Is Rank the Only Thing that Resets on the 13th?

See topic.
Do character levels also reset? Is anything else changed besides your killer/survivor rank?
Thanks guys!
Nope, just rank. You go down to the highest number of the previous colour - ranks 1-4 (red ranks) go to rank 5, 5-8 (purple ranks) go to rank 9, 9-12 (green ranks) go to 13, and I think that 13-16 (yellow ranks) go to 17. I don't know what happens to brown ranks (17-20) on the 13th.
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Just rank resets.
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nope, just rank.
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@thetoxicteacher is your in-game name toxicteacher by any chance?
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uh oh
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Oh, nothing bad. I had a really bad string of matches against trolling survivors, and then saw your name in a lobby. Sadly, a lot of players I've encountered in DbD with "toxic" in their name go out of their way to actually play that way. So, I dodged. Did a match. Then the next match you popped in again. Said: screw it, and played it. And you were shockingly not toxic and were fun to go against. Hope to meet you in the Fog again.
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Yeah I try not to be. Bad thing is, I suck at killer. Made it to rank 16 by camping and now I can't do anything when I don't camp. I'm working on my pursuit skills but it's disheartening to be so bad at it. Watching videos and learning, though.
Got the name because I was extremely toxic in Red Dead Online. 😂
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Also, what constitutes a trolling survivor?
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Oh, these were the survivor players that knew they were beyond my weight class after the first couple of chases where I was not catching them or coming close. So, they would start running up just close enough to t-bag and point and run away, flashlight me as much as they could at pallet breaks, and just the crap some do when they know they're much better than you and need to keep rubbing it in.
It's gets annoying after a while, and I had a few matches in a row like that at Rank 15 where there was a fellow yellow rank, and then purples and reds for the rest of the team, which means likely an SWF and I was matched against their lowest rank. Which isn't supposed to happen, it's supposed to be against the highest survivor rank, but that stopped working months ago.
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Ah, I've seen that a lot, then!
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Now, don't get me wrong on the flashlight blind at the pallet break thing. If it's a normal match skill-wise, I get it. Of course, I end up catching them anyway after the blind passes, so it's usually best to just drop the pallet and make distance as much as possible.
But when there is a clear imbalance of skill levels in the match, and the obviously more skilled survivors just keep doing it every chance they get, that's just being an ass.
As far as Killer, I'm not great either. Truth is, I bought the game in 2018 but could barely play it because Killer queues were always so long. I wasn't going to sit in 10+ minute queue after 10+ minute queue to get matches to hope to eventually rank up for faster matches. Screw that. I just logged into Overwatch and had a match every 30-90 seconds.
Now with crossplay, I can get matches and finally learn. Though I have studied the game quite a bit. DbD and Overwatch are the only two games I've actually studied in my 40+ years of video gaming.
I've never played much survivor. I've played here and there in SoloQ and usually get left to die on first hook, so I stopped. I might try it again with crossplay.
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I'm with you, been gaming since Atari and haven't truly studied a game before. I've read and watched more about this than I did some of my college courses! 🤣
As for survivor, I've had better luck playing really cautious and using any perks that pop when the killer is near me or looking in my direction. I know to sneak away and hide. Usually I survive longer.
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Same. I'll be 48 on Christmas and started gaming way back when with the Atari 2600. Remember when that Pac-Man home version always faced in a single direction? Man, that was bad. But I loved me some Venture on the Colecovision. 🤣
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I'm 38 so I only remember a few Atari games, but I loved them. My favorite was when we got the Sega Master System. I played the hell out of that. You're talking about the legendarily bad Pac-Man that they couldn't pay people to buy? lol
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Yet, nothing was as mythically bad as the Atari 2600 E.T. game 😂
And thanks for making me feel old. 😪
Just kidding.
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Once we get to the point where we hate any new music or pop culture, we're all the same age. 🤣
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That is true