Boil Over Perk

I feel like Boil Over definitely needs a buff, I have boil to the highest you can have it yet I can still never get out of a struggle. I also don’t get why there has to be sooooo many hooks like there’s only 4 of us why does the killer need 20 hooks? and the fact that even if u try to sabotage them after a minute or so they automatically fix themselves like what the hell is the point in sabotaging if it just comes right back?? there’s too many hooks and there’s too many hooks so close to each other. I either want Boil Over to be buffed, or for them to not have as many hooks or at least spread them out. It should also be that if someone gets you off one hook the killer can’t put u back on that same hook because that’s just not right someone’s gets u down and the killer runs over knocks you down and they don’t even have to travel cause you’re right by that hook and then it’s just an automatic death. btw this is only for survivor mains I don’t want anyone’s who plays as killer mainly respond to this cause you guys just love this happening and y’all obviously don’t want it to end so jus don’t comment 


  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    Well you didn't want killers to respond to your thread because supposedly we love getting free hooks so instead of talking about boil over I will talk about 'unrelenting'.

    Unrelenting is a ######### perk. Why?

    It reduces our missed attacks by %40. Okay but why the hell would I want to use that perk since I don't miss my targets? Should they buff it?

    No. The reason for that is that the perk is not for high ranks. You can use unrelenting at low ranks when you are still trying to get good at killers. For example, when I started to play killer, I was always using deerstalker not because I was slugging but because sometimes I was just losing the damn survivor in the grass.

    Boil over is that kind of perk. It will come in handy in low ranks against bad killers. In other places like Lery's or when the killer tries to take you to the shack, that perk is actually useful.

    It is a noob friendly perk. I don't expect devs to buff it just like unrelenting.

  • Michiko
    Michiko Member Posts: 623
    The wiggle meter itself I feel should be removed. But thats just my opinion. It slightly bothers me that theres a meter there taunting "you can escape just keep filling me" then 10% of the way you're getting a shoulder piercing. But eh, whatever. I guess it helps when other survivors body block which is very rare from my experience on this game.
  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192

    @Michiko said:
    The wiggle meter itself I feel should be removed. But thats just my opinion. It slightly bothers me that theres a meter there taunting "you can escape just keep filling me" then 10% of the way you're getting a shoulder piercing. But eh, whatever. I guess it helps when other survivors body block which is very rare from my experience on this game.

    Ahhhh the wiggle meter, the proverbial carrot on a stick that never delivers. So man times i've been a gnats hair away from getting it all the way filled and boom, I'm swinging meat. I suppose its useful for tension, though body blocking makes me laugh, could you imagine the real myers with 3 people swarming at his feet?

    I can't say i'd be sorry if it disappeared.

    As for getting put up on the same hook, I place my blame the people who pull me down when the killers in range, because its always going to be a risk, and it grinds my gears when people do it. Wait for the killer to bugger off or go do gens if hes camping.

    I do agree there seems to be an issue with hooks spawning close together, but don't feel they should reduce the amount.

  • Michiko
    Michiko Member Posts: 623

    @Michiko said:
    The wiggle meter itself I feel should be removed. But thats just my opinion. It slightly bothers me that theres a meter there taunting "you can escape just keep filling me" then 10% of the way you're getting a shoulder piercing. But eh, whatever. I guess it helps when other survivors body block which is very rare from my experience on this game.

    Ahhhh the wiggle meter, the proverbial carrot on a stick that never delivers. So man times i've been a gnats hair away from getting it all the way filled and boom, I'm swinging meat. I suppose its useful for tension, though body blocking makes me laugh, could you imagine the real myers with 3 people swarming at his feet?

    I can't say i'd be sorry if it disappeared.

    As for getting put up on the same hook, I place my blame the people who pull me down when the killers in range, because its always going to be a risk, and it grinds my gears when people do it. Wait for the killer to bugger off or go do gens if hes camping.

    I do agree there seems to be an issue with hooks spawning close together, but don't feel they should reduce the amount.

