somehow find a perfect compromise for that I would give a ######### less about the addons personally. Granted I don't use them but that's my biggest annoyance as a Nurse picker. Multi floor maps and dead zones usually on newer maps.

  • Opex
    Opex Member Posts: 263

    Ye you are kind of right, quite sad but true no one plays her so theres no money to get. They don't even make cosmetics btw I would love more cosmetics but there aren't any. I'm not sure but the last cosmetic came out about when she got reworked (I might be wrong).

  • Opex
    Opex Member Posts: 263

    I'll asume you are new to nurse or just still learn her ;D. Multiple floor maps are actually the best maps for the nurse. Thats why the game is the best map for her. In my opinion Silent Hill is the new best map, there is only one compromise which makes that map not as good as the game for nurse. These deadzones are literally everywhere, you are not the only one who has that problem, EVERYONE who plays nurse has them. Also because of some buggy deadzones you can get blinked into the basement, it can get really annoying. I mean OF COURSE BHVR when I do a fully charged blink and look straight up I totally intend to go to the basement.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,300
    edited August 2020

    No literally every map BHVR adds there is at least 3 dead zones where you blink through the floor it's actually tilting. I remember when Gideon Meat Plant had a full 2 rooms that were essentially dead zones for a while. I'm referring to where you actually get stuck inside of objects or outside the map. That ######### is frustrating.

    Most maps I have zero issues 4k'ing without addons it's literally just a handful of maps that hinder me not because it's even a big map but because I get stuck inside of a wall or something.

    I am however referencing the basement thing you mentioned near the end. On occasion I shouldn't arrive at the basement or I try to blink out of the basement and can do the same thing 3 times in a row and on occasion I'm just in there or can't get out. This is why on some maps I'll just blink towards the basement area and skirt around it to be safe because I don't want to risk that one time where I lost 10-20 seconds in a chase because I entered Bubba's Basement at the wrong time.

  • Opex
    Opex Member Posts: 263

    Only thing we can do is just wait for BHVR to maybe fix something.

  • Lx_malice
    Lx_malice Member Posts: 1,417

    I love Nurse. She'll always be my main, but I'm tired of her bugs being neglected. I also still don't know whose idea it was to add a cooldown on top of a cooldown. All this did was make her harder to play while lowering her lethality potential. A straight up flat out nerf. No it wasn't just a nerf to people who relied on omega blink or multi blink, but it was also a nerf to those who were good with her regardless including god Nurses. That's what killed all the interest of playing her in alot of people I believe. In my opinion if you're going to make a killer harder to play then you should raise their skill ceiling in exchange, not nerf that too.

    She's still a strong killer don't get me wrong. If you put the time in you will eventually do well with her, but it's just harder to do now than it used to be and you won't be able to have as much potential as you used to.

    Currently I'm getting used to playing against pc survivors as my console Nurse. I've had to increase my sensitivity and pay alot more attention to what the survivors do because pc survivors have alot more experience playing against Nurse. It's been a bit difficult but I'll adapt. I still won't hop off the Nurse train.

  • KIKI_
    KIKI_ Member Posts: 135

    I started playing dbd after her rework and maining her a few months later. I absolutely love nurse despite all her bugs and I have learnt to play around them. Of course it should not be like this but well, it is what it is.

    I don't agree with people thinking she is weak. I can imagine she was more appealing before, and she is perhaps more difficult to learn now more than ever. But once you learn her to a proper level, you are a ######### god. She is still the best killer in the game and the most balanced one in my opinion.

    You and I, we both made posts regarding her bugs. Hope they'll see them. It is about time. Also her addons need some attention as well. As for this moment the are only 4 addons truly viable on her. Ultra Rare ones are completely useless, instead they should be the more powerful ones. We can only hope.

