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New meta perks?

Member Posts: 6,492

What do you think? I feel like after some time, the devs actually managed to create some new meta perks for the game. At least Undying seems really good.

I know some people have already said how op these perks are, but I think it needs more time to tell. As for my first impression, I don't think these perks will be op, but they might actually be some new perks we might see more often, and more meta perks is always a welcome sight in my eyes.

However, undying does bring up one issue I have had with this game for a long time: The lack of a totem counter. I think with this perk more than ever, we seriously need a totem counter, just to help out solo survivors a bit more. I don't think the perk will be op, but to make it completely fair, we need a totem counter, so that solo survivors can keep track of how many totems are left just like swf survivors.

That's just my opinion. I'm just really excited to see that we might get new perks that are actually really good, which we lacked for quite a while in my opinion. I'm honestly impressed. I just wish the survivor perks were a bit better, but they might be buffed before release.

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  • Member Posts: 1,183

    Totem counter? Maps and small game.

  • Member Posts: 2,632

    I absolutely love the level 40 survivor perk. A Ranger Med-Kit will now get three heals instead of one.

  • Member Posts: 6,492
    edited August 2020

    Those are perks or items, meanwhile swf survivors don't need perks or items for that. It's all about closing the balance gap between solo and swf survivors.

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited August 2020

    None of those perks are even remotely close to meta.

    Hex Undying completely relies on it not being the first hex cleansed, of which it would now do completely nothing. You need consistency in perks against good survivors.

    Neither of the new hex perks are worthy of being hexes imo.

  • Member Posts: 6,492

    Meh, even if it is the first perk to be cleansed, that still wastes quite a bit of time of the survivors unless they are lucky. Of course, Hex perks always rely a bit on luck, but I feel like we could be seeing Undying quite a bit in the future. Not sure about the perk that blocks all pallets within a 16 meter radius of a hit survivor, since they can easily sprint far away, but the other two perks seem like they could have quite a lot of potential.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    If all the maps were Midwhich or Lery's I'd see more merit to hex perks. However, the vast majority of the maps have god awful totem spawns where you'll be losing them in the first minute. I wouldn't call a few seconds to cleanse the totem much of a benefit for an entire perk slot. Seeing as the luck is basically determined by your random map, the odds are not in your favor.

    I do still agree that we will see the perk a lot. However that's simply because the majority of the player base is at low ranks where they don't know totem spawns or even what's going on for that matter. Every perk looks strong at that level. At high ranks we won't be seeing it though.

  • Member Posts: 6,492

    I actually believe that the totem spawns in Lerys or Midwhich are slightly too good. Don't get me wrong, I don't want totem spawns like Crotus Penn totem spawns, but in general the totem spawns have been improved a lot and are much harder to find, so at average I'd argue Undying will become very good. On maps like Hawkins, Lerys or Midwhich the perk will be particulaly strong.

  • Member Posts: 2,002

    I can definitely see Dragon Grip becoming meta. One of the biggest killer complaints I've seen on the forum for months is survivors being able to just run by a gen that was kicked, tap it and keep running. This perk is a direct counter to that and makes doing so a fatal mistake. 60 seconds of exposure and your location is revealed

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    I suppose I could agree with those map totem spawns being too good if hex totems in general were good. However, most hex perks are honestly quite bad. So I kind of see very good totem spawns as being a bandaid for bad perk design atm.

    The only hex perk that I see as being good enough to warrant being a hex is DH. Not saying the other perks shouldn't be hexes, but simply that the other hex perks should be improved to match their high risk involved.

    Other than DH most hex perks are a high risk/low-mediocre reward, when they're supposed to be high risk/high reward.

    Other than most those indoors map spawns what maps are you considering good totem spawns? I think most other maps are god awful spawns where you literally just run into the totems without even looking for them.

  • Member Posts: 1,274

    I could see Undying mostly usurping the role of both Retribution and Thrill of the Hunt. Plus it would certainly add an extra layer of safety to builds that rely very heavily on keeping one or more Hex totems up (like Devour Hope, or a Shaman Bubba). However, most Hex Perks aren't meta because they are so risky to use; it's hard to count on a perk that may randomly be deactivated within the first 30 seconds of a trial. After Undying's "new perk" phase wears off, I don't think we'll be seeing a crazy amount of it (probably will be the same as what happened with Soul Guard last chapter).

    Admittedly, Undying actually makes me a little sad though. It's nice that additional Hex protection is being added into the game, but it ultimately feels more like a perk built as an attempt to bandage the general unreliability of the Hex Perks. Personally, I was hoping that they might consider reworking Hexes to be a little less all-or-nothing in their use (with a major ability only active while the lit totem stands and a minor ability that can't be removed), which seems far less likely to happen after the introduction of Undying.

    As far as a totem counter, I'd be okay with them adding one to Small Game (it would be an excellent buff to that perk) but I DON'T want a base-game version of one. Sure, coordinated SWF teams get this feature for free. But they also get pretty much all of the other info perks (Kindred, Bond, Empathy, etc) for free as well, so I don't see why a totem counter would deserve special treatment beyond being a perk.

  • Member Posts: 6,492

    I would argue Dh and Ruin are both very good. Ruin in fact is incredibly powerful. Maybe not as good as it used to be, but really good. Admittedily, perks like Lullaby or Third Seal won't see an increase in usage, but Ruin in particular will benefit from the perk.

    Actually, I feel like every map has quite good totem spawns, when hidden well. Jungle jyms for example have a nice hiding spot for totems. In general I find the totem spawnsto be fairly good, with certain exceptions.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    Ruin is like barely passable to me. It's good, but good enough for the fact it's a hex? Not to me. Especially not with how most maps have terrible totem spawns imo.

    Yeah if it's hid super well that it lasts for minutes into a game that ends up being pretty decent, but that is just extremely rare. Most games it's gone in less than a minute. Against good survivors you need consistency, not luck. Which I would say is not in your favor based on what I said before.

    "Actually, I feel like every map has quite good totem spawns, when hidden well. Jungle jyms for example have a nice hiding spot for totems. In general I find the totem spawnsto be fairly good, with certain exceptions."

    I just disagree with this completely. I think the vast majority of maps are god awful with spawns to where if the survivors are even semi decent that totem will be gone extremely fast.

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    we need a better placement of totem for hex perk to be that good.

  • Member Posts: 6,492

    I think the only way to balance the game properly is to closen the gap between solo and swf survivors, so I think a totem counter is only fair. Not just with a perk.

    Undying makes the hex perks less risky to use, giving you a much better chance of gaining proper value of the Hex perk you are using. With something like Ruin, I think this perk will become pretty damn good. I think it's fair that they didn't just use such an idea to imrpove hex perks in general, as hex perks can have very strong effects.

  • Member Posts: 6,492

    That's a good point. Will definitely counter gen tapping.

  • Member Posts: 1,183

    It's not directly because they are swf or solo, but because they are experienced players, who know totem spots.

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