Why hasn't leatherface been nerfed?

Leather face is literally so overpowered and from what I have seen, the most complained about killer in the game. He literally has basically infinite uses of his chainsaw, goes super fast, swings the chainsaw so widely so that everything dies, and once he revs it up it's almost impossible to avoid it. You are essentially exposed for the entire game.


  • Nilexion
    Nilexion Member Posts: 25

    I'm pretty sure in the most recent update leatherface's add-ons actually got buffed, so like, why? Is he not overpowered enough

  • Digwiid
    Digwiid Member Posts: 311

    I think the most complained killer award is a tie between Freddy,Spirit and Doc.

  • Nilexion
    Nilexion Member Posts: 25

    I feel like spirit is one of the easiest killers that I go up against. Freddy and Doc I agree are overpowered, but when I see leatherface I just want to DC

  • Nilexion
    Nilexion Member Posts: 25

    Have been playing for like 5 months. I was at red ranks for about a month. I've only had like 2 problems with spirit and it was just because the people are campers or tunnelers

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    He has counterplay it's still normal looping bamboozle or not. Pre throw pallets if the killer is good at turning. Use multiple windows and chain tiles. I love rework bubba I wish people played him more.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    I see that's relatively new considering we've got 20 killers at this moment and the 21st killer is around the corner so you probably have yet to practice going against certain powers including instadown powers. Bubba used to be considered the weakest killer in the game as his instadown was basically non-existent as long as you hugged walls well enough as his default range was very lousy and his default speed forced him to rev it up while basically rubbing the survivor.

    With addons old Bubba moved slightly faster than new Bubba. However new Bubba got more chainsaw range IF he's got all 3 charges (which is a new Bubba mechanic).

    So basically you can still loop pallets if he's either not at full charges (if he bumps into something he loses all charges to name a sample) or if you have some distance after passing the pallet.

    If you have some distance you can at least loop once before you have to drop the pallet (if the Bubba can time his charges that is and knows how to hug the loop without bumping into corners that is! Many Bubbas mess up the timing and thus don't get his maximum range or straight up bump into something when things get hectic).

    On top of that he still gets hard countered by windows. Many Bubbas run Bamboozle to make up for that weakness so if you hop through a window look behind you.

    Most Bamboozle players make it very obvious by looking straight at the window as well so if it's a Bamboozle player just keep running. You usually gain enough distance to reach the next pallet or window.

    An underrated perk I'm going to recommend is Windows of Opportunity. It basically tells you where to go. I've been running it on rank 1 ever since the Clown/Kate chapter. It also helps you avoid dead zones created by other players.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    Then you didn't face an experiened bubba comfortable with the new changes ^^. Looping him got quite more dangerous with the changes. Not saying it is not possible, but it got way more difficult.

  • SoulKey
    SoulKey Member Posts: 338

    That is the weirdest comment i have read in so long on these forums :\ If you think spirit is easy, then i would have to assume you are either console or still new to the game that you haven't encountered many strider spirits yet :)

  • Zeus
    Zeus Member Posts: 2,112

    That's interesting. She's currently the strongest killer in the game alongside nurse.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,089

    I mean, all of this was the case before he was buffed and he was considered one of the weakest Killers in the game.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    He is extremely easy to counter. If he's coming towards you then run to a window since they are extremely strong against him. Don't hide in corners against him either.

    I'd say any killer seems strong when your new to the game. However he's actually mid-tier right now. I'd still prefer the old Bubba.

  • V1V3
    V1V3 Member Posts: 87

    It's more than just open areas. He's significantly stronger in loops and forces people to pre throw pallets to avoid a instadown. The charges were supposed to mitigate the repetitive use of his chainsaw, but they charge way too soon. Also that's exactly what a Leatherface main would say.

  • CalamityJane
    CalamityJane Member Posts: 487

    I find Bubba so strong now. In my red rank games it basically feels like every rev is a down. He has so much speed for such a long time that even around windows most of the time he's able to go around and still mind game while swinging and still get the down.

    I don't know why people aren't talking about him more.

  • Uistreel
    Uistreel Member Posts: 634

    Use a locker? Use a pallet? Use a window? Do gens, he has essentially no map pressure. Don't stay in deadzones, if you say deadzones are unavoidable, what difference would it be if it was a huntress, billy, gf, etc.

    Unless you mess up or are stuck in an open area, there is so much you can do to beat him. Even if you were really bad in chases against him, he still has absolutely nothing outside of those chases. No delay abilities, no movement abilities.

    You also mention you find spirit very easy to go against, yet she has *probably* the 3rd best chase potential in the entire game? How can you complain about one killers chase potential being too strong, but then say another who is much stronger in every category is easy to go against?

  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    because not enough trash survivors have complained about him and asked for a nerf.

  • FearlessHunter
    FearlessHunter Member Posts: 530
    edited August 2020

    I think I had a match against you... were you on coldwind against a leatherface yesterday? If so what survivor were you playing as?

  • Enlyne
    Enlyne Member Posts: 429


    Leatherface finally became a decent killer and people want him nerfed?

    Sounds like you're either new to the game or just baiting.

