As a red rank killer and survivor

My opinion is valid. I'm * R E D * rank guys. Not purple, not green nor yellow.
Well, I have 3,327,473 hours, I'm god you puny peasant
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Bro this post is funny af but the forums weren't created for venting. Accept the fact that people who play dead by daylight are usually really stupid. Post like these make other posts further down in the discussion page.
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Red rank survivor takes no effort.
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Same as killer
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survivors have full control over making you pip or not just by dcing lmao
nice bait
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So do killers
nice follow up bait
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considering the killer facecamps, he can make one survivor depip while depipping himself
if the killer tunnels without facecamping, ds guarentees atleast a blackpip for survivors
try harder
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We are talking about dcing
not tunneling or camping
stay on topic
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Read above l forgot to quote
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Care to elaborate or is that all you have?
explain how either side dcing didn’t impact the other sides ability to pip?
take your thick killer goggles off dude and you might actually be able to see.
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lmao your opinion is nottin I 4k every match at rank 1 with clown no perks no addons no matter what git gud ez