What are your favorite Builds for Pyramid Head?

I'm steadily leveling him and trying to think of fun ways to play him.
At the moment I'm running Barbecue and Chili, I'm All Ears, Unrelenting, and Sloppy Butcher.
Are there better ways to build him? I can usually get 2-3 kills a game depending on the survivors. And it's fun with I'm All Ears and Punishment working together in a chase.
No perk needed for a over-cheated killer.
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A Nurse's Calling - Information
Hex: Ruin - Gen Regress
Surveillance - Information
I'm All Ears/ Hex: Retribution - Information
One of the main strenghts PH have is the abbility to injure/down survivors without they even seeing you, and info perks help with that a lot.
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I use:
Infectious Fright - Info on whether i should cage and chase another or hook.
Ruin - Works for me most of the time.
Surveillance - works with Ruin.
Discordance - Because i'm running into a lot of friend teams lately, also good indicator early game.
You can also use, Thrilling, pop,bbq, deathbound,sloppy,thana , i'm all ears,
Though come next patch i will switch out discordance / surveillance with Undying for a reliable Ruin hopefully lol, depending on how i feel about the change to surveillance.
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After Ruin+Surveillance got nerfed i'll probably drop him completely.
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Ruin, Surveillance, infectious fright, 4th perk can be whatever. I haven't decided what it would be, but the new killer hex undying to help ruin not get popped within the first 30sec.
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My time has come peaseants!
So here is my main build on him, that I'm finding success with.
- Barbeque and Chili
- Infectious Fright
- Pop Goes The Weasel
- I'm All Ears
Barbeque is only here for bloodpoints, otherwise Thrilling Tremours is a viable alternative. Don't let his cages fool you, you should be doing a lot of hooking too.
Infectious Fright combos amazingly well with his caging ability, and it ensures you can go chase into chase into chase.
Pop Goes The Weasel is the best generator regression perk in the game imo.
I'm All Ears is such an amazing perk on him and with the ability to hit through walls, you should never underestimate wallhacks.
Alternatively feel free to swap out Infectious for Corrupt.
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Oh boy just wait until you meet Deathslinger, Freddy, Spirit, or a god-tier Nurse.
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Hmm...I dont have anything else to suggest perkwise other than enduring+spirit fury. It's nice to just bulldoze through pallets.
The range addons for his wave attack are very nice. Perfect for sniping through walls.
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I like using Blood Warden in the top slot, Brutal Strength in the left slot, Overcharge in the right slot and Zanshin Tactics on the bottom slot.
When the perks are arranged like that it looks like someone with a Pyramid on their head. Put it on Pyramid Head for even more Pyramid Head.
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[Insert perk you like]
The first three are always in my core ph builds because it actually suprises me how many people i hit OR downed with nurses. BBQ is for the bp and pop is a great gen regression perk.
This build is so solid you can go crazy on the last perk slot. I ussually go for overcharge for more value when i use pop. The 4 th perk slot you can bring a lot of different perks and it still works.
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Would you still take overcharge over one of these?
I'm all ears / discordance / infectious / corrupt ?
I don't prestige so id personally take off bbq, but i think my ideal build is in there somewhere.
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Not over Them but i got addicted using overcharge with pop.
Every killer i use pop i use overcharge now idk why