PTB apreciation post


I'm really happy about the graphics update, especially with the generators, sounds stupid but I'm so hyped for the fact that you kind of repair the gen instead of move your hands around it, and the new gen design looks really neat, good job on this one


  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    The killer sucks. The survivor perks suck

    The maps are cool I guess

    Overall. Very bad PTB. Will they release Blight like this with no improvements? Likely

  • croquetas
    croquetas Member Posts: 20
  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    im honestly incredibly in love with the ptb. the killer can use some work, at base rather, (which they've shown incredibly recently there very willing to do by touching up hillbilly after the ptb for him @Zaitsev . they've even shown their ability to work within a ptb and directly after a ptb a la ghostface (for those who weren't around at such a point, ghostface used to have noises in his power that revealed his presence immediately, along with even more finicky revealing that would either reveal you when you just looked in the killers general direction vs at them, or not revealing them at all).

    his hitbox in his run needs to be tweaked to be a V shape, or a smaller box, or he needs the ability to be able to bonk at the press of a button so that he doesn't accidentally bonk into collision, along with slightly increased turning at base, and a slightly increased bonk backwards to prevent immediately running into the same object in small corridors.

    With turning addons he turns into rather a monster. just hope his bonk and turning at base are tweaked.

    the maps are absolutely stunning. breakable walls now on badham (and i believe yamaoka too?!) The gens are incredibly beautiful, along with the animations going alongside them. So much love has been put into this graphical update, along with the blight himself. the perks are amazing, and not broken contrary to popular belief (only one i would buff is Visionary, and thats by giving its effect to deja vu, and giving it another more powerful effect such as granting aura reading on the killer for 6s upon a down, or 4s upon a hit, sort of like alert but to combat slugging.)

  • Iceman
    Iceman Member Posts: 1,457

    Whew finally a post I can participate, the other post are filled with savages lol. I understand their frustration but omg

    I love the new graphic too, even if that mean my fps not going to be the best. Don't judge me.. And I actually like the design of the new killer and survivor perks. I find them quite useful for my style of gameplay.

    VESSEL Member Posts: 1,068

    Yeah this community is always unnecessarily aggressive, especially to the Devs.

  • NateyBoi
    NateyBoi Member Posts: 315

    Here’s my opinion on the ptb. The killer’s power is not the best. But his perks are good! The survivor’s perks are kinda bad. But his design is good! The graphics update is amazing in my opinion. All I’m dissatisfied with is the killer. Like he is rip-off version of the legion. I’ve been waiting for this update and all I get is the newest killer who is just as worse as the legion.