    Still, despite her addons being bad and all of her bugs, if you have skill with her she is lethal. She is the best killer in the game and the one that rewards skill the most. I'll never grow tired of playing her

  • Opex
    Opex Member Posts: 263

    You are just speaking true facts totally have to agree on all of that. I never hear people say she is weak but I hear people say she is not the strongest, people think freddy and spirit are stronger because they tried nurse a very few games and just werent good with her. Or they never even tried nurse but always play against baby nurses.

    Her add-ons really need changes. I mean only 4 add-ons that are good, basically two because these add-ons only have 2 different effects, 2 of them are blink recharge the other 2 are blink range. Not even the strongest killer should have that. You can remove her not needed cooldown and give her more than just straight up troll add-ons and fix their bugs without making her too OP. Because she was never too strong. She is really strong but thats fine because she is the hardest killer in the game and the only thing this killer does is reward practice and skill. The only thing they had to change were additional blink add-ons and omega blink. Instead they made a buggy mess out of her, ruined all her add-ons and made her unfun to play with that not needed cooldown.

  • OrangeJack
    OrangeJack Member Posts: 464

    I disagree the game isn't her best map. Some areas of the bottom part function as a line of site maze and her counterplay is denying her los. I think the game is a decent map for nurse but defo not best. Worst map for me is lerys.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    Can anyone explain more about how nurse was in the past before she got Nerfed. Was she overpowered and really needed it or was she fine with counters?

  • Masochistic_Killer
    Masochistic_Killer Member Posts: 413

    I'm too new to answer the question, but if what I've read about has been even half true in how strong/fun she used to be, I'd have quit the game by now if I were a Nurse main, for sure.

    I was a DD (Destroyer) main in World of Warships for years, played every day. Wargaming decided they didn't want my money anymore. 10K+ games, $5k+ spent, thousands of hours. leader of a clan. I just walked away after delegating some power, I still have well over a year of premium time ticking away right now. I hope BHVR isn't as stupid or even half as greedy as Wargaming, they compete vigorously with EA for worst gaming company on Earth.

  • Xzan
    Xzan Member Posts: 907

    When she was released she had 3 Blinks and 115% Movementspeed.

    Later she was where she is now, slower as a running survivor and 2 Blinks default and without the CD. After that, the addon rework and the slight rework to her basekit nerf came.

    Her old addons allowed some really strong combinations like 5 Blinks, which was pretty broken. So I was excited once they announced, they would change the addons. The only good addons now are the ones, which helps with recharge and fatigue. And the addon, that makes survivor scream if you blink through them. The other addons are.. well, let's say, questionable at best or for meme builds.

    Her basekit was fine. Learning Nurse and getting gud at her takes some time. Against decent survivors, you would still have problems. But since a lot of survivors run in straight lines against a Nurse, she could be seen as "too strong". Line of Sight Blockers + Mindgames (being unpreticable etc.) are the strongest counters.

    I have adapted to the nerf, but my muscle memory sometimes slips up and I blink after 5.9 sec Recharge and lose a precious blink and maybe the game. And now the dedicated servers and all the bugs (deadzones for example) only increased her difficulty.

  • Pawcelot
    Pawcelot Member Posts: 985

    I used to play her plenty back in the day but I ended up getting ill from motion sickness. I'd still love to get back at playing her but like, I don't want to have a bucket next to me because I want to play a certain killer.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,549

    I don't main Nurse but have put in around 30-40 hours into her (most of it was after the re-work.... and I know that isn't a lot of time)

    If they fixed her bugs and adjusted the cooldown/fatigue I'll be fine with that (I wouldn't say i'd main her but certainly put more time into her)

  • SoulKey
    SoulKey Member Posts: 338

    You should have played against the 9k hour nurse main i just faced. We needed a god survivor like you in our team.

  • CalamityJane
    CalamityJane Member Posts: 487

    I actually don't mind playing her since the change.

    Thhe funniest part of this to me is that you're saying "Nurse is so boring to play" and "you only have 2 builds, recharge or omegablink." Just a suggestion here, maybe you'd be having more fun on her if you weren't limiting yourself to the two most boring builds.

