The console hate. My question to the pc players.



  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

    I told you my intent, please stop trying to tell me that it was anything otherwise. Don’t understand why you want to provoke a disagreement, I thanked you for informing me of what I wasn’t sure of. The discussion should’ve ended there. 😊

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,165

    Console wanted console only crossplay since before the devs pushed out crossplay because the devs have not optimized console after saying the would a year and a half ago. Console killer mains have been pretty vocal about it due to the frame drops when playing killer.

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,547
  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,165

    I guess you're in the minority? I'm on ps4 and notice the frame drops during different times like when going into bloodlust. There's a 13 page post on this forum from console players (including ps4 players) about the FPS issues, especially as killer.

  • Yung_Slug
    Yung_Slug Member Posts: 2,238

    > Use a controller and see how well you do

    Joke's on you, I play Dark Souls!

    I don't actually have anything against console players though.

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,547

    of course I didn't participate there since I experience no issues except in lery's when drops to almost 30 in some cases

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Sadly anytime you get a one camp or the other kind of scenario people dive into a 'them and us' rhetoric without a moments thought. Killer vs survivor now console vs PC. Basically anyone hating on console because they play on PC and vice versa are really just talking BS.

    I've had competitive players and potatoes from both platforms over the last few days and the only real change is my super fast killer (and to a lesser extent survivor) queue times at any time of day, which I value highly.

    I have started to notice a few trends gameplay wise but this is purely anecdotal. I feel like frame drops and stuttering have been worse since cross play, making survivors whom 360 well, trickier to hit. I also feel like console players can pull off a smoother juke than most PC players (probably due to joystick) and as such that is a common go to in games with lots of console players.

    Its predictable though and providing I don't stutter out, usually it only works once.

    PC gamers may appear more toxic but they are the ones who can type easily in post game chat... so of course you see more post game BS from PC players. My general experience is mostly positive though so no biggie here, typically GG's all round or a laugh about one particular play. I get a lot of unsolicited friend invites which I generally ignore. Given the stories folks tell about messaging on consoles it goes to show that toxicity lives on both sides of the divide. That's not to say that these invites are all going to be toxic but I really don't need to befriend everyone. A good game is good enough.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    This is true, but in all honesty, ask any PC player, since PC has had cross play with windows store for a few months now I've seen less than 5 globes altogether.

  • kate_best_girl
    kate_best_girl Member Posts: 2,184

    I'm way better in chase with controller personally its also WAY easier to 360

  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600

    That's because of the famous catchphrase: "PC master race". Most of them think they are better than console players just because they used all of papa's money to build a tuned PC. And sure, those same elitists also think to be better than console players in everything they do. Other than FPS being way better on PC, giving them an edge, I can't really see much difference. All I know is that this game became even more toxic, since crossplay has been enabled. And most of the toxic killers I find are PC players, since I bother checking their profiles on Steam or XBOX live, before pointing my finger. Don't know about survivors though, don't feel like checking them all.

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    For survivors it doesnt matter which platform you're on. I've played this game on 10 fps, on 140 fps, with controller and with M+K (depending where i am) and it barely matters for survivors.

    Controller killers are the only one with a real disadvantage compared to M+K killers, but since they are not facing killers as enemies, but survivors, it also doesnt matter.

    I've been welcoming crossplay so far, as in almost every game with crossplay.

  • DisappointedUser
    DisappointedUser Member Posts: 420

    That’s sort of a silly argument considering PC players purposefully picked the PC in order NOT to have to use a controller... you act like this is some intrinsic thing people are born with: a controller attached to some people’s hands and a keyboard mouse on others.

    You chose to play this game on a controller.

    Im in no way saying we should treat anyone poorly. Only that you picked the use of a controller. Not someone else.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    I don't have anything personally against console users.

    However, I did notice a sharp spike in the amount of DCs ever since cross-play was introduced... Just saying.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    I've seen more PC hate on console than the reverse, I am aware that there are PC players who do indeed use controllers, and I said the ELITISTS as they are usually the type to shun the humble controller.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    How is it a silly argument and implying that people are "born" with one or the other when all I am doing is daring PC elitists to put their money where their mouth is and prove they're better with literally the same hardware?

    If these PC "gods" are so good, then they obviously don't NEED m&kb, right? It is literally a "put up, or shut up" challenge to them.

    I've had quite a few PC players rave about m&kb, and say stupid things like X rank is equivelant of Y rank on PC. Like to see how well THEY do in my position.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050
    edited August 2020

    Who cares if you play with a KB & M or a controller.

