The Beekeeper Killer Concept

Chromeskull Member Posts: 250
edited August 2020 in Creations

The Beekeeper is a incomprehensible killer, capable of driving survivors insane and disabling cooperation at a long range. Using its power, Hive Fury, he can transform into a cloud of bees to cover more distance. His personal perks, Psychosis, Silver Venom, and Hallucinations, to trick survivors and provide navigational information in a chase.

Lore: Life was never good to Dresden Hawthorne. Born into poverty, he was sexually harassed at school and later, in work. He was humiliated, beaten, raped, and insulted every day of his school. Unloved by everyone, he formed an obsession with the lead girl, Diana Kramer. His father would beat him for his attraction, and when he finally got out of the home, his history of abuse forced him into prostitution, where he was further beaten and tortured by his superiors. Yet his obsession never ended and he stalked her, sent her flowers, yet all it did was earn him more abuse, often from her friends.

After one extremely bad day, he noticed photos in the corner of his clients apartments. Photos of paedophilia. He asked about them, too which his client, Frank Macmillan, proceeded to show them off, laughing as he did it. As he watched, Dresden, in a fit of rage lunging out at him in revenge for all those ruined children. Dresden gouged out his eye, broke his arm, pulled out his spine, and tore out his artery.

By the time other tenants had called police, the man had gone, and a manhunt was forced into place. Before he was tracked down, he chased down his obsession, and executed her, carving the alphabet into her stomach and ripping out her spine. As he was tracked down by her family, they beat him, kicked him, kicked him to death, and as he felt the pain, and he sank into the darkness, a burst of rage launched through his body, trapping him in the limbo between life and death, and making him the beekeeper. Now his chest houses a hive of bees, fueling him with life, and he was cursed, cursed to endlessly curse others with madness for all eternity. Then one day, as he stepped into the fog, which welcomed him, gave him new prey, and so he hunted.

Power: Heart of Bees

The Beekeepers main weapon is his possessed heart, and the bees that can inflict and punish those with madness and pain that live inside it. Pressing the power button launches a stream of ghostly bees that follow the crosshairs of the Beekeeper, slowly increasing in range the longer it is held down. Stinging survivors with his bees will cause them to scream every 4 seconds, and reduces speed of performing survivor actions by 30%. After hitting the same survivor with his bees for 4 seconds, they will suffer from the exposed status effect and blurs their vision. Holding down Heart of Bees can last for 45 seconds with a total recovery time of 60 seconds.

Special Ability: Hive Fury

The Beekeeper can dissolve into a cloud of fast moving bees to cover quick distance. He can move at speeds of 195% for 40 seconds in a mostly straight line, with very little movement otherwise. It can go through walls however can only go at 95% speed when going through walls and takes away 5 seconds of his max power. He can also cancel the power at any time to reserve power. This has a cooldown of 40 seconds and a use time of 2 seconds.


Psychosis: Start with one obsession. When chasing the obsession, the obsession suffers from oblivious and will start to see fake pallets in a 24/28/32 meter radius.

Silver Venom: When in a chase with a survivor, see the aura of vault areas and pallets in a 24/28/32 meter radius. This will last for 20/30/40 seconds or until the survivor becomes downed. After the time is over, it activates a 20 second cooldown.

Hallucinations: Survivors that have been hooked once before have their aura revealed whenever working on a generator or performing any cooperative move.


Broken Pencil: An old weapon of youth. Slightly increases Hive Fury cooldown time.

Scrap of Shirt: A reminder of abuse. Heart of Bees move slightly faster.


Old Cell phone: A device used to call death. Survivors hit with bees suffer from Mangled.

Crushed Rolex: A show of scavenging. Hive Fury moves considerably faster.
