New Player - killer feels impossible

Im sorry but how discouraging....

I cant help but feel after a few weeks that a killer has next to no chance against most groups of survivors. It seems like a few minutes in and multiple generators are down, it takes way too long getting past a pallet, and no matter what they are always looping you. Without a bit of dumb luck its just awful.

I want to like this game because its so original but man its so discouraging. And the taunting that they always do once the exit lucky if I even kill one survivor.

Im sure ill get flamed at how bad i am. But thats just a new players experience.


  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    It varies on many diffrent things map perks the killer you play the time you play them surivor perks knowing what is a good chase to take and whats a bad one to take gate placement and how to play a basic killer to the best way possible

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    And a quite a bit of luck

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    And check the shrine on Tuesdays for new perks

  • Jimmy
    Jimmy Member Posts: 5

    Ill try all of the above guys thanks.

    so far the hillbilly seems to work best for me. His perk that alerts you when a gen is at 70% combined with chainsaw dash to get around is about all that works for me.

    I want to like the slinger...but on a switch combined with crossplay...nope.

    Nurse I just cant get into her aesthetics and character.

    I love the trapper but man hes a nope...

    Executioner is decent.

    But in reality im awful with all of them.

  • Momentosis
    Momentosis Member Posts: 824

    You're in the wrong thread.

    OP yeah, Killer ######### sucks. People will say "just keep grinding" but grinding ######### sucks. People will say "these rank 1s kicking your noob ass will make you better" but you don't learn ######### from being looped to hell in a 3 minute game. Also you need good perks! But most of the good Killer perks are locked away behind DLC. It's rough.

    The game needs proper matchmaking. It seems the devs have ######### failed at that since launch we've seen with the recent MMR failure and the current rank matchmaking that doesn't work most of the time.

    We just gotta hope the devs will fix all the ######### that's been broken forever.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Something I suggest to new players, if you can buy plague or clown, both can be free with play time but if you want them faster just buy them, get plague to lvl 30 for corrupt intervension, it will block the farthest gens from you, or level up clown to 40 and get pop goes the weasel which after hooking, if you kick a gen it will go down 25%, which is 20 seconds of progress.

    You need time, don't feel bad for losing keep on playing and you will get better with time.

    If you don't have any dlc at all, use the free killers which should be trapper, wraith, billy, nurse and huntress.

    Play both sides, survivor and killer to see what you can do to play against them.

    This game is very hard for new players which shouldn't be like that.

  • HittingOnHook
    HittingOnHook Member Posts: 486

    new killer seems developed by working-from-home interns while devs were in vacation, so lack of inspiration and ideas !!

    poor killer design, tons of bugs, ridiculous condition to splash in the walls like the "Slimmer" from the ghost busters:

  • GhostFace_Killer
    GhostFace_Killer Member Posts: 55

    i main ghost face because i like sneaking around, and he has some cool perks.

    But Legion can enter a rage mode and hop over pallets, you might want to give them a try

  • goldentattoo
    goldentattoo Member Posts: 12

    I'm new as a killer too. I find the Trapper and Michael Myers to be the easiest to play. I think any killer with an extra power (like the Nurse's blink or Billy's chainsaw) takes more time to learn. I say stick to the basics while you get the hang of it. Matchmaking is a mess, at least for me, so you won't win every game regardless of how good you are. Treat those games as a learning experience.

    Sometimes it helps to watch other people play and see if their strategies work for you. If you don't have many perks as a killer, save up bloodpoints as a survivor and spend them on killer perks. Break gens when you're not in a chase, stick to one suvivor if you come across the whole group at once, listen to injuried cries and look for blood trails. Think about how you'd evade the killer if you were a survivor. Try to anticipate what they'll do.

    If you still find it discouraging, it's alright to stick to survivor. There's no reason to play as a killer if it's not enjoyable. ❤️

  • tortrader
    tortrader Member Posts: 539

    The best YouTube/Twitch killer to watch is Otz. He does a good job explaining how and why he does actions during good matches.