  • C_Frank
    C_Frank Member Posts: 179

    Bubba rework go to the bad way. His weakens is map control and this dont change. Down and loop now is more strong. We this new maps with let tittles and vaults. He is strong but no op

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    You know chainsaw wielding maniacs should be easy to go against. Gah.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    I'm not, and have no troubles with spirit.

    So what edgy snyde remark do you have for ME?

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    It might actually be true that he is the most complained about killer. It used to be with camping and/or insidious. Nearly every camping thread brought up bubba, because the argument has to be its overpowered because you can´t counter it.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321
    edited August 2020

    I asked op a normal question. Nothing edgy or snide about that. On top of that op replied they are in fact relatively new so I spent my time posting a polite and detailed comment on how to play against Bubba.

    Are you having a bad day or something?

    EDIT: Also why are you bringing up Spirit?

    EDIT2: Yeah, no answer. Thought so.

    Post edited by Yamaoka on
  • DaGreenBolt
    DaGreenBolt Member Posts: 453

    Are some survivors still complaining about the Doctor?

    Like he's not even a high tier killer, he's a mid tier killer.

  • Digwiid
    Digwiid Member Posts: 311

    Taking away stealth from people who are less confident in looping obviously will make people open up about the character.

  • SaboThisAss
    SaboThisAss Member Posts: 4

    He really does need a nerf, but all the comments complaining about spirit and doc being more overpowered, confuses me. Spirit and Doctor are so easy to counter compared to Bubba, Freddy is just a mess to against thanks to his ######### hitbox range, so I understand that. I've done my hardest to loop bubba, run around trees (still gets hit despite hugging so close), I can loop him thru shack and some pallets, but honestly pallets and good looping (not everyone is good remember that) is the only way to counter him. Sometimes you can't do ######### against him on certain maps, and if your teammates have used up all the pallets to just try to even get away from him. But he does need a nerf, and pls dont whine at me asking if I'm new, I'm not new, but I'm not a god tier player with thousands of hours, I at least have almost 400. (not a lot compared to some who don't have a life, ik)

  • Quol
    Quol Member Posts: 694

    Devs look at in game statistics not complaints on the threads. If they didn't nerf him then I'm assuming that means his kill rates are within expectations.

  • Deadman316
    Deadman316 Member Posts: 578

    Leatherface is on my list of killers that I refuse to play. Even when trying to make quick cuts around him, he turns just as fast and downs everything. I was playing a match that literally just started and within 15 seconds he had two people down. Needless to say, the trial didn't last longer than 10 minutes and I escaped via hatch. Here's the other part of it, I am a yellow rank that was in a match with reds and purples (Bubba was high purple), with matchmaking still a problem, it's not as easy to say that anyone can play a good round against him. He's too strong at the moment.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Doc is far from overpowered, the amount of skill it requires for doc to be practically impossible to counter takes so much time to master, that in the same amount of time, you can master Nurse, Myers, Trapper AND Huntress. In that same amount of time, you can play 1 year of survivor and master every aspect about it.

    Bubba has essentially the same counters as he always had: drop pallets if he is not revving, if he is revving, dont drop pallets unless you can ensure a stun. Fake a vault or pallet to gain a tiny bit of time. Take sharp turns that Bubba cannot reach with his power, meaning he would either need to stop walking to turn or stop using his power to get a hit, both giving you massive distance.

    Freddy is a tiny bit overbalanced excluding addons, including addons he is overpowered. Spirit is heavily overbalanced and needs some QoL against facing a Spirit. But I wouldnt call her overpowered. If you have an easy time against a Spirit, either you're constantly hiding, or the Spirit has hearing issues.

  • Write_By_Daylight
    Write_By_Daylight Member Posts: 126

    Leave everything about him, just add a huge hitbox so he actually has to put some braincells into every chainsaw he does.

    Bubba to EZ mid tier now

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    The only "nerf" Bubba may need (I say may because I'm not even sure he does) is increase the amount of time it takes him to chainsaw a pallet, somewhere along the lines of what it is for Oni. He might not even need this, but if he does need a nerf this is the only thing he would need.

  • TattooJake
    TattooJake Member Posts: 158

    Pretty much if you are in a dead zone, which is large portions of each map, you are dead. The only way to deal with him is jungle gyms and safer loops. I ran one today for a good 2 min just going from loop to loop. Too bad my teammates were too scared to do anything besides hide so yeah.

    He is very strong but I do not think he’s OP. It’s the fact he has an instadown I think people are having an issue with. Just always remember if you are in a dead zone and doing a gen your head needs to be on a swivel. As soon as you see him coming your way you need to book it to a loop. Always look around for multiple escape routes and plan ahead if the killer comes BEFORE you start on the gen. Know what you have to work with around you at all times.

    If he’s camping don’t even try it. You’re going to ######### the rest of your team if you do. Do gens, get the hell out and thank the person for their sacrifice.

  • BananaBlooD95
    BananaBlooD95 Member Posts: 555


    Bubba is too strong right? You guys need to understand that he's fast when using his chainsaw so when he's reeving don't be greedy on loops.