  • Opex
    Opex Member Posts: 263

    yes lerys is by far the worst map. I mean everyone has its own opinion, usually the game is just known to be the best nurse map but I also don't think so I would say silent hill is better (if you would exclude the deadzones on silent hill)

  • Opex
    Opex Member Posts: 263

    She had no cooldown. She wasn't as buggy as today. And her add-ons werent trash. I mean she was really strong but didnt need a nerf because of her being the hardest killer in the game. The only thing that did need a nerf were additional blink add-ons and omega blink. Omega Blink allowed you to cover the most parts of maps. And had no downside. Your blinks charged faster because of that and on low distances survivors had no time to juke your blinks. With additional blink add-ons you could have up to 5 blinks and when nurse was new to the game about 4 years ago she could have 7 blink. They only had to nerf omega blink and additional blink add-ons because these add-ons were just TOO OP and gave no counterplay. It took no skill and you wouldnt get punished for making a mistake. But instead of nerfing just these add-ons they gave her a annoying cooldown ontop of a already existing cooldown (fatigue time). That cooldown only makes chases 4 seconds longer and causes a lot of bugs but doesnt help balancing at all, it is just unfun to play and not needed. 90% of her add-ons are completely trash or just straight up troll add-ons. Only the blink range and the blink recharge add-ons are reliable. As I already mentioned now she is just a buggy mess.

  • DaGreenBolt
    DaGreenBolt Member Posts: 453

    Honestly, the cooldown should be removed, because there is literally no reason to have when basekit nurse was fine.

    Though if the devs want to keep the cooldown, then it should be reworked so that when you're not in a chase, there is no cooldown for blinks, but when in a chase there will be cooldowns for blinks. That way, it gives Nurse back her map pressure before the rework.

  • Opex
    Opex Member Posts: 263

    Nurse is the strongest killer in the game. From the current state of the game nurse is the only killer who has a chance to win against a really strong genrushing SWF. Not even a good spirit can stop them. Nurse ignores any kind of defense survivors have (including walls). Giving survivors no counterplay against a nurse that knows what she's doing. There is no discussion about it she is the strongest killer in the game.

    She is also not map depended. She can play on outdoor maps same as indoor, multiple floor maps and so on. The only bad maps might be corn maps but that's only for beginners. More experienced nurse players like me can tell you that corn is not really a problem unless you are still learning nurse. The only bad map for nurse is lerys. But getting that one exact map is quite rare and map offerings exists. And even tho it is really hard it is still possible to beat survivors on lerys, even tho it takes a lot of experience.

    The cooldown is just dumb. She already had a cooldown (fatigue stun) and they just add a cooldown on top of that. If you have no recharge add-ons which is usually not the case a chase would take you only 4 seconds more than before. So the cooldown doesn't even help balancing at all. The only thing what it does is make nurse unfun to play. It causes a lot of bugs which makes her even more unfun to play.

    It is a really bad idea to make her blinks shorter and give her omega blink a buff. That would just make her add-on depended.

  • Opex
    Opex Member Posts: 263

    Its not even the map presure she still has insanely strong map presure. It is just that it is not needed. Why would you make a not needed cooldown that just makes her unfun to play and causes a lot of bugs. It doesn't even help balancing without blink recharge add-ons your chases are only gonna take 4 seconds longer.

  • Opex
    Opex Member Posts: 263

    The problem is that there are no other builds. The other builds are just making her a worse killer than playing nurse with no add-ons. Many add-ons have great ideas but they still messed it up, example Pocket Watch. You have more time charging your chain blinks, the problem is that this time is only 0.2 seconds. And it just keeps going with these kind of add-ons. Or just straight up troll / meme add-ons that make her worse than without add-ons. Thats totally not what a add-on should do. Only the blink recharge and the blink range add-ons are reliable good add-ons that you could use. I tried all new add-ons since her rework and tried out a lot of different add-on combos. I made experience with all of those add-ons and I can say that there are just no other good add-ons that you could use.

