The Speed Limiter (How I Think it Should be Buffed)

MumboJumbo Member Posts: 16
edited June 2018 in General Discussions

The Leatherface and Hillbilly have the add-on "Speed Limiter" that desperately needs a buff. After using it myself, I'm fine with not downing survivors because it is still very easy to work around that, but the fact is that it's only upside (which is to give 25% more blood points for chainsaw hit score events) is very bad. This add-on gets rid of these killer's power in exchange for more blood points for the hit score event. I feel that a good way to buff this will be to replace it with a stackable blood point bonus like Barbecue & Chili. You could replace the hit score event with a 10-15% stackable blood point bonus for each hit. You may increase or decrease this amount but I feel that 10-15% is good enough so it may not make it too easy to get blood points. As for the people who view this, comment what you think the change should be.


  • Taconter
    Taconter Member Posts: 25

    make it rev up faster
    since it gets to top speed faster
    cause logic amirite

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    Could do.
    Tho it would need a stack limit, obviously.

  • MumboJumbo
    MumboJumbo Member Posts: 16

    Yeah, they could put the limit from 50-100%. Though it would be pretty easy to get that with Leatherface, you can run "Award-Winning Chili" because when you hit the survivors they are the speed you because of the extreme acceleration. It is really easy to hit them twice with Leatherface, but it is extremely bad on Hillbilly.

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    @MumboJumbo said:
    Yeah, they could put the limit from 50-100%. Though it would be pretty easy to get that with Leatherface, you can run "Award-Winning Chili" because when you hit the survivors they are the speed you because of the extreme acceleration. It is really easy to hit them twice with Leatherface, but it is extremely bad on Hillbilly.

    I feel like it should also have another benefit than simply BP.
    Maybe giving more control over Billy chainsaw, and no slowdown (115%) or a lower slowdown (105%?) upon revving the chainsaw as LF.
    That could prove interesting.