    You will get used to whatever one you play with.

    If you ask me, the controls mean jackshit. The debate of there being advantages to either one is so stupid, someone on controller can be just as good as someone on a keyboard, and the opposite is also true. (Unless you want to compare console and PC to mobile, I think that would be extremely unfair)

    If you asked me about 8 years ago, I would say I prefer controllers. If you ask me now, I would say Mouse and Keyboard. Preferences change over time. Doesn't mean I won't got over to a friends house and play on their console. DBD included.

    Not sure why people hate on each other for using different hardware. Who the hell cares?

  • cranzer
    cranzer Member Posts: 26

    I play survivor on pc with a ps4 controller and do ok. Mouse and keyboard feels wrong as a survivor so I don't use it. I'm also not bad mouthing console players, so I guess I'm not the target audience.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Hello, i try to answer the question.

    First of all, I am sorry and i hope nobody gets offended by this (what i will write also does not mean that YOU are bad) but it is my experience we had so far. Rank 1 both roles of course, EU.

    I dont think anybody hates console players, but its from at least my experience extremly hard to play with them when on a team. Its not an exception that you get console survivor who do nothing but crouching around half of the game. Many of them dont know how to loop, dont know when to safe and have obviously no map awareness. Many obviously still live in the stone-age when it comes to perk and playstyle: Urban Evasion and Self-Care can be seen on so many of them. And they use those perks excessivly.

    I have played with a few great console survivors so far, and i also watch one or two PS4 players on youtube who are really good at the game but the really big majority were between absolutly rank 20 terrible and slightly bad.

    PC players are also not that great on average, but what i have seen the last week from console survivors is terrifying.

    It is also not their fault that they are paired with better players and i wish MMR would work and would be in the game yet.

    About console killer... well i have not played killer 2 much on console tbh but it was not a great experience. I feel them when they say they have a disadvatage compared to PC, especially when they play Nurse, Slinger or Huntress.

    Thats it, my honest answer and probably also the answer of anybody i know who play the game.

  • nicknack
    nicknack Member Posts: 253

    Well that is a little insulting but however you are right that there are potatos on console but the same is said for pc players. As for the perks everyone has their own cup of tea so just let em be and do the best you can and youd be suprised at how many good console players there are so please i am asking you dont judge all based on a few.

  • Mercês
    Mercês Member Posts: 376

    I have nothing to hate against console players but I have against the matchmaking system. As a two-trick nurse/huntress player on rank 1, the difference between survivors on console and on PC is very clear and I can spot in 5 seconds in a chase. Most of the console survivors that I go against wouldn't be on their ranks if they always played against PC killers in the same rank. That being noted, I can see why there's a hate between the different platforms: PC survivor player see how console survivor player performs and see a problem that isn't even the console player's fault and the hate begins. I only can be sorry for you guys when playing against me with that clunky controller. I just hope that BHVR implement something that makes looking behind and to sides easier (like a button) and improve FPS. Still, I will have advantage because mouse+keyboard is just free movement and I can play in a 144hz(and 144+ FPS) monitor with stretched resolution and a TON of NVIDIA Freestyle filters that makes my game a lot easier.

  • GhostFace_Killer
    GhostFace_Killer Member Posts: 55

    i almost always play with my Dual Shock 3, i dont do bad. I usually get 2 - 3 kills per games and a few times i get all survivors. I dont ay survivor though because i do not like qtes at all in any game.

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    feels like a good portion of console players are much more casual with gaming. I personally feel like if you own a pc you're much more dedicated so pc players might seek out more info on a game to improve. Not all console players do or will so those players would probably have less skill. I assume thats why but also mouse and keyboard are way better than controller so maybe a lot of them assume console is utter garbo. The fps will def hold back some though.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Of course, every Plattform has good and bad players, but the potatoe % on console seems to be much higher.

    I dont say a word nor would i treat them different, but isnt it the topic here what it is all about? So also perks are a problem, especially those who have only the purpose to cost the team a lot of time.

    Like i said, i dont say every console player is bad, i know a few good one, but the majority i have played with so far were not great at all.

    And that might be the reason why it seems to be pc players hate console. Its more that they hate the matchmaking.

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448

    I don't mind console players. It just seems they abuse the game when they know they are playing with and against steam users.

    for example earlier i got bodyblocked until the killer came by a console survivor. They perfectly knows they cannot be reported and so they abuse it to force other to DC and be punished

  • RbLen
    RbLen Member Posts: 144

    No, personally I don't mind what platform anyone plays on. Its a stupid thing some players just think to make themselves feel better i guess.