  • Mercês
    Mercês Member Posts: 376

    I'm a nurse main since her nerf. I think the only thing that I would change is keep the blink charge progress when you start another blink. I just felt the necessity of it when playing indoor maps and while inside main buildings.

    Other than that, Dead Hard needs to be changed. It's not fair to reach someone to get outplayed by an E-press and having it completely negate your chase, giving survivors a free health state.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,297
    edited August 2020

    I've given up any hope on the bug fixes she really needs. It seems to be company policy to not acknowledge the sweeping issues her power has with dedicated servers. She performs worse under higher server load, your chain blink window and second blink distance are constantly open to interpretation, and I'm dead blinking so much since crossplay came out. I'm not joking when I say I need about half a first bilnk charge just to go through a tree with a gen beside it. Are gens 15 meters wide? That's ridiculous relative to the charge time. The reason so many Nurse players complain on here is because we have this muscle memory screaming at us about blink distances, yet we're constantly failing to blink through stuff we know we've charged enough to blink through. And the blink lunge hit registration...yeah, I don't know. Just swing because who the hell knows. Oh, and also being visibly rubberbanded to swing into a box or wall. 10 months btw

  • ast2astRegMgr
    ast2astRegMgr Member Posts: 124

    Nurse main here. I’m totally sick of the bugs. I was a constant 2k killer with lots of 3 and 4k’s made it to rank 1. Now match making was severely broken so that has a lot to do with going to rank 1 in three months. After the latest update where they introduced the bubba and billy changes it was like the bugs tripled and the ones there got worse. I love playing nurse and probably won’t ever play another killer because most seem blan and don’t interest me. Behavior please fix your game and the bugs. Does anyone remember the note on screen during anniversary that’s said 99 bugs in the game 99 bugs in the game take one down patch it around 103 bugs in the game. Now I’m starting to believe that was the truth

  • Opex
    Opex Member Posts: 263

    Ye lmao 10 months, thats not even a bug to move through object. Before she got nerfed she had a mechanic that was called "blink accuracy". If you blinked inside an object and you were more than half way through you would've gotten to the other side. This was a big thing on nurse, but in the nodes about her nerf they said that the blink accuracy was working but it was hardly noticable so they removed it. "Hardly noticable" dude it was legit one of the biggest mechanics of nurse. Today you have to overcharge your blinks every time otherwise you wont move through it even if you charged it long enough. Why do they even remove it? It was hardly noticable, NO it was not and even if it was why do you have to remove it just let it in.

  • Opex
    Opex Member Posts: 263

    They are not fixing any bugs, they fixed 4 bugs the past 10 months since her rework.

    One bug was a mori animation bug, the other one was a deadzone bug they said they fixed it but NO its not fixed. In silent hill in the one hallway it was just completely filled with deadzones and they tried to fix that. But you still cant blink through there just from a few small angles you can blink through it but its still not fixed. The other 2 bugs were actual bugs and got actually fixed.

    There are 3 options why they might not fix them:

    No one plays nurse anymore, they don't care.

    Not really many people play nurse and that's why they want to focus on other bugs more than on nurse bugs.

    Not really many people play nurse, so why should they waste money on fixing a killer that no one plays? There's no money from it because no one plays that killer, instead make cosmetics for her.

  • lunaticlifter
    lunaticlifter Member Posts: 426

    I'm tired of the m1 delay glitch every time i make a good blink, but can't swing right after... i main her on console so i went through the frustration of having low sens, framrates and then dedicated servers, since 2018..now what only bothers me other than not having stable framerates is this annoying m1 bug.. about the nerf i think it was needed, the only thing saving a survivor from a good nurse was dead hard.. now dh is less reliable, and having those more seconds to break LoS is needed.. but only because most players are bad, if we talk about good players, yeah the nerf was unecessary, because now i can just hold W and waste enough killer time as survivor..purple range addons + green recharge addons makes her stronger than old nurse(not old omegablink nurse)..i wish they just remove the fatigue right now is just annoying