    Lol "swinging meat"
    But yes, if I had a nickel for everytime i've practically escaped a killers grasp, I'd be Paris Hilton. I absolutely hate when people unhook me as the killer is walking away but still right around the corner; its satisfying when they do it but the killer doesn't tunnel you, they go after them when they do it. It was rumored on forums they may add a feature where you can kick a teammate away from you while you're hooked just to avoid being tunneled considering most teammates do it to be selfish and gain points for their own good but idk how legit that is. 
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    I agree. Boil over needs a buff. It should have a higher range and affect the killers movement more.
  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893
    Tsulan said:
    I agree. Boil over needs a buff. It should have a higher range and affect the killers movement more.
  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,519

    @thekatedenson said:
    btw this is only for survivor mains I don’t want anyone’s who plays as killer mainly respond to this cause you guys just love this happening and y’all obviously don’t want it to end so jus don’t comment 

    This is a general subforum where everyone is. People are free to disagree with you if they want.

    I actually think Boil Over is just fine. The problem I have, like you mentioned, is that the hook spawning can be totally bonkers sometimes. I've seen plenty of times where three hooks spawn in a 16m range of one another, and other times where there's only three hooks on an entire half of the map. If they were a little more evenly spread out, I could see Boil Over being very useful. If the killer doesn't see the nearest hook, they'd actually have to take you a reasonable distance away to get to the next one, potentially allowing you to wiggle out (along with making them bump into stuff, slowing them down).

    Sabotaging currently has the same issue. Someone can spend the time to prime a hook, get in position, and then swoop in to save the day, only to realize that there's another hook right on the other side of that wall half a tile away.

    Evening out the hook distribution would also be beneficial to killers, ensure that there aren't massive dead zones in the map where you can't possibly get someone to a hook in time. It can get really bad once one or two people are sacrificed, since those hooks will not respawn.

    If anything, I would just remove the range and instead make it hide the hook closest to you. But I don't think it needs any huge changes. Once the killer downs you, I don't think they should have to struggle just to hook you.

  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051

    Survivor mains club. heh

    Boil Over is pointless as it stands. I can't even tell if it works against Rank 20 killers, and the fact that the debuff is instantly shown makes it impossible to catch anyone off guard.

    I don't think they should reduce hooks, but they definitely need to look at hooks so close to each other that survivors can stare at each other on the hook.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Survivor mains club. heh

    Boil Over is pointless as it stands. I can't even tell if it works against Rank 20 killers, and the fact that the debuff is instantly shown makes it impossible to catch anyone off guard.

    I don't think they should reduce hooks, but they definitely need to look at hooks so close to each other that survivors can stare at each other on the hook.

    I'm part of the exclusive survivor main club?! 
  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051

    @Tsulan said:
    Visionmaker said:

    Survivor mains club. heh

    Boil Over is pointless as it stands. I can't even tell if it works against Rank 20 killers, and the fact that the debuff is instantly shown makes it impossible to catch anyone off guard.

    I don't think they should reduce hooks, but they definitely need to look at hooks so close to each other that survivors can stare at each other on the hook.

    I'm part of the exclusive survivor main club?! 

    Here's your complimentary purple flashlight and instant-D/C killswitch.


  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @Tsulan said:
    Visionmaker said:

    Survivor mains club. heh

    Boil Over is pointless as it stands. I can't even tell if it works against Rank 20 killers, and the fact that the debuff is instantly shown makes it impossible to catch anyone off guard.

    I don't think they should reduce hooks, but they definitely need to look at hooks so close to each other that survivors can stare at each other on the hook.

    I'm part of the exclusive survivor main club?! 

    Here's your complimentary purple flashlight and instant-D/C killswitch.


    You forgot my ninja suit. :(

    Debuffs shouldn't be shown to the affected players anyway. Leave killers and survivors guessing if they are affected by a hostile perk.
  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051

    @Tsulan said:
    Visionmaker said:

    @Tsulan said:

    Visionmaker said:

    Survivor mains club. heh
    Boil Over is pointless as it stands. I can't even tell if it works against Rank 20 killers, and the fact that the debuff is instantly shown makes it impossible to catch anyone off guard.
    I don't think they should reduce hooks, but they definitely need to look at hooks so close to each other that survivors can stare at each other on the hook.
    I'm part of the exclusive survivor main club?! 


    Here's your complimentary purple flashlight and instant-D/C killswitch.


    You forgot my ninja suit. :(

    Debuffs shouldn't be shown to the affected players anyway. Leave killers and survivors guessing if they are affected by a hostile perk.

    I agree. There are enough notifiers as it is. I think it'd be fine if they all went away after Rank 15, except for NOED.