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Bugged rock near blood lodge

treefitty Member Posts: 22

I was walking around this rock formation near the blood lodge and I became stuck. I couldn't move out of the spot. No crouching or running helped. The only way I got unstuck was when the killer hit me.

3 votes

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  • EliskaMM
    EliskaMM Member Posts: 146
    edited August 2020

    I have more pics regarding to the bug. Happened to us as well, my friend was able to heal me, but I got stuck as well... Even the hit from the killer didn't help to my friend, it unbuged me, but then after second hit I got stuck again, didn't even have the recover bar visible, then somehow my friend moved and kinda kicked me out of the spot, so I could recover, but was bugged half way to the ground. Luckily the killer could grab us so we could finish the game. (PC).

  • Proxi
    Proxi Member Posts: 62

    Yup happened to me too.. Also happened to a teammate just the game before.. pls fix fast

  • Maxii
    Maxii Member Posts: 1

    It happend to me 3 times already. I don't have a picture rn but it didn't just happen on one map, but